Palace of Victory

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Palace of Victory
ウィナーズパレス Winners' Palace

Palace of Victory
Region Orange Islands
Debut Hello, Pummelo!

The Palace of Victory (Japanese: ウィナーズパレス Winners' Palace) is a large building where Pokémon Trainers who have defeated the Orange Crew Supreme Gym Leader in a Full Battle are honored. Its less formal title is the Orange League Hall of Fame. It is located on Pummelo Island, next to Pummelo Stadium.

Since the establishment of the Winner's Trophy, photos of the Trainers who have been victorious in the Orange League accompanied by their Pokémon are kept inside the building. There are also displays showing the handprints or footprints of the Trainers and their Pokémon. Lining the halls of the palace are statues of Dragonite, the guardian of the island.

Ash, Misty, and Tracey visited the Palace of Victory in Hello, Pummelo!. In the following episode, Ash was officially inducted there after defeating Drake.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 勝利者皇宮 Singleihjé Wòhnggūng *
Mandarin 勝利者皇宮 / 胜利者皇宫 Shènglìzhě Huánggōng *
勝利宮殿 Shènglì Gōngdiàn *
优胜者杯大赛赛场 Yōushèngzhěbēi Dàsài Sàichǎng *
French Palais Victoire
German Siegeshalle
Italian Palazzo della Vittoria
Polish Pałac Zwycięstwa
Portuguese Palácio da Vitória
Spanish Palacio de la Victoria

The Pokémon League
TrainerBattleGym Leaders
Championship matches
Elite FourOrange League
Champion League
Pokémon League Conferences
IndigoSilverEver GrandeLily of the Valley
Regional Pokémon Leagues
Unova (BB) • KalosAlolaGalarPaldea
Areas of jurisdiction
Pokémon League Reception GateHall of Fame
Palace of VictoryCerulean CaveArea Zero
Admissions ExamPokémon Association
PIAWorld Coronation Series
(Masters Eight Tournament)

Orange Islands
Inhabited islands
AscorbiaButwalGoldenHamlinKinnowKumquatMandarin N.
Mandarin S.MikanMoroMurcottNavelPummeloShamouti
Deserted islands
CleopatraFairchildFireFukuhara No. 4
Unnamed islands
Unnamed island (EP092)Unnamed island (EP098)
Unnamed island (EP110)Unnamed island (PK04)
Ghost shipPalace of VictoryPokémon ShowboatPummelo Stadium

This article is part of both Project Anime and Project Locations, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on locations exclusive to the anime.