Shadow move

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Shadow moves are special moves known only by Shadow Pokémon. They have no type and are noted in the games with a series of dashes in place of a type bar. In Colosseum, Shadow moves have regular effectiveness against any type. In Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, Shadow moves are super-effective against any non-Shadow Pokémon, and are not very effective against other Shadow Pokémon.

Since Shadow Pokémon cannot be traded, these moves are all exclusive to the two GameCube Pokémon RPG games. More accurately, all but Shadow Rush (as it's the only move available in Pokémon Colosseum) are exclusive to Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness.

Many of the Shadow moves are dark, corrupted counterparts of a move that the Shadow Pokémon would normally learn. A major example of this is Shadow Lugia's Shadow Blast, which, like the move Aeroblast, sends a high-powered stream of air at the foe, and can only be learned by Lugia. These moves often have lower power than their non-shadow counterparts, but still inflict more damage due to the aforementoned super-effectiveness.


Damage-dealing moves

Name Category Power Accuracy Target Notes
Shadow Blast Special 80 100% One foe Has a high critical hit ratio.
Shadow Blitz Physical 40 100% One foe
Shadow Bolt Special 75 100% One foe Has a 10% chance of inflicting paralysis on the target.
Shadow Break Physical 75 100% One foe
Shadow Chill Special 75 100% One foe Has a 10% chance of freezing the target.
Shadow End Physical 120 60% One foe User takes recoil damage equal to half the user's current HP (no matter how much damage is done).
Shadow Fire Special 75 100% One foe Has a 10% chance of burning the target.
Shadow Rave Special 70 100% Both Foes
Shadow Rush Physical Colo: 90
XD: 55
100% One foe In Colosseum: User takes recoil damage equal to 25% of the damage done. Higher critical hit ratio if user is in Hyper Mode.
Shadow Storm Special 95 100% Both Foes
Shadow Wave Special 50 100% Both Foes

Non-damaging moves

Name Category Power Accuracy Target Notes
Shadow Down Status 100% Both foes Lowers the Defense of both opponents by two stages each.
Shadow Half Status 100% All Halves the current HP of all Pokémon in battle, including the user. The user cannot take action on the next turn. Fails on those with 1 HP remaining.
Shadow Hold Status 100% Both foes Prevents the target(s) from switching out.
Shadow Mist Status 100% Both foes Lowers the Evasion of both opponents by two stages each.
Shadow Panic Status 90% Both foes Confuses both opponents.
Shadow Shed Status 100% All Removes the effects of Safeguard, Reflect, and Light Screen.
Shadow Sky Status 100% All Damages all non-Shadow Pokémon at the end of each turn. Lasts for 5 turns.