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アクーシャ Akusha

Samiya after it has risen from the ocean
Region Unknown
Debut Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea

The Sea Temple, Samiya (Japanese: アクーシャ Akusha)—Akusha in Viz's translation of the manga, and Samaya in Chuang Yi's manga translation—is an underwater palace built by the People of the Water. It has a complex structure and holds the Sea Crown in its depths.

The People of the Water built the temple where the Manaphy lived. All Manaphy have homing instincts that guide them to the temple even though it has a cloaking device. Though it cannot be seen regularly, as it blends in with the water, it will appear visibly under the red moonlight of a lunar eclipse. It floats around with the current presently, but used to stay put.

During the events of Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea, the temple started to sink when Phantom pulled crystals out of the Sea Crown. Fortunately, it returned to normal after the crystals were placed back in the Sea Crown.

Official maps of the Pokémon world clearly show it being located near Kanto, but during the movie it is actually south of Cherrygrove City, which is situated in the Johto region. However, considering how the movie states that it moves with the current, that could just as easily have been the current location of it.

In the TCG

In the Movie Promo set of Pokémon Trading Card Game, there are cards of Pokémon from Samiya. The cards on the following list all belong to either the Sea or Samiya.

Name Type Level Rarity Set Set no.
Samiya's Mantyke Water - - Movie Commemoration VS Pack: Sea's Manaphy 003/019
Samiya's Buizel Water - - Movie Commemoration VS Pack: Sea's Manaphy 004/019
Sea's Manaphy Water - - Movie Commemoration VS Pack: Sea's Manaphy 005/019
Samiya's Fearow Colorless - - Movie Commemoration VS Pack: Sea's Manaphy 009/019
Samiya's Mantyke Water - - PCG-P Promotional cards (no English release) 137/PCG-P
Samiya's Buizel Water - - PCG-P Promotional cards (no English release) 138/PCG-P
Sea's Manaphy Water - - PCG-P Promotional cards (no English release) 139/PCG-P
Samiya's Chatot Colorless - - PCG-P Promotional cards (no English release) 143/PCG-P
Sea's Manaphy Water - - PCG-P Promotional cards (no English release) 146/PCG-P
Sea's Manaphy Water - - PCG-P Promotional cards (no English release) 147/PCG-P
Sea's Manaphy Water - - PCG-P Promotional cards (no English release) 150/PCG-P
Samiya's Buizel Water - - PCG-P Promotional cards (no English release) 151/PCG-P
Samiya's Chatot Colorless - - PCG-P Promotional cards (no English release) 152/PCG-P
Sea's Manaphy Water - - PCG-P Promotional cards (no English release) 154/PCG-P

In the manga

Samiya in W Mission Story: Pokémon Ranger - the Comic

In the W Mission Story: Pokémon Ranger - the Comic manga

Samiya appears in the manga W Mission Story: Pokémon Ranger - the Comic, where it is simply referred to as the Temple of the Sea.

The temple is the desire of the Go-Rock Quads, who want the Sea Crown so that they can rule the world. In order to find it, they stole a Manaphy Egg that they planned to hatch and have it lead them to it.


  • Samiya's Japanese name Akusha may come from アクア aqua and 社 sha (society).

In other languages

Language Name Origin
Chinese (Taiwan) 亞克夏 Yàkèxià Transliteration of its Japanese name.

Other animated series-exclusive locations
Region unknown: Bloom CanyonBrindille TownCero IslandForest of OkoyaFula CityGanga Town
Genesect's homeInua TownLapidarian HighlandsLapras SeaLaquaLaxton FarmMarnya's house
Milyfa TownMocha TownMount TenseiNorth PolePigton TownPokémon Nurse School
Raizen MountainsSamiyaSento Cherry TownSlowpoke IslandSteelbound TownTonari Town
Extraterrestrial locations: Millennium Comet
Inter-dimensional locations: Deoxys's unnamed worldGhost WorldMirror WorldPoipole's worldReverse WorldUnown Dimension
Animated series-exclusive location templates
KantoOrange IslandsJohtoHoennSinnohUnovaDecolore IslandsKalosAlolaGalarPaldeaOther

This article is part of both Project Anime and Project Locations, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Anime and Locations, respectively.