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Revision as of 17:38, 8 September 2011 by Maetch (talk | contribs) (Intro)

Makan is a character in Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, and is the grandfather of Perr.

In Colosseum, Makan lives in The Under and runs the local Junk Shop with Perr. Though he plays no role in the plot, he does mention that he used to run the locomotive that Cipher now uses to smuggle Shadow Pokémon into The Under.

In XD, the Junk Shop is reestablished in Gateon Port after The Under is sealed off. Makan is later met in the basement of Dr. Kaminko's house, where he reveals that he is a friend of the strange inventor. He upgrades Michael's motorcycle to a hovercycle, suitable for travelling over the unstable sand dunes surrounding the S.S. Libra. Near the end of the game, Makan takes Dr. Kaminko's abandoned project, the Robo Kyogre, and builds it into a sea vessel capable of traveling the roughest waves, allowing Michael to reach Citadark Isle.

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RuiEagunBeluhProfessor KraneLilyJoviDr. KaminkoChobin
WillieMayor Es CadeJustyCailFateenDukingSilva
Chief SherlesOfficer JohnsonVanderAgnolAncha
Kids Grid (NettBittMeggPerrSeccMarcia) • Makan
Mr. VerichAdonTrestHordelBattlusInfinInity
Name RaterMove TeacherMove DeleterCipherTeam Snagem
This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.