Pokémon Box (GO)

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The storage system in Pokémon GO

The Pokémon Box is the storage system in Pokémon GO that stores the player's Pokémon. While initially only holding 250 Pokémon, the player can purchase upgrades in the Shop using PokéCoins.


Tapping on a Pokémon opens its profile screen.

The player can long press on a Pokémon to activate a multi-select mode where they tag or transfer multiple Pokémon at once. This feature was added in version 0.49.1 (labeled 1.19.1 in the iOS App Store), which was released on December 8, 2016, initially only supporting batch transfers of Pokémon.

Storage capacity

The Pokémon Box can initially hold 250 Pokémon. Pokémon Storage Upgrades can be purchased in the Shop for PokéCoin.png200 each, with each upgrade expanding the capacity by 50 Pokémon.

The current maximum upgradeable capacity is 8,300 Pokémon, equal to 161 storage upgrades, requiring a spending of PokéCoin.png32,200. This limit has been increased over time.

Start date Max. capacity
July 10, 2024 8,300
February 15, 2024 7,800
December 8, 2023 7,300
August 1, 2023 6,800
December 14, 2022 6,200
June 4, 2022 6,000
December 15, 2021 5,500
November 15, 2021 5,000
June 4, 2021 4,500
December 1, 2020 4,000
July 23, 2020 3,500
November 22, 2019 3,000
July 29, 2019 2,500
November 21, 2018 2,000
December 8, 2017 1,500
Initial release 1,000

Egg inventory

The player can hold up to 12 Pokémon Eggs in their Egg inventory at a time—9 in regular slots and 3 in Bonus Storage slots. There is no way to increase the number of Eggs that can be held at once.

If the player's standard Egg storage is full and they have space in their Bonus Storage, Eggs obtained in certain ways will be placed in the Bonus Storage instead. Specifically, Strange Eggs obtained after defeating a Team GO Rocket Leader and all Eggs from Weekly Adventure Sync Rewards. Eggs obtained in other ways cannot be placed in Bonus Storage. It is not possible to move Eggs between regular and Bonus Storage.


The Pokémon Box screen allows the player to sort Pokémon, in ascending or descending order, by the following criteria:

  • Most recently acquired
  • Designated favorites
  • Pokédex number
  • Proportion of remaining HP
  • Name
  • Combat Power (CP).

In the case of a tie on the sorting criteria (such as multiple favorite Pokémon or Pokémon with full HP), the tied Pokémon are sorted by Combat Power in descending order.

When sorting by Pokédex number, Pokémon are also sorted by form, with each unique form or costume being grouped together.


The Pokémon storage screen also allows the player to search Pokémon by name or species; the search results will return any Pokémon whose species name or nickname begins with the searched string. The search bar also supports key terms that are not searched as literal strings, with these first being supported in version 0.67.1 (labeled 1.37.1 in the iOS App Store), released on June 20, 2017.[1]

Recommended searches

The game provides several recommended searches, that allow the player to apply a specific filter with a single tap. Recommended searches display as a large icon, a text description of the search, and the number of results that search will return.

Recommended searches are displayed when opening the search bar. If any text is modified in the search bar, the recommended searches are hidden in order to show search results, unless the search bar is blank after modifying its content.

Recommended searches are split across two pages. The second page can be navigated to by tapping "See More", and the first page can be returned to by tapping "See Less". The first page comprises a small number of predefined searches; the second page has the player's four most recent searches at the top, and large list of predefined searches below them, grouped into several categories.

Recommended searches (except "Recent Searches") can be combined with text searches, as well as other recommended searches. Applying a recommended search (except "Recent Searches") adds the recommended search to a list of applied recommended searches at the bottom of the search bar. The search is conducted as an intersection of the text search and all recommended searches (i.e. recommended searches are added as AND conditions relative to the text search).

When performing a search involving a recommended search, the text equivalent of that search is added to recent searches. For example, if the player applies the recommended searches Shiny and Legendary and the text search is cp1500-, the search shiny&legendary&cp1500- is added to the list of recent searches. Applying a recent search replaces the text content of the search bar with the content of the recent search.

Search queries

All of the following searches are case insensitive. The keywords listed below are the keywords used if the game is set to English; if the game is set to a different language, the keywords are based on that language.

