Undaunted (TCG)

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TCG expansions
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Cards in set English: 90~
Japanese: 80
Set number English: 45
Japanese: 44
Release date English: August 18th, 2010
Japanese: February 11th, 2010
HeartGold & SoulSilver Collection
Reviving Legends
Clash at the Summit

Pokémon TCG: HS - Undaunted (Japanese: よみがえる伝説 Reviving Legends) is the name given to the third expansion of cards of the HeartGold & SoulSilver era of the Trading Card Game.


Theme decks

Japanese decks

Card list

Reviving Legends

No. Card Name Type Rarity
001/080 Oddish Grass Common
002/080 Gloom Grass Uncommon
003/080 Vileplume Grass Rare
004/080 Bellossom Grass Rare Holo
005/080 Scyther Grass Common
006/080 Pineco Grass Common
007/080 Combee Grass Common
008/080 Vespiquen Grass Rare
009/080 Flareon Fire Uncommon
010/080 Slugma Fire Common
011/080 Magcargo Fire Rare Holo
012/080 Horsea Water Common
013/080 Seadra Water Common
014/080 Kingdra Water Uncommon
015/080 Kingdra Water SuperRare Holo
016/080 Vaporeon Water Uncommon
017/080 Jolteon Lightning Uncommon
018/080 Chinchou Lightning Common
019/080 Lanturn Lightning Rare
020/080 Lanturn Lightning SuperRare Holo
021/080 Rotom Lightning Rare
022/080 Grimer Psychic Common
023/080 Muk Psychic Uncommon
024/080 Espeon Psychic Rare Holo
025/080 Misdreavus Psychic Common
026/080 Mismagius Psychic Rare
027/080 Unown Psychic Uncommon
028/080 Drifloon Psychic Common
029/080 Drifblim Psychic Rare
030/080 Onix Fighting Common
031/080 Gligar Fighting Common
032/080 Gliscor Fighting Rare Holo
033/080 Larvitar Fighting Common
034/080 Pupitar Fighting Uncommon
035/080 Makuhita Fighting Common
036/080 Hariyama Fighting Rare
037/080 Umbreon Darkness Rare Holo
038/080 Murkrow Darkness Common
039/080 Honchkrow Darkness Rare
040/080 Sneasel Darkness Common
041/080 Weavile Darkness Rare
042/080 Houndour Darkness Common
043/080 Houndoom Darkness Rare Holo
044/080 Tyranitar Darkness SuperRare Holo
045/080 Sableye Darkness Common
046/080 Forretress Metal Rare Holo
047/080 Steelix Metal SuperRare Holo
048/080 Scizor Metal Rare Holo
049/080 Skarmory Metal Rare
050/080 Mawile Metal Common
051/080 Beldum Metal Common
052/080 Metang Metal Uncommon
053/080 Metagross Metal Rare
054/080 Rattata Colorless Common
055/080 Raticate Colorless Common
056/080 Doduo Colorless Common
057/080 Dodrio Colorless Rare
058/080 Eevee Colorless Common
059/080 Togepi Colorless Common
060/080 Togetic Colorless Uncommon
061/080 Togekiss Colorless Rare Holo
062/080 Smeargle Colorless Rare Holo
063/080 Entei & Raikou LEGEND FireLightning Rare Holo LEGEND
064/080 Entei & Raikou LEGEND FireLightning Rare Holo LEGEND
065/080 Suicune & Entei LEGEND WaterFire Rare Holo LEGEND
066/080 Suicune & Entei LEGEND WaterFire Rare Holo LEGEND
067/080 Raikou & Suicune LEGEND LightningWater Rare Holo LEGEND
068/080 Raikou & Suicune LEGEND LightningWater Rare Holo LEGEND
069/080 Energy Exchange Device G Uncommon
070/080 Defender G Uncommon
071/080 Rare Candy G Uncommon
072/080 PlusPower G Uncommon
073/080 Legend Box G Uncommon
074/080 Flower Shop Lady Su Uncommon
075/080 Sage's Discipline Su Uncommon
076/080 Rocket's Trick Su Uncommon
077/080 Ruins of Alph St Uncommon
078/080 Burned Tower St Uncommon
079/080 Darkness Energy E Uncommon
080/080 Metal Energy E Uncommon
081/080 Alph Lithograph G Rare Holo

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