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A series of the anime is a collection of episodes that corresponds roughly to a specific generation of games. This distinction is made only in Japan, as dubbed episodes air in seasons (e.g.: Pokémon: Advanced is season 6, not season 1 of Advanced Generation series).
On Bulbapedia, the episodes in each series are divided from other series by their episode code. Episodes in the original series are denoted by EP, those in the Advanced Generation series by AG, those in the Diamond & Pearl series by DP, and those in the Best Wishes series by BW.
List of series
Series | Generation | Debut episode | Final episode |
Original series | Generation I | EP001 ポケモン! きみにきめた! Pokémon - I Choose You! |
EP081 マサラタウン!あらたなるたびだち! Pallet Party Panic |
Original series (Orange Archipelago Chapter) |
Generation I | EP082 ひこうせんはふこうせん!? A Scare in the Air |
EP116 ライバルたいけつ!サトシVSシゲル!! The Rivalry Revival |
Original series (Gold & Silver Chapter) |
Generation II | EP117 ワカバタウン!はじまりをつげるかぜのふくまち! Don't Touch That 'dile |
EP274 ピカチュウとのわかれ…! Hoenn Alone! |
Advanced Generation series | Generation III | AG001 新たなる大地! 新たなる冒険!! Get the Show on the Road |
AG192 旅の終わり、そして旅のはじまり! Home is Where the Start Is! |
Diamond & Pearl series | Generation IV | DP001 旅立ち!フタバタウンからマサゴタウンへ!! Following A Maiden's Voyage! |
DP191 想い出はパール!友情はダイヤモンド!! Memories are Made of Bliss! |
Best Wishes series | Generation V | BW001 イッシュ地方へ!ゼクロムの影!! In The Shadow of Zekrom! |
BW084 想い出はパール!友情はダイヤモンド!! Rock the Virbank Gym! Part 2! |
Best Wishes series (Season 2 Chapter) |
Generation V | BW085 ポケモン! きみにきめた! All for the Love of Meloetta! |
EP108 マサラタウン!あらたなるたびだち! A Unova League Evolution! |
Best Wishes series (Season 2: Episode N Chapter) |
Generation V | EP109 ひこうせんはふこうせん!? New Places... Familiar Faces! |
EP122 ライバルたいけつ!サトシVSシゲル!! Reshiram VS N! Beyond Truth and Ideals! |
Best Wishes series (Season 2: Decolora Adventure! Chapter) |
Generation V | EP123 ワカバタウン!はじまりをつげるかぜのふくまち! Farewell, Isshu! Setting Sail Once Again!! |
Present |