Bulbapedia:Junior Administrators

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 15:03, 29 September 2011 by PsychicRider (talk | contribs)
Executive Staff
Leadership Board
Jr. Admins
Jr. Admin
BP:Jr. Admin

Junior Administrators on Bulbapedia are users which have been granted limited administrative powers on the wiki, as a testing ground before moving them up to higher ranks. With few exceptions, users will begin at the Junior Administrator rank, and on demonstrating considerable prowess, may be promoted. Unsatisfactory Junior Administrators will be demoted, while ones that do not exhibit any particular strong qualities may remain at this level.

On gaining this level, a user will have access to the Bulbapedia Administration forum on the Bulbagarden Forums, where changes to the wiki's overarching style, as well as other things, are discussed.

List of Junior Administrators

This is a list of all users with Junior Administrator powers on Bulbapedia. This list does not include users higher on the Bulbapedia administrative hierarchy, who all have the powers of the Junior Administrator level in addition to their own.

If in need of a Junior Administrator's assistance, please contact an Active Junior Administrator for quickest results; all active Junior Administrators generally check messages daily.

Since June 26, 2010 Active

Bulbanews Senior Writer
Bulbagarden Archives Administrator

Since March 4, 2011 Active

Leader, Project TCG
Bulbagarden Archives Senior Administrator

Since March 4, 2011 Active

Jo The Marten
Co-Leader, Project Sidegames
Bulbagarden Archives Administrator

Since March 4, 2011 Active

Bulbagarden Archives Senior Administrator
Bulbanews Senior Writer

Since March 4, 2011 Hiatus

Bulbagarden Archives Senior Administrator

Since April 30, 2011 Active

Bulbagarden Archives Senior Administrator

Since June 1, 2011 Active

Leader, Project Shipping

Since April 16, 2005 Bot

Evil Robot

If an active Junior Administrator cannot be found, consider speaking with another member of Bulbapedia's staff.


Junior Administrators are allowed to edit and create pages that are otherwise protected from editing and creation to those other than Administrators. In addition to this, Junior Administrators can see pages that have been deleted, as well as show and hide individual revisions of a page. They also have full ability on Bulbagarden Archives to move files.

A Junior Administrator should be a user's first stop for a simple question about Bulbapedia's rules and style, with unanswerable questions continuing to move up the hierarchy.