
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 00:04, 12 September 2013 by Han Ji-Wan (talk | contribs) (Landmarks: Official site states that it's the Tower of Mastery. We don't know if ToM is inside or outside of Shalour City.)
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Kalos カロス地方
Kalos region
Artwork of the Kalos region from Pokémon X and Y
Introduction Pokémon X and Y
Professor Professor Sycamore
First partner Pokémon Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie
Regional Villains Team Flare
Pokémon League Unannounced
League Location {{{location}}}
Pokédex List {{{pokelist}}}
Series {{{series}}}
Generation VI
Games X and Y
Adventures Debut {{{manga}}}

Kalos (Japanese: カロス地方 Kalos-chihō) is a region of the Pokémon world. It is the setting of Pokémon X and Y. It is based on France.[1]

The Kalos region is shaped like a five-pointed star, with one of its biggest cities being Lumiose City to the north-central part of the region. It features a vast network of rivers and waterways snaking though much of its landscape, cities and towns. North-east of Lumiose City, lies a mountain range where more frigid temperatures exist, extending down into the plains below. Western Kalos features a vast ocean, where the shore side city of Shalour City lies in the middle of a cove.


Lumiose City includes a tall tower in its center. Shalour City features the Tower of Mastery.


According to Junichi Masuda, the name "Kalos" comes from the Greek word κάλλος, meaning beauty.[2]

See also


Regions in the Pokémon world
Core series Kanto (Sevii Islands) • JohtoHoenn
Sinnoh (HisuiBattle Zone) • Unova (Blueberry Academy)
KalosAlolaGalar (Isle of ArmorCrown Tundra)
Side series White CityOrre
Anime Orange IslandsDecolore Islands
Spin-off games FioreAlmiaObliviaPokémon IslandMintale Town
Ryme CityPasioRanseiFerrumLental
Mystery Dungeon worldPokéParkTCG Islands
Carmonte IslandTumblecube IslandAeos Island
TCG Southern IslandsPuzzle ContinentHolonParallel Worlds
Sovereign states in
the Pokémon world
Ranger UnionGuyana
Lucario KingdomMirage KingdomRota

Vaniville TownAquacorde Town‎Santalune CityLumiose CityCamphrier TownCyllage City
Ambrette TownGeosenge TownShalour CityCoumarine CityLaverre CityDendemille TownAnistar City
Couriway TownSnowbelle CityPokémon LeagueKiloude City‎
Santalune ForestChamber of EmptinessParfum PalaceBattle ChateauBerry fieldsConnecting CaveGlittering CaveReflection Cave
Tower of MasteryAzure BaySea Spirit's DenKalos Power PlantPoké Ball FactoryLost HotelFrost CavernLysandre Labs
Team Flare Secret HQTerminus CavePokémon VillageVictory RoadBattle MaisonFriend SafariUnknown Dungeon

This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.