Fantasy Strait
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Fantasy Strait is a dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon that contains 30 floors. It can not be accessed by normal means in the game and is only available through a Nintendo Event.
Wild Pokémon
Pokémon | Floors | Recruit Rate | |
File:090MS.gif | Shellder | 1-5 | 12.2% |
File:278MS.gif | Wingull | 1-5 | 12.5% |
File:072MS.gif | Tentacool | 1-9 | 8.3% |
File:138MS.gif | Omanyte | 1-9 | 8% |
File:211MS.gif | Qwilfish | 1-9 | 6.9% |
File:116MS.gif | Horsea | 1-10 | 12.4% |
File:222MS.gif | Corsola | 5-13 | 8.3% |
File:140MS.gif | Kabuto | 5-13 | 7.2% |
File:079MS.gif | Slowpoke | 6-14 | 12% |
File:086MS.gif | Seel | 6-14 | 3.9% |
File:223MS.gif | Remoraid | 10-19 | 8.8% |
File:363MS.gif | Spheal | 10-19 | 8.8% |
File:347MS.gif | Anorith | 14-23 | 8.7% |
File:098MS.gif | Krabby | 14-24 | 8% |
File:120MS.gif | Staryu | 15-25 | 8.9% |
File:134MS.gif | Vaporeon | 20, 30 | Unrecruitable |
File:088MS.gif | Grimer | 20-29 | 12.2% |
File:139MS.gif | Omastar | 20-29 | Unrecruitable |
File:141MS.gif | Kabutops | 25-30 | Unrecruitable |
File:099MS.gif | Kingler | 26-30 | Unrecruitable |
File:080MS.gif | Slowbro | 30 | Unrecruitable |
File:117MS.gif | Seadra | 30 | -19% |
File:318MS.gif | Carvanha | 30 | 8.9% |