Ash's Greninja

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Ash's Froakie
サトシのケロマツ Satoshi's Keromatsu
Bag Poké Ball SV Sprite.png
Ash Froakie.png
Ash's Froakie
Debuts in Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!
Caught in Lumiose City Pursuit!
Caught at Lumiose City
Gender Unknown*
Ability Unknown
Current location With Ash
This Pokémon has not evolved.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Froakie Yūji Ueda Billy Bob Thompson

Ash's Froakie (Japanese: サトシのケロマツ Satoshi's Keromatsu) is the first Pokémon that Ash obtained in the Kalos region.


As a Pokémon available for use at Professor Sycamore's lab

Froakie's previous Trainers

Froakie originally belonged to Professor Sycamore, as one of the three starter Pokémon a new Pokémon Trainer could choose. It first saw Ash when he fell down from the Prism Tower in Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!. It continued to observe the gang until Team Rocket intervened in Ash and Clemont's friendly Pokémon battle. It volunteered to help out by successfully using his Frubbles to counter Jessie's Wobbuffet, but ended up receiving quite a bit of damage during the encounter. Ash then decided to take him to Professor Sycamore's lab, where it was treated and restored to full health. Upon asking about his Trainer, the professor told Ash that his Trainer had called to give Froakie back. He revealed that Froakie had gone through several Trainers, but came back either from leaving them or being returned for being disobedient.

Froakie covered in a hood of bubbles

Later on, Team Rocket attempted to use a ring-type device against Froakie, but the lab's Garchomp got caught in the middle instead, causing her to go on a rampage after the machine malfunctioned. Ash, along with his Pikachu and newly befriended Froakie, headed out to rescue Garchomp. In order to prevent her from falling down the Prism Tower, Froakie used its Frubbles on Garchomp's feet and Pikachu broke the device using Iron Tail.

While leaving Professor Sycamore's laboratory the next day, Froakie threw a chunk of its Frubbles in Ash's face in order to get his attention. It was standing alongside a Poké Ball on the floor in front of it, expressing its desire to join his party. Froakie then happily pressed the Poké Ball's button and was captured.

With Ash

In A Battle of Aerial Mobility!, Froakie was introduced to Professor Oak, who was fascinated by the Bubble Frog Pokémon. For most of the trip on Route 4, Froakie was seen outside of its Poké Ball. After a wild Fletchling took a Berry that Bonnie was going to give to a Dedenne, Froakie stubbornly attempted to fight Fletchling, only to lose. After Ash learned that it was only trying to get payback at Fletchling for making Bonnie sad, Ash and Froakie challenged Fletchling to one final battle, by climbing the rocks to match Fletchling's speed, although it escaped from Ash's Poké Ball once, it lated defeated it, which ended in both its defeat and capture.

In Battling on Thin Ice!, Froakie helped train Pikachu and Fletchling for a rematch against Viola. It used its Frubbles for Pikachu and Fletchling to dodge.

In Clemont's Got a Secret!, it was used by Ash while he, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie infiltrated the Lumiose City Gym in order to take it back from Clembot. It used its Frubbles to incapacitate a Magnemite and a Magneton belonging to Clemont, which were assigned to guard the Gym by Clembot.

Froakie admiring Ash's willingness to help it

In Kindergarten Chaos!, Froakie battled Penelope's Sylveon but lost due to it being infatuated by Sylveon's Attract. Froakie was embarrassed for a while afterwards but it helped defeat Team Rocket and earned the trust of Randall in the process.

In A Rush of Ninja Wisdom, Froakie battled Sanpei's Frogadier and was easily defeated by its evolved form's powerful Quick Attack. This caused Ash to want to teach Froakie Quick Attack with help of Sanpei. After lots of training Froakie still wasn't able to perfect Quick Attack. Suddenly Team Rocket attacked the group and caught Pikachu and Frogadier. Thanks to its training, Froakie managed to learn Double Team and used it to free Pikachu and Frogadier and blasted them off along with Frogadier using a double Water Pulse.

Froakie made its Gym battle debut in Climbing the Walls!, where it took on Grant's Onix. Froakie started with Water Pulse and was met with Onix's Flash Cannon. Onix then used Rock Polish to raise its speed but Froakie was able to use its speed and Double Team to confuse Onix. Froakie used its supreme ability of climbing to get up Onix's Rock Tomb, which allowed Froakie to hit with Water Pulse. It then barely managed to dodge Iron Tail and proceeded to climb onto Onix's face. Froakie was then able to fire a point blank Water Pulse to finish it off. Froakie then went up against Tyrunt. Tyrunt used Rock Tomb and Froakie once again used the rocks to its advantage to get above its opponent. It managed to hit with Bubble but Grant expected Froakie to climb the Rock Tomb again and used the chance for Tyrunt to use Draco Meteor, which knocked Froakie out.