  • All terms with {numeric} can accept either a single non-negative integer value or a range of non-negative integers, used as follows
    • cp1500 returns all Pokémon whose CP is exactly at 1500
    • cp-1500 returns all Pokémon whose CP is at 1500 or lower
    • cp1500- returns all Pokémon whose CP is at 1500 or higher
    • cp1500-2500 returns all Pokémon whose CP is inclusively between 1500 and 2500
  • {type} can be any of the 18 types
  • {name} is any player-inputted value that may be searched.
    • If the input string is a search keyword, then its function as a keyword takes priority. For example, if a Bulbasaur has a nickname "Dragon", searching dragon will not return this Bulbasaur.

Logical operators

Logical operators allow for more complex, combined queries. Operators are evaluated in the order they are listed below.

Given this order, !dragon&@ice,@fairy would return all non-Dragon-type Pokémon that know either an Ice-type or a Fairy-type move.

Term Definition Examples
! Complement
Logical "NOT"
!water returns all Pokémon that are not Water-type
Union of conditions
Logical "OR"
fire,evolve returns all Pokémon that are Fire-type or can evolve
Intersection of conditions
Logical "AND"
shiny&swinub returns all Shiny Swinub


Term Searches for Examples
{name} Pokémon whose species name or nickname begins with the {name}, or has a tag name that matches it exactly.
+{name} Pokémon whose species name or nickname begins with the {name}, along with any members of its evolutionary line. (Tag names are not searched here.) +Rattata returns all instances of Rattata and Raticate
{type} Pokémon with a matching type
{numeric} Pokémon whose Pokédex number matches the searched number or range 3 returns all Venusaur
1-151 returns all Kanto Pokémon
distance{numeric} Pokémon obtained from a certain distance (in km) from the player's current location. For hatched Pokémon, this distance is based on where the Egg was originally obtained. distance100- returns all Pokémon obtained at least 100 km away from the player's current location.
age{numeric} Pokémon based on how many days ago since they were caught. A Pokémon's age increments every 24 hours since it was obtained. age0 returns all Pokémon caught today (less than 24 hours ago)
age365- returns all Pokémon caught at least a year ago
year{numeric} Pokémon caught in a certain calendar year. The numeric can be either a 2-digit or 4-digit year. year2019-20 returns Pokémon caught in 2019 to 2020
buddy{numeric} Pokémon based on their Buddy levels as a numeric value:
  • 0 — Pokémon that have never been set as a buddy
  • 1 — Pokémon that have been set as a buddy, but never reached a Good Buddy level
  • 2 — Good Buddies
  • 3 — Great Buddies
  • 4 — Ultra Buddies
  • 5 — Best Buddies
buddy2- returns all Pokémon with Good Buddy perks unlocked
mega{numeric} Pokémon based on their Mega/Primal levels as a numeric value:
  • 0 — Pokémon that have never undergone Mega Evolution/Primal Reversion
  • 1 — Pokémon that have undergone Mega Evolution/Primal Reversion, but never reached High level
  • 2 — High Level
  • 3 — Max Level
mega2- returns all Pokémon with High Level Bonuses unlocked
#{name} Pokémon with a tag whose name starts with {name}. If a player uses tags pvp great and pvp ultra, then searching #pvp will return Pokémon with either of those tags.

Searching only # returns all Pokémon that have any tag.
Searching !# returns all Pokémon that have no tags.

favorite Pokémon marked as a "Favorite"
>{type} Pokémon that know any move that is "super effective" against this type (regardless of whether it is a Fast or Charged Attack)
<{type} Pokémon that receive "super effective" damage from moves of this type (regardless of whether it is a Fast or Charged Attack)
costume Pokémon in costumes (Event Pokémon), such as Pikachu wearing a hat, sunglasses Squirtle, and Armored Mewtwo
defender Pokémon currently defending a Gym
shiny Shiny Pokémon
lucky Lucky Pokémon
eggsonly Baby Pokémon
legendary Legendary Pokémon
mythical Mythical Pokémon
ultra beasts Ultra Beasts
shadow Shadow Pokémon
purified Purified Pokémon
candyxl Pokémon powered up above Lv. 40
Pokémon with the corresponding height category, as displayed on their profile
male Male Pokémon
female Female Pokémon
genderunknown Gender unknown Pokémon
adventureeffect Pokémon that have an Adventure Effect
background Pokémon that have a Location Background or Special Background
locationbackground Pokémon that have a Location Background
specialbackground Pokémon that have a Special Background


Term Searches for Examples
cp{numeric} Pokémon whose CP matches the searched number or range cp-1500 returns all Pokémon eligible for Great League Trainer Battles
hp{numeric} Pokémon whose HP matches the searched number or range
0* Pokémon with a 0-star appraisal (IV total is between 0 and 22)
1* Pokémon with a 1-star appraisal (IV total is between 23 and 29)
2* Pokémon with a 2-star appraisal (IV total is between 30 and 36)
3* Pokémon with a 3-star appraisal (IV total is between 37 and 44)
4* Pokémon with a perfect appraisal (IV total is 45)
{0-4}{stat} Pokémon whose stat (attack, defense, or hp) falls within a specific IV range:
  • 0 — 0 IV
  • 1 — 1 to 5 IV
  • 2 — 6 to 10 IV
  • 3 — 11 to 14 IV
  • 4 — 15 IV
4attack returns all Pokémon with a perfect IV for Attack.


