
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 23:18, 17 May 2020 by Rustle (talk | contribs) (Links)

GMT This user uses Greenwich Mean Time, which is UTC+0.
BST During the Northern Hemisphere summer, daylight saving time is in effect, which is UTC+1.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
This user can be pretty terrible at spelling - sorry!

Pokémon Cards
This user collects Pokémon cards.
This user wants to catch 'em all!

Pokémon Games
This user plays on Game Boy Color:
This user plays on Virtual Console:
This user is a player of Pokémon Yellow Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon Crystal Version.

This user plays on 3DS:
This user is a player of Pokémon Alpha Sapphire.
This user is a player of Pokémon Moon.

This user plays on Switch:
This user is a player of Pokémon Shield.

This user's 3DS friend code is 2853-0713-3613.
This user's Switch friend code is

Pokémon IRL
This user went to Pokémon Center London and spent too much!



  • Pokémon Center (store)
    Currently researching the history of the stores and linking up the various promo cards and event Pokémon dotted around the site. I also want to add more information about the different online stores around the world.

I'm trying to catch 'em all...

Some of my favourites:

I've spent far too much time and money on these things >_<'