In The Forest Champion!, Froakie was used to battle a wild Hawlucha Ash had befriended when he did not want to use Pikachu. Due to Hawlucha's aerial mobility and speed it easily dodged Froakie's Water Pulse, but Froakie then used Double Team to counter Hawlucha's High Jump Kick causing it to miss and cause Hawlucha recoil damage. Fraokie then climbed rocks in an attempt to match Hawlucha's aerial speed but failed, this caused Froakie to fall in the water. Afterwards it used a Double Team - Pound combination in an attempt to hit Hawlucha, but Hawlucha used its speed and climbed up the tree and dodged the attacks, after landing on the ground, Hawlucha used Flying Press, which Froakie countered with Pound at the last minute causing a collision which knocked out both Pokémon. This ended the battle in a draw. Later Froakie was seen when Ash captured Hawlucha.

In XY038, Froakie learns cut while training and Ash and Clemont decide to have a battle. But Clemont choses that it should be a double battle so it will be Froakie and Hawlucha against Chespin and Bunnelby . But then Ash commands Hawlucha to use Karate Chop to counter Bunnelby's Mud Shot and Froakie uses Water Pulse on Bunnelby. Hawlucha gets a little bit angry and later in the battle Froakie lets Chespin's Pin Missle hit Bunnelby , who faints. Then Hawlucha attacks Froakie and he defends himself. Ash tells them to stop and later they have special training to learn a new special duo move wich Ash invented and then Ash gets hit by an attack from a wild Trevenant. Froakie and Hawluch follow Ash and get trapped, seperating them from the group and Pikachu . They find Ash's hat and Froakie gives it to Hawlucha. They later find out that Trevenant was only looking for help because his friends got trapped by Team Rocket. Ash and the group find each other and Froakíe and Hawlucha battle Team Rocket with their special move and Team Rocket blasts of again. Froakie and Hawlucha become friends!

Personality and characteristics

Froakie is a stubborn, picky Pokémon, displayed by the fact that it had several other Trainers that it refused to listen to, either forcing them to return it to Professor Sycamore or abandoning them and returning to the lab itself. It is also extremely similar to Ash personality wise, as it is not afraid to leap into danger regardless of its own safety and doesn't back down from a fight. It is clear that it recognizes these traits in Ash, hence why it was finally willing to accept being taken into Ash's wing. It also has a sense of honor, as demonstrated when it attacked Fletchling just because it made Bonnie cry. In The Bamboozling Forest!, it is shown to have a good judgment of character, as it became suspicious of Meowth when he pretended to side with it, Pikachu, and Chespin under a temporary truce. Froakie is prone to blushing when praised, as shown when being thanked by Bonnie in A Battle of Aerial Mobility! and Fennekin in The Bamboozling Forest!.

Moves used

Ash Froakie Bubble.png
Using Bubble
Move First Used In
Water Pulse  Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!
Bubble  A Battle of Aerial Mobility!
Pound An Appetite for Battle!
Double Team  A Rush of Ninja Wisdom!
Cut  XY038
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.
Moves improvised
Froakie using Frubbles
  • Frubble (Japanese: ケロムース Keromousse) — a physical characteristic of Froakie. It reaches into the bubbles on its neck, pulling out handfuls of bubbles and throwing them at its opponents much like an actual attack. This is used usually to subdue the opponent allowing for Froakie to strike while they are distracted. It can also be used as a kind of adhesive or as a cleaning agent (as in The Bamboozling Forest!), and Froakie can also use the frubbles to make a copy of itself (as in A Battle of Aerial Mobility!).
  • Rock Tomb Climb (Japanese: がんせきふうじふうじ Rock Trap Trap) — for his Cyllage Gym battle against Grant, Ash knew Froakie would be going up against the Gym Leader's Onix and its powerful Rock Tomb. To that end, Ash taught Froakie how to jump on the projectiles for momentum and use them to get close to Onix for powerful hits. Ash dubbed this technique 'Rock Tomb Climb'.
  • Super Flying Cut (Japanese: スーパーフライングいあいきり Super Flying Cut) — When Froakie and Hawlucha were not getting along in XY038, Ash came up with an idea where Froakie and Hawlucha could work together to make a powerful move. Froakie gets onto Hawlucha's back, and Hawlucha starts flying. Froakie would jump off of Hawlucha, and use Cut on the target. Then Hawlucha would come down and hit the same target, resulting in major damage. This was mastered during the battle with Team Rocket, resulting in their defeat.

In the manga

In the movie adaptations

Froakie appeared in the manga adaptation of the 17th movie.


  • With Froakie, this is the first time that Ash captures a starter Pokémon as his first Pokémon in a region.
    • Froakie is also Ash's first regional capture that is not a Normal/Flying dual-type since Heracross, as well as the first one that is incapable of flying.
  • Froakie is Ash's first Pokémon to be owned by more than one Trainer before him.
  • In the dub of Kindergarten Chaos!, it was implied by Ash that Froakie is male, by calling it a "he".

Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Froakie.

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