
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 23:18, 17 May 2020 by Rustle (talk | contribs) (Links)
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United Kingdom Flag.png
Europe Flag.png
GMT This user uses Greenwich Mean Time, which is UTC+0.
BST During the Northern Hemisphere summer, daylight saving time is in effect, which is UTC+1.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
Typing Ball.png This user can be pretty terrible at spelling - sorry!

Pokémon Cards
Cardback.jpg This user collects Pokémon cards.
Pokémon TCG logo.png This user wants to catch 'em all!

Pokémon Games
Game Boy Color Logo.png This user plays on Game Boy Color:
Virtual Console logo.png This user plays on Virtual Console:
Spr 1y 025.png This user is a player of Pokémon Yellow Version.
Spr 2g 245.png This user is a player of Pokémon Crystal Version.

New Nintendo 3DS Logo.png This user plays on 3DS:
382Kyogre-Primal.png This user is a player of Pokémon Alpha Sapphire.
792Lunala.png This user is a player of Pokémon Moon.

Nintendo Switch Logo.png This user plays on Switch:
889Zamazenta.png This user is a player of Pokémon Shield.

Nintendo 3DS Logo.png This user's 3DS friend code is 2853-0713-3613.
Nintendo Switch Logo.png This user's Switch friend code is

Pokémon IRL
Pokémon Center London logo.png This user went to Pokémon Center London and spent too much!



  • Pokémon Center (store)
    Currently researching the history of the stores and linking up the various promo cards and event Pokémon dotted around the site. I also want to add more information about the different online stores around the world.

I'm trying to catch 'em all...

Some of my favourites:

VenusaurEXXYPromo123.jpg CharizardEXXYPromo121.jpg BlastoiseEXGenerations17.jpg PikachuEXXYPromo124.jpg RaichuGXSMPromo213.jpg ShiningNoctowlNeoDestiny110.jpg CelebiXYPromo93.jpg GyaradosAncientOrigins21.jpg PikachuGenerationsRC29.jpg ZapdosGenerations29.jpg ThundurusEXRoaringSkies98.jpg PrimalGroudonEXAncientOrigins97.jpg MewtwoEXBREAKthrough163.jpg MewtwoMewGXUnifiedMinds71.jpg MewXYPromo110.jpg TapuLeleGXGuardiansRising60.jpg ArceusXYPromo116.jpg TyranitarEXAncientOrigins42.jpg MTyranitarEXAncientOrigins43.jpg JirachiXYPromo112.jpg WhiteKyuremEXBWPromo63.jpg NoivernBREAKBREAKthrough113.jpg NidokingBREAKEvolutions46.jpg

I've spent far too much time and money on these things >_<'