EX Dragon Frontiers (TCG)

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EX Dragon Frontiers
File:EX15 Logo.png
Cards in set English: 101
Japanese: 68
Set number English: 30
Japanese: 31
Release date English: November 8, 2006
Japanese: June 29, 2006
Theme Decks

Power Wave (LightningFighting)
Shadow Blaze (PsychicFire)

Miracle Crystal
Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends
Space-Time Creation

EX Dragon Frontiers (Japanese: さいはての攻防 Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends) is the name given to the fourth (and final) expansion of cards of the Delta Species era of the Trading Card Game. It is also the fifteenth EX Series expansion.


EX Dragon Frontiers is set on an island far away where natural Delta Species Pokémon thrive. This is reflected in the cards, as fully-evolved Delta Species Pokémon remain purely one type, as opposed to being partially Metal-type. This was likely due to their artificial creation as a result of the electromagnetic radiation from Holon Tower. The set was the last set to feature Delta Species Pokémon, and as such, of the 83 Pokémon in the set, only four are not Delta Species.


  • The Japanese expansion, for the first time since Gym 1 and Gym 2, featured theme decks rather than half decks. These were merged into the Japanese expansion to form EX Dragon Frontiers.
  • The four non-Delta Species Pokémon in the set are reprints: Larvitar and Pupitar from Expedition Base Set; Ralts and Kirlia from EX Sandstorm.
  • The prerelease card for this set is Dragonair.

Theme decks

English Theme Decks

Japanese Theme Decks

Card lists

English expansion

No. Card Name Type Rarity
1 Ampharos δ Colorless Rare Holo
2 Feraligatr δ Lightning Rare Holo
3 Heracross δ Fire Rare Holo
4 Meganium δ Fighting Rare Holo
5 Milotic δ Fire Rare Holo
6 Nidoking δ Darkness Rare Holo
7 Nidoqueen δ Metal Rare Holo
8 Ninetales δ Psychic Rare Holo
9 Pinsir δ Fighting Rare Holo
10 Snorlax δ Grass Rare Holo
11 Togetic δ Water Rare Holo
12 Typhlosion δ Psychic Rare Holo
13 Arbok δ Fire Rare
14 Cloyster δ Fighting Rare
15 Dewgong δ Colorless Rare
16 Gligar δ Lightning Rare
17 Jynx δ Fire Rare
18 Ledian δ Metal Rare
19 Lickitung δ Psychic Rare
20 Mantine δ Lightning Rare
21 Quagsire δ Grass Rare
22 Seadra δ Fire Rare
23 Tropius δ Metal Rare
24 Vibrava δ Psychic Rare
25 Xatu δ Darkness Rare
26 Bayleef δ Fighting Uncommon
27 Croconaw δ Lightning Uncommon
28 Dragonair δ Grass Uncommon
29 Electabuzz δ Fighting Uncommon
30 Flaaffy δ Colorless Uncommon
31 Horsea δ Fighting Uncommon
32 Kirlia Psychic Uncommon
33 Kirlia δ Fire Uncommon
34 Nidorina δ Metal Uncommon
35 Nidorino δ Darkness Uncommon
36 Quilava δ Psychic Uncommon
37 Seadra δ Fighting Uncommon
38 Shelgon δ Water Uncommon
39 Smeargle δ Psychic Uncommon
40 Swellow δ Fire Uncommon
41 Togepi δ Water Uncommon
42 Vibrava δ Psychic Uncommon
43 Bagon δ Water Common
44 Chikorita δ Fighting Common
45 Cyndaquil δ Psychic Common
46 Dratini δ Grass Common
47 Ekans δ Fire Common
48 Elekid δ Fighting Common
49 Feebas δ Fire Common
50 Horsea δ Fighting Common
51 Larvitar Fighting Common
52 Larvitar δ Lightning Common
53 Ledyba δ Metal Common
54 Mareep δ Colorless Common
55 Natu δ Darkness Common
56 Nidoran♀ δ Metal Common
57 Nidoran♂ δ Darkness Common
58 Pupitar Fighting Common
59 Pupitar δ Lightning Common
60 Ralts Psychic Common
61 Ralts δ Fire Common
62 Seel δ Colorless Common
63 Shellder δ Fighting Common
64 Smoochum δ Fire Common
65 Swablu δ Water Common
66 Taillow δ Fire Common
67 Totodile δ Lightning Common
68 Trapinch δ Psychic Common
69 Trapinch δ Psychic Common
70 Vulpix δ Psychic Common
71 Wooper δ Grass Uncommon
72 Buffer Piece T Uncommon
73 Copycat T Uncommon
74 Holon Legacy T Uncommon
75 Holon Mentor T Uncommon
76 Island Hermit T Uncommon
77 Mr. Stone's Project T Uncommon
78 Old Rod T Uncommon
79 Professor Elm's Training Method T Uncommon
80 Professor Oak's Research T Uncommon
81 Strength Charm T Uncommon
82 TV Reporter T Uncommon
83 Switch T Common
84 Holon Energy FF E Rare
85 Holon Energy GL E Rare
86 Holon Energy WP E Rare
87 Boost Energy E Uncommon
88 δ Rainbow Energy E Uncommon
89 Scramble Energy E Uncommon
90 Altaria ex δ Water Rare Holo ex
91 Dragonite ex δ Grass Rare Holo ex
92 Flygon ex δ Psychic Rare Holo ex
93 Gardevoir ex δ Fire Rare Holo ex
94 Kingdra ex δ Fighting Rare Holo ex
95 Latias ex δ Fire Rare Holo ex
96 Latios ex δ Water Rare Holo ex
97 Rayquaza ex δ Lightning Rare Holo ex
98 Salamence ex δ Water Rare Holo ex
99 Tyranitar ex δ Lightning Rare Holo ex
100 Charizard Star δ Darkness ShinyRare Holo
101 Mew Star δ Water ShinyRare Holo

