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EV yield
HP ?
Atk ?
Def ?
Sp.Atk ?
Sp.Def ?
Speed ?
Exp. ?
- This article is about the glitch Pokémon in Generation III. For the glitch Pokémon in Generation IV, see -----.
- This article is about the glitch Pokémon. For other uses of -, see -.
- is a glitch Pokémon in Generation III which hatches from a ?. Its sprite looks that of an egg. It can also be found by "catching" the Pokémon found in the GBA index number 412 (egg). It can be caught at Level 77 in the wild.
In FireRed and LeafGreen, it will hatch at level 77, and if raised one level, it will jump to level 100. However, when traded to Emerald, if given a Rare Candy before raising it a level, it will go down to level 45. If - is given another Rare Candy, it will grow to level 100. Afterwards, the game may lose focus as if it is frozen (the reset button combination will not work). However, after a while, the game will gain focus and "un-freeze". It can then be traded back to FireRed or LeafGreen. It has a glitch-name ability, it is unknown what it does, and its two types are Tough and Cute, which are contest-only move types. -'s summary can only be viewed in the Emerald, as if it is attempted to be viewed in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, the game will perform the Thunderbolt glitch music while freezing the screen into a magenta color. No action can be performed and the game will need to be turned off and back on.
The games treat it both like an egg and a Pokémon. If entered in a battle as the first Pokémon in the party, the second Pokémon will be sent out instead. However, it is possible to shift - into battle. Furthermore, if taken to the Name Rater to be nicknamed, the Name Rater states that he cannot nickname an egg. If hatched in FireRed or LeafGreen, however, it can be given a nickname when it hatches.
Game data
Game locations
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III.
Base stats
Base stats are currently unknown
Type effectiveness
Under normal battle conditions in Generation V, this Pokémon is: