Fight for the Light! (Japanese: かがやきのとうだい!アサギシティのたたかい!!Radiance Lighthouse! Battle at Asagi City!!), is the 208th episode of the Pokémon anime. It was first broadcast in Japan on July 26, 2001 and in the United States on September 7, 2002.
Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.
It's just like a dream, or so it seems. The gang has finally reached Olivine City! Ash is off to the Gym right away, and neither Brock or Misty are disagreeing. Team Rocket spies on them using trash cans as a disguise, but Jessie is blinded by a gleaming light coming from a humongous building. Thinking that it is an office building, The three of them run towards the building in hopes of getting jobs and making lots of money. However, two guards block the entrance and ask for badges. James shows a collection book but the guards say Gym Badges are needed. Looks like they stumbled into the Battle Tower!
Ash reaches the Gym and enters it, hoping to just breeze though this battle. When he approaches the Trainer box, a girl comes out, claiming herself to be Jasmine. Ash seems to believe her and challenges "Jasmine" to a fight. "Jasmine" calls out an Onix which seems to be coated with something. On impulse, Ash calls out Totodile to make short work of this. Ash commands Totodile to use Water Gun and Totodile does so. The attack is effective at first but somehow, the Onix breaks through and Tackles Totodile down in one shot, knocking it out. Ash sends out Pikachu and Pikachu does Quick Attack but someone stops them. It's the real Jasmine. She's fairly disappointed with her apprentice, Janina, and calls her in. Janina explains to Jasmine that she used sealing wax on Onix, a lot of sealing wax, making Onix impervious to water. Jasmine isn't all too agreeable on that part and tells Janina to scrub it off.
Ash challenges Jasmine but it seems that she has some other things to do, so it looks like Ash can't do much for a while.
Ash and the gang sit out in a park talking about what they should do now until then. However they spot Janina scrubbing her Onix in a sandbox. She explains to them what she did and how she got busted for it. She also explains that Jasmine has been up to something at the Shining Lighthouse, which is why she's busy all the time. Ash decides they should go check it out.
They get to the lighthouse and look around, then start climbing up. Upon reaching the top, they find Jasmine, her Grandpa Myron, and an Ampharos that seems to be ill. Grandpa Myron explains that this Ampharos is the source of light for the lighthouse, after all, its tail creates quite a glow. The Shining Lighthouse used to be the main lighthouse, but another lighthouse took over. And then the rest seems self-explanatory. He says that he ordered a cure from someone at Cianwood City but neither he nor Jasmine has any time to get it. Ash tells them that he'll go get the medicine.
However, they aren't alone, Team Rocket is spying on them from the outside glass and setting their sights on the Ampharos. Jasmine spots them and then Ash. They quickly get into their blimp and launch a bomb that seems to go towards them but goes straight up and then down. After it lands... Weezing pops out and uses SmokeScreen! Brock gets Ampharos and carries it downstairs to escape. Just as he gets towards the entrance, a cage forms up on Brock and then is trailed off by Team Rocket. Brock tries to kick his way out, but no luck.
Meanwhile, Janina is walking along the port still a little depressed until she sees the smoke from the lighthouse. She goes over there seeing that Team Rocket has gotten Brock and Ampharos. She catches up with the others and she insists on helping, since she has a Pokémon capable of doing so. Janina gets on Onix and commences to attack, but Jessie sends out Arbok (which is curled on the cage) and Arbok uses Poison Sting. Onix deflects the pins, shielding Janina. Soon Team Rocket just zip out towards the ocean since Onix can't be in water. Onix gives chase but soon stops at the end of a pier. Then Janina gets a good idea. She hops off Onix and then Onix bites onto a tsunami barrier (the large concrete jacks). Then Onix swings his tail and latches onto Arbok, stretching it. Team Rocket tries to get away but Onix pulls harder than the balloon can get away (which puts Arbok in an even worse state). Soon Janina grabs a chipped off piece of rock and climbs up to the cage. She give the cage a few hits and the lock breaks open, freeing Brock. When they get down, Janina says Pikachu can use any electrical attack, Onix isn't going to be affected. Ash has Pikachu do Thunderbolt which gives Team Rocket a shock and then Onix tosses them out into the sky.
Jasmine is actually quite impressed with Janina and gives her another shot and asks of her a favor. Jasmine wants her to go get the medicine from Cianwood City. Then Ash says to Misty that he doesn't know what to do now and Grandpa Myron tells him that there is a Gym in Cianwood. Ash nods and they, along with Janina, go onto the boat headed for Cianwood.
This episode's dub title is a reference to the saying, "fight for the right". It shares this trait with a later episode.
This episode marks the first animated appearance of a Battle Tower, which was first introduced in Pokémon Crystal and has been included in all Pokémon games since.
Just before the Who's That Pokémon?Janina said "Well i guess ill have to listen to you some more" to her onix, it sounds like the onix says "You will".
Dub edits
Jasmine's Ampharos was called "Sparkle" in the dubbed version while its original name in the games was "Amphy".