
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 07:01, 4 June 2019 by BulbaBot (talk | contribs) (Bot: Adding es:PMS415)
Double Trouble with Dialga and Palkia V/VS Dialga and Palkia V
VS ディアルガ&パルキアV
VS Dialga & Palkia V

Double Trouble with Dialga and Palkia V/VS Dialga and Palkia V or Perfection and Imperfection (Japanese: VS ディアルガ&パルキアV VS Dialga & Palkia V or 完全と不完全 Perfection and Imperfection) is the 415th round of the Pokémon Adventures manga.


This plot summary is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this plot summary to add missing sections and complete it.

Major events

For a list of all major events in the Pokémon Adventures manga, please see the history page.
201 Spoilers end here. 201


Pokémon debuts




In other languages

This article is part of Project Manga, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each series of Pokémon manga.