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My Tags

Hi, i'm Crikko (Real Name: Fabrizio) and i'm a huge fan of Pokémon.

Brief Story

File:478Froslass anime.png
Froslass, my favorite pokémon.

I always liked pokémon since they first aired in Television, during the first days of 2000. I loved the story of Ash, Pikachu, Misty and Brock. I completed the first stickers album and with this i discovered all the Pokémon of the Kanto Generation. I remember i loved immensely Dewgong.

Unfortunately, my parents didn't want to buy me a Game Boy because of my bad marks at school :P

Finally, the Christmas Night of 2004, i received a GB Advance SP and a cartridge of Pokémon Sapphire, that has been my first game. My adventure in Hoenn was incredible. At that time, i didn't know anything about walkthroughs and so on, so i played the game all by myself!

The next year, it was the turn of Leaf Green and Emerald, I enjoyed a lot travelling Kanto and Hoenn again, also because they included Second Generation Pokémons!

After a break from Pokémon, i finally bought Pearl. And it was without doubt my favorite game of all! The 3D graphics..the new Poké was enthusiasmathic. I discover Froslass, who become my new favorite pokémon with all of his evolution chain.

Nowadays, i have a lot of Pokémon Games (You can see which i have on the right side) and i cannot wait for the new generation of Pokémons!


Pearl Team