Talk:Brock's Vulpix

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Revision as of 18:42, 9 October 2007 by J-J-M (talk | contribs) (Talk:Susie's Vulpix moved to Talk:Brock's Vulpix over redirect)

Latest comment: 9 October 2007 by PAK Man

So it's Sabrina's Haunter... since it was originally (and as Brock says, always) Suzie's... I'm moving it. TTEchidna 09:02, 9 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

My main complaint is that a move on a complicated issue seems to be turning into mass moves for consistency. Having this under Brock's name is actually the same reasoning for Beedrill being under Casey's name in the first place: Vulpix spent the majority of its time on the show as Brock's. It was officially a member of Brock's team for 3 years (141 episodes) with Susie only turning up at the beginning and end. This is also a complicated issue, sure, but that's why we need to go on more than precedent for it. --FabuVinny T-C-S 10:14, 9 October 2007 (UTC)Reply
No, just leave it as Brock's. Yes, he did say that it was always hers, but Susie, had she not appeared in Johto, would otherwise have been written off as a character of the day. If we move this article, then we have to move Jessie's Lickitung to Benny's Lickitung (which somebody actually tried to do), Ash's Primeape to Anthony's Primape, and so on. The move to Sabrina's Haunter I can understand, because it only appeared once and has never been alluded to again, and it wasn't even technically Ash's to begin with. But I am completely against this move, because as of now, this is a huge inconsistency. --PAK Man Talk 15:16, 9 October 2007 (UTC)Reply