Category:Attack color templates

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Revision as of 14:43, 16 January 2020 by Rustle (talk | contribs) (Added guide)
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Color templates guide


Physical color light: F29173 {{Physical color light}}
Physical color: EB5628 {{Physical color}}
Physical color dark: 99381A {{Physical color dark}}
Physical text color: FFFFFF {{Physical textcolor}}
Special color light: 7D94CD {{Special color light}}
Special color: 375AB2 {{Special color}}
Special color dark: 243B74 {{special color dark}}
Special text color: FFFFFF {{Special textcolor}}
Status color light: AEAEAE {{Status color light}}
Status color: 828282 {{Status color}}
Status color dark: 555555 {{Status color dark}}
Status text color: FFFFFF {{Status textcolor}}