It cannot be obtained via the Ditto glitch, as encountering a 94 directly in the wild will cause a Gentleman to appear instead. When 94 is sent out on the opponent's side via the Cable Club black out glitch, or a glitch Trainer, its sprite is initially solid black, later revealing its real colors at a random point within the battle. If the player is defeated by 94, the colored parts of it turn into a light grey color.
94 is an item mutation glitch Pokémon. When the player encounters it in battle, by using the Cable Club black out glitch with a Trainer who owns a 94, the item in the fourth slot in the player's inventory will be transformed into an entirely different item, equivalent to the item identifier of the current item +16 (2^4). In this way, it is possible to obtain glitch items, however the item identifier will not be altered if the item identifier is greater than equal to 16 (Full Restore). [2]
94's front sprite is consistent, but its back sprite changes every time it is sent out. Out of these, one sprite in particular causes slight graphical glitches in the overworld, after the battle in which it appeared ends. This can be fixed simply by going to another area.
This glitch Pokémon article is part of Project GlitchDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on glitches in the Pokémon games.