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Weezing Winks Out
VS. Matadogas
Location Cerise Island

Weezing Winks Out (Japanese: VSマタドガス VS. Matadogas) is the 72nd round of the Pokémon Adventures manga.


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Blue has his eyes paralyzed shut in one of the world's most harsh battles: Golbat vs. Golbat... And Koga has a Arbok wrapped around him and immobilizing him in his horrible battle against Agatha: Arbok vs. Arbok. Koga's Arbok tries to attack with a Glare attack, which fails. Agatha's Arbok gives Koga's Arbok a hard Body Slam. Then it releases Koga's Arbok and bites its tail off, apparently knocking Arbok out. Enraged, Koga sends out Weezing and Muk and tells them to use Poison Gas and Smog, which are repelled by a new invulnerability pattern of Arbok's. It then attacks Muk and Weezing, knocking them out. Koga throws five ninja stars at Agatha, which miss. Then, to Agatha's surprise, Koga's Arbok grows a new tail! Agatha sneers at Koga for thinking that that will make him win, and then, Golbat returns. But it is Koga's Golbat, not Agatha's! Blue then appears with his eyes open! The ninja stars Koga threw were Poké Ball ninja stars, and the Pokémon inside were holding paralyze healing medicine! Koga's Golbat then uses Leech Life on ... Koga?! It then spits Koga's blood at Agatha's Arbok's pattern, covering (and destroying the effects of) the pattern. Agatha's Arbok tries a Bind attack, but Blue's Golduck uses Confusion defeating Agatha's Arbok and Agatha. Koga and Blue leave.

Major events







  • In the last frame before Agatha changes her Arbok's pattern from "attack" to "invunerability" it already appears changed.
  • Three frames after Agatha's Arbok's pattern is erased, it appears not erased.
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