Japanese expansion

No. Card Name Type Rarity
1 Snorlax δ Grass Rare Holo
2 Dratini δ Grass Common
3 Dragonair δ Grass Uncommon
4 Dragonite ex δ Grass Rare Holo
5 Wooper δ Grass Common
6 Quagsire δ Grass Uncommon
7 Ekans δ Fire Common
8 Arbok δ Fire Uncommon
9 Heracross δ Fire Rare Holo
10 Taillow δ Fire Common
11 Swellow δ Fire Uncommon
12 Feebas δ Fire Common
13 Milotic δ Fire Rare Holo
14 Latias ex δ Fire Rare Holo ex
15 Mew File:Shiningsymbol.gif δ Water ShinyRare Holo
16 Togepi δ Water Uncommon
17 Togetic δ Water Rare Holo
18 Swablu δ Water Common
19 Altaria ex δ Water Rare Holo ex
20 Bagon δ Water Common
21 Shelgon δ Water Uncommon
22 Salamence ex δ Water Rare Holo ex
23 Latias ex δ Water Rare Holo ex
24 Totodile δ Lightning Common
25 Croconaw δ Lightning Uncommon
26 Feraligatr δ Lightning Rare Holo
27 Mantine δ Lightning Rare
28 Rayquaza ex δ Lightning Rare Holo ex
29 Vulpix δ Psychic Common
30 Ninetales δ Psychic Rare Holo
31 Lickitung δ Psychic Uncommon
32 Cyndaquil δ Psychic Common
33 Quilava δ Psychic Uncommon
34 Typhlosion δ Psychic Rare Holo
35 Trapinch δ Psychic Common
36 Vibrava δ Psychic Uncommon
37 Flygon ex δ Psychic Rare Holo ex
38 Shellder δ Fighting Common
39 Cloyster δ Fighting Rare
40 Horsea δ Fighting Common
41 Seadra δ Fighting Uncommon
42 Pinsir δ Fighting Rare Holo
43 Chikorita δ Fighting Common
44 Bayleef δ Fighting Uncommon
45 Meganium δ Fighting Rare Holo
46 Kingdra ex δ Fighting Rare Holo ex
47 Seel δ Colorless Common
48 Dewgong δ Colorless Uncommon
49 Mareep δ Colorless Uncommon
50 Flaaffy δ Colorless Uncommon
51 Ampharos δ Colorless Uncommon
52 Charizard Star δ Darkness ShinyRare Holo
53 Nidoran♂ δ Darkness Common
54 Nidorino δ Darkness Uncommon
55 Nidoking δ Darkness Rare Holo
56 Natu δ Darkness Common
57 Xatu δ Darkness Rare
58 Nidoran♀ δ Metal Common
59 Nidorina δ Metal Uncommon
60 Nidoqueen δ Metal Rare Holo
61 Ledyba δ Metal Common
62 Ledian δ Metal Rare
63 Tropius δ Metal Rare
64 Old Rod T Common
65 Island Hermit T Uncommon
66 Strength Charm T Uncommon
67 Holon Legacy T Uncommon
68 Scramble Energy E Rare


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