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![]() The Indigo Plateau serves as the capital for the Pokémon League. It is the final destination for Pokémon Trainers competing in Indigo or Johto League competitions against the Elite Four. This is the where the powerful Elite Four battle against Trainers in a final showdown of becoming a master Pokémon trainer, who may be challenged after defeating of all eight Gym Leaders of each respective region. In the anime, it is also the location of the Indigo Plateau Conference, Kanto Grand Festival and the Pokémon League Village. The Indigo Plateau is located just north of Victory Road, and east of Mt. Silver. In Generation I and III, the only way to reach the Indigo Plateau is by going through Route 23; however, in Generation II and IV, the Indigo Plateau can be reached by going through Route 26. In order to reach Indigo Plateau by foot, Trainers must venture through Victory Road, a lengthy cave acting as a final test for Trainers. |
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