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This article is about an episode of the Pokémon animated series that has not been dubbed into English. As such, its coverage may contain romanized Japanese names, rather than dub names. |
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First broadcast
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English themes
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Japanese themes
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(Japanese: マオとスイレン!友情のゼンリョクバトル!! Mao and Suiren! Super Full-Force Friendship Battle!!) is the 130th episode of the Sun & Moon series, and the 1,069th episode of the Pokémon anime. It first aired in Japan on July 14, 2019.
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This plot summary is incomplete. Please feel free to edit this plot summary to add missing sections and complete it. |
Major events
- Ash defeats Faba, advancing to the second round.
- Ilima is revealed to own a Kangaskhan, a Kangaskhanite, and a Key Stone.
- Guzma defeats Ilima, advancing to the second round.
- Samson Oak is revealed to own an Alolan Exeggutor.
- Hau defeats Samson Oak, advancing to the second round.
- Lana's Primarina is revealed to have learned Icy Wind.
- Mallow and Tsareena successfully perform Bloom Doom for the first time.
- Lana defeats Mallow, advancing to the second round.
- For a list of all major events in the animated series, please see the history page.
Pokémon debuts
Main series debuts
- Ash
- Lana
- Kiawe
- Lillie
- Sophocles
- Mallow
- Professor Kukui
- Samson Oak
- Professor Burnet
- Hala
- Olivia
- Nanu
- Hapu
- Lusamine
- Wicke
- Faba
- Ilima
- Hau
- Guzma
- Team Skull Grunts
- Ulu
- Jīkyō
- Ilima Girls
- Trainers
- Crowd
Who's That Pokémon?: Hypno (Japan)
- Pikachu (Ash's)
- Rotom (Rotom Pokédex)
- Rowlet (Ash's)
- Lycanroc (Ash's; Dusk Form; flashback)
- Torracat (Ash's; flashback)
- Meltan (Ash's)
- Primarina (Lana's)
- Eevee (Lana's; Sandy)
- Marowak (Kiawe's; Alola Form)
- Vulpix (Lillie's; Alola Form; Snowy)
- Togedemaru (Sophocles's)
- Bounsweet (Mallow's; flashback)
- Steenee (Mallow's; flashback)
- Tsareena (Mallow's)
- Exeggutor (Samson Oak's; Alola Form)
- Hypno (Faba's)
- Eevee (Ilima's)
- Kangaskhan (Ilima's; Mega Kangaskhan)
- Raichu (Hau's; Alola Form)
- Scizor (Guzma's)
- Lickitung (Ulu's)
- Persian (Madame's; Alola Form; Pershie; flashback)
- Raticate (Trainer's; Alola Form)
- Rattata (Trainer's; Alola Form)
- Salandit (Trainer's)
- Torchic (Trainer's])
- Totodile (Trainer's)
- Treecko (Trainer's)
- Swinub (Trainer's)
- Bagon (Trainer's)
- Sandygast (Trainer's)
- Diglett (Trainer's; Alola Form)
- Wigglytuff (Trainer's)
- Grubbin (Trainer's)
- Petilil (Trainer's)
- Yungoos (Trainer's)
- Whimsicott (Trainer's)
- Psyduck (Trainer's)
- Dedenne (Trainer's)
- Marill (Trainer's; flashback)
- Oranguru (anime; flashback)
- Shaymin (anime)
- Wingull (×2)
- Poké Problem: Which Pokemon does Guzma use in today's episode?
- Host: Hala
- Choices: Masquerain, Scizor, Pinsir, Golisopod
- Answer: Scizor
- Future Connection is used an insert song during Mallow and Lana's battle.
- As of this episode, all of Ash's classmates have successfully used a Z-Move.
- This episode was the first to air in Japan after the theatrical release of M22.
- Nanu and Acerola narrate the preview of the next episode.
Dub edits
In other languages
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This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation. |
- Undubbed episodes
- Episode articles with incomplete plot summaries
- Stubs
- Episode stubs
- Anime stubs
- Sun & Moon series episodes
- Pokémon League episodes
- Episodes focusing on Lana
- Episodes focusing on Mallow
- Episodes written by Masahiro Ōkubo
- Episodes storyboarded and directed by Saori Den
- Episodes storyboarded by Saori Den
- Episodes directed by Saori Den
- Episodes by one-time animation directors
- Episodes in which a Mythical Pokémon appears
- Episodes in which a main character's Pokémon learns a new move