Move searches are formatted as @{1/2/3}{term}. Returns no results if "Show Evolutionary Line" is checked. The {1/2/3} is optionally used to narrow results to a specific move slot:

  • @1{term} searches for Fast Attacks
  • @2{term} searches for the first Charged Attack
  • @3{term} searches for the second Charged Attack
Term Searches for Examples
@{1/2/3}{name} Pokémon with a move whose name begins with {name} @1mud returns all Pokémon that know Mud-Slap or Mud Shot
@{1/2/3}{type} Pokémon with a move of the searched type @psychic returns all Pokémon that know Psychic-type moves, not merely Pokémon that know the move Psychic
@{1/2/3}weather Pokémon with a move that is currently weather-boosted
@{1/2/3}special Pokémon with a move outside their standard move pool (i.e. all moves that cannot be relearned using a TM, including event-exclusive moves, legacy moves, Frustration, Return, and moves copied by Smeargle)
@move Pokémon that have not learned a second Charged Attack.
Does not use a {1/2/3} argument.
!@move returns all Pokémon that know two Charged Attacks.


Term Searches for Examples
evolve Pokémon which can evolve, for which the player has enough Candy to perform, as well as any required Evolution items or walking distance. This does not check for other Buddy Adventure requirements.
item Pokémon which require an item or Zygarde Cells to evolve or change forms (in at least one case), for which the player has enough Candy to perform
evolvenew Pokémon which can evolve or Mega Evolve into a species or Mega Evolution the player has not yet registered in the Pokédex, regardless of whether the Pokémon currently meets the requirements to evolve
tradeevolve Pokémon species eligible for Trade Evolution and have not been traded (i.e. tradeevolve&traded will always return no results), regardless of whether the player has enough Candy to evolve
megaevolve Pokémon which can undergo Mega Evolution/Primal Reversion, for which the player has enough Mega Energy/Primal Energy to perform
fusion Pokémon which can fuse with another Pokémon, regardless of whether the Pokémon currently meets the requirements to undergo fusion


Term Searches for Examples
kanto Pokémon species first discovered in the Kanto region
(equivalent to 1-151)
johto Pokémon species first discovered in the Johto region
(equivalent to 152-251)
hoenn Pokémon species first discovered in the Hoenn region
(equivalent to 252-386)
sinnoh Pokémon species first discovered in the Sinnoh region
(equivalent to 387-493)
unova Pokémon species first discovered in the Unova region
(equivalent to 494-649)
kalos Pokémon species first discovered in the Kalos region
(equivalent to 650-721)
alola Pokémon species first discovered in the Alola region and Alolan forms kanto&alola returns all Alolan forms whose base form was discovered in Kanto
galar Pokémon species first discovered in the Galar region and Galarian forms
hisui Pokémon species first discovered in the Hisui region and Hisuian forms (but not White-Striped Form Basculin)
paldea Pokémon species first discovered in the Paldea region and Paldean forms

Encounter method

Encounter methods (other than hatched and traded) were not tracked until October 31, 2020, so Pokémon caught before this date will not be returned for search queries for these terms (other than hatched and traded). Likewise, the same applies when searching hatched for Pokémon that were hatched before being hatched started to be tracked circa July 2017.

Term Definition Examples
hatched Pokémon hatched from an Egg
raid Pokémon caught from a Raid Battle
remoteraid Pokémon caught from a remote Raid Battle
megaraid Pokémon caught from a Mega Raid (this does not include Primal Raids)
exraid Pokémon caught from an EX Raid
research Pokémon caught from a Research reward encounter, including from Field Research, Research Breakthrough, Special Research, Timed Research, or a Party Play Challenge
gbl Pokémon caught from a GO Battle League reward
rocket Pokémon rescued after a Team GO Rocket battle (this does not include Shadow Pokémon caught from Special Research or Shadow Raids)
snapshot Pokémon caught from a surprise encounter using GO Snapshot
traded Pokémon received from a trade
party Pokémon caught during Party Play.
