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Reason: Information from Volumes 2 and 3

ハイドル Haidoru

Gender Male
Hometown Unknown
Region Unknown

Haidoru (Japanese: ハイドル Haidoru) is a character from the Pokémon Try Adventure manga. He is a phantom thief as well as a recurring foe for Katsuya and his friends.


Haidoru appears to take his job as a phantom thief seriously, especially when he yelled at Kecleon for interrupting him in his debut appearance.


Haidoru first appeared in Phantom Thief Haidoru where he came out of one of the stone sculptures in the train museum. As Haidoru was about to get away with a Sudowoodo stone sculpture. The grappling hook he used accidentally destroyed some train tracks. With the help of a Snover and Katsuya's Piplup, the tracks were restored to an icy path and Haidoru was left hanging when he used his grappling hook somewhere else.


Haidoru's Kecleon

Kecleon is the only known Pokémon of Haidoru and his partner Pokémon. During its first appearance, it interrupted Haidoru when he was about to get away with a Sudowoodo-shaped sculpture. Later, it assisted Haidoru in stealing a box.

None of Kecleon's moves are known.

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