POKéblock ingredient. Plant in loamy soil to grow Pamtre.RSE Can be ground up into powder as an ingredient for medicine.FRLG An item brought over from a faraway place.ColoXD
Generation IV
A Poffin ingredient. Bury it in soft soil to grow a Pamtre Plant.DPPt In the Sinnoh region, they like to make sweets known as Poffins with this Berry and feed them to their Pokémon.HGSS
Generation V
A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will buy it for a high price.
Generation VI
A Berry to be used in cooking. This Berry is very rare and hard to obtain in the Unova region.XY Used to make Pokéblocks that will enhance your Beauty, this Berry is rare in other regions.ORAS
Generation VII
Generation VIII
Tag description
Generation III
Drifts on the sea from somewhere. It is thought to grow elsewhere.
Generation IV
This Berry drifted from a faraway sea. It is now cultivated in the Sinnoh region.
A Pamtre Berry (Japanese: シーヤのみShīya Fruit) is a type of Berry introduced in Generation III. It has no other purpose than to be mixed with other Berries to create Pokéblocks or Poffin to raise a Pokémon's Contest condition.
A Pamtre Berry will mature from a planted seed to a full-grown, fruit-bearing tree in 72 hours, with 18 hours per stage. A Pamtre tree will yield 1-2 Berries.
Generation IV
A Pamtre Berry will mature from a planted seed to a full-grown, fruit-bearing tree in 60 hours, with 15 hours per stage. A Pamtre tree will yield 3-15 Berries.