Template talk:Core series

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Revision as of 07:37, 10 January 2020 by Rustle (talk | contribs) (Sword & Shield Expansion Pass: new section)

Latest comment: 10 January 2020 by BthrussellUK in topic Sword & Shield Expansion Pass

I think this template is stuffing up, look at Diamond and Pearl Versions and the others. Deathgabriel 10:14, 15 February 2009 (UTC)Reply

Fixed. --×Kevzo8 10:22, 15 February 2009 (UTC)Reply

The new version

I myself think the version I had used was a bit better (and that's not just because I did it myself), as it separated the main series games and the console connectivity games, and it was a bit more colorful. And I think it's beginning to get a little too repetitive...

Plus, the possible DuskGold/DawnSilver versions and the entire Generation V coding in the template was completely gotten rid of. D: ~ overgrownsol 03:45, 19 February 2009 (UTC)Reply

Erm, okay, I didn't expect for it to be changed back that quickly. o.o ~ overgrownsol 03:48, 19 February 2009 (UTC)Reply
ExtremeSpeed. i like yours better too. sorry Trom. -- MAGNEDETH 03:50, 19 February 2009 (UTC)Reply
The Generation V/GSDS coding shouldn't be in place until the games are revealed. Having it in the hidden comment means that it is technically included on every page the template is on, although nothing shows up. Mumble mumble server stress.... Also, it isn't hard to just reinsert the coding once the games are official. I'm not sure what Sol means about "repetitive", but the style I had is—yes, different to the original—but similar to the all of the other new templates in that the sections are not broken up into almost "sub templates". Having the console games in a row below the main series also helps save space, but they remain separated. The colors are also somewhat hard to read, I find. Uhm.... I think that was all I wanted to say. — THE TROM04:09, 19 February 2009 (UTC)Reply
It's most likely there (I didn't originally put it there, just updated it) because if a Generation V is announced, it can be updated super quickly so there's no need to waste hours to remake it. It may be just me, but having the console games so close makes it a little confusing to read... Wait, I realized why it was so ugly. It was aligned to the left, so if you look at it vertically it goes "Pokémon Pokémon Pokémon Pokémon Pokémon". By repetitive I meant that all the templates begin to look exactly the same and gets a bit... bland. That's why I prefer version 1 to version 2, because it's a kind of change from the usual. But that's just my personal preference, so I guess it's not the best reason for it. ~ overgrownsol 04:18, 19 February 2009 (UTC)Reply
Uh... it won't take hours. Couple of seconds to copy-paste coding. I think that having similar templates is better, because it sets a standard. But, I am in agreement with the Pokémon Pokémon Pokémon. The {{v2}} and {{2v2}} templates should be used instead. — THE TROM04:25, 19 February 2009 (UTC)Reply
Blagh, I hadn't thought of saving it on a word-processing file. D:
But, instead of {{v2}} and {{2v2}} either, why not use..
Sorry, it just looks a little bland for me when it's like that. Or maybe you could center the second column so it actually is like the other ones. Oh, by the way, that doesn't mean I'm completely in favor of that version. The one I made is above all the rest. *biased* ~ overgrownsol 04:30, 19 February 2009 (UTC)Reply
Yeah, we all are a bit. How about this:
Generation I: Red and GreenBlueJPRed & BlueYellow
Pokémon Stadium (JPEN)
Generation II: Gold and SilverCrystal
Pokémon Stadium 2
Generation III: Ruby and SapphireFireRed and LeafGreenEmerald
ColosseumBox RSXD
Generation IV: Diamond and PearlPlatinum
Pokémon Battle RevolutionMy Pokémon Ranch
Pokémon game templates
THE TROM04:40, 19 February 2009 (UTC)Reply
You kinda alternate between "and" and the ampersand (&) for paired games. Otherwise, all I'd do would be colorize the "RS" in Pokémon Box RS. Or should it be R & S? ~ overgrownsol 04:44, 19 February 2009 (UTC)Reply
Oops, that was an error. I was intending to change them all to "and" but I am now leaning back toward the "&". I'm still finding it really hard to read the likes of Silver and Pearl, but there is nothing we can do if we are using colors. Uhm... I think just coloring the two letters would make it look kinda tacky. And I would leave it as just RS. — THE TROM04:49, 19 February 2009 (UTC)Reply
YAY TACKINESS!! :D Anyway, I think it just takes a second or so for your eyes to adjust so Silver and Pearl (and maybe Diamond, too) can be seen easily. That's how it is for me, anyway... ~ overgrownsol 04:52, 19 February 2009 (UTC)Reply
Ugh, tackiness. Oh well. If my computer will stop crashing, I'll try and update it. — THE TROM05:16, 19 February 2009 (UTC)Reply
Still kinda hard to read. Prehaps I'll fix something up? TTEchidna 08:33, 1 March 2009 (UTC)Reply
Perhaps you will. And perhaps you will bypass colored letters... — THE TROM08:40, 1 March 2009 (UTC)Reply


To Template:Core series. Articles using it will require updates, of course. SatoMew 00:23, 22 November 2013 (UTC)Reply

Seconding this, with the addition of fixing any links to the "Version" redirect. --Super goku (talk) 09:16, 27 January 2014 (UTC)Reply

Suggested edit

Why is the {{Side series}} still present? That redirect is unnecessary. In my knowledge, no redirect have redirected to a template. It should be removed. --~~ThePokémonFanSince1995~~-- 10:13, 20 May 2015 (UTC) Last edited by: --~~ThePokémonFanSince1995~~-- 10:14, 20 May 2015 (UTC)Reply

Remove roundy gen 6

Don't forget to remove roundybl and roundybr from the gen 6 row. MannedTooth (Talk) 17:18, 26 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Gen 7

Do Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee not fit on one line with SM/USUM? Considering how all other generations fit on one line, I figured it would look nicer if Gen 7 followed along with that as well. This is assuming Pikachu/Eevee would fit. Looks like it might fit, but it is hard to tell. Torpoleon (talk) 01:07, 31 May 2018 (UTC)Reply

Difficult to read

A few of the text colors for the games are very hard to read on the blue-gray background, such as Yellow, LG Pikachu, and Silver. Perhaps we could use the dark color templates for the text, like this:

Generation I: Red & GreenBlue (JP)Red & BlueYellow
Generation II: Gold & SilverCrystal
Generation III: Ruby & SapphireFireRed & LeafGreenEmerald
Generation IV: Diamond & PearlPlatinumHeartGold & SoulSilver
Generation V: Black & WhiteBlack 2 & White 2
Generation VI: X & YOmega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire
Generation VII: Sun & MoonUltra Sun & Ultra Moon
Let's Go, Pikachu! & Let's Go, Eevee!‎
Pokémon game templates

It looks a little less pretty, but I think readability should trump that. --Celadonkey 17:36, 14 July 2018 (UTC)Reply

Sword & Shield Expansion Pass

Should the Expansion Pass be added to this? - bthrussellUK (talk) 07:37, 10 January 2020 (UTC)Reply