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The subject of this article has no official English name. The name currently in use is a fan translation of the Japanese name.
Pocket Monsters Film Comic (Japanese: ポケットモンスター アニメ版 Pocket Monster Animation Version) is a series of manga based on the Pokémon anime. Each volume of Pocket Monsters Film Comic adapts about several episodes of the anime into comic form, with each episode corresponding to a single chapter. The volumes also include extra content such as maps, Pokédex entries and character biographies.
In Japan, the manga was published in volumes by Tentoumushi Comics, a Shogakukan imprint.
In English, the first subseries of this manga was serialized in English in the six-issue Pokémon Power magazine. The six chapters serialized in the magazine were collected in the English volume Pokémon TV Animation Comic - I Choose You!, published by VIZ Media. The Gold and Silver subseries was serialized in Nintendo Power starting in the November 2000 issue, although unlike the first subseries, these translations have not been published in volumes.
The series was translated to Cantonese in Hong Kong by Viz Communications China (H.K.) Ltd.
The series was also translated and released in South Korea, titled 애니코믹스 포켓몬스터, published by 대원씨아이 Daewon C.I.. All volumes of the original and Orange Islands series, and at least the first 23 volumes of the Gold & Silver volumes were released.
List of volumes
List of Pocket Monsters Film Comic volumes
Cover artwork
Volume number
July 1, 1997
ポケモン君に決めた! Pokémon! I Choose You! たいけつ!ポケモンセンター Showdown! Pokémon Center! ポケモンゲットだぜ! I Caught a Pokémon!
October 1, 1997
サムライしょうねんのちょうせん Challenge of the Samurai Boy! ニビジムのたたかい! Pewter Gym Battle! ピッピとつきのいし Clefairy and the Moon Stone ハナダシティのすいちゅうか The Suichūka of Cerulean City
November 1, 1997
ポケモンリーグへのみち The Road to the Pokémon League ポケモンひっしょうマニュアル Pokémon Victory Manual かくれざとのフシギダネ Bulbasaur of the Hidden Village はぐれポケモン・ヒトカゲ Stray Pokémon - Charmander
November 1, 1997
ゼニガメぐんだんとうじょう! Enter the Squirtle Squad! マサキのとうだい Bill's Lighthouse でんげきたいけつ!クチバジム Electric Shock Showdown! Vermilion Gym サントアンヌごうのたたかい! Battle on the St. Anne!
January 1, 1998
ポケモンひょうりゅうき Pokémon Adrift きょうだいポケモンのしま Island of the Giant Pokémon!? アオプルコのきゅうじつ Holiday at Acapulco メノクラゲドククラゲ Tentacool Tentracruel
March 1, 1998
ゆうれいポケモンとなつまつり The Ghost Pokémon and the Summer Festival バイバイバタフリー Bye-Bye Butterfree ケーシィ!ちょうのうりょくたいけつ! Abra! Psychic Showdown! ポケモンタワーでゲットだぜ! Capture at the Pokémon Tower!
April 1, 1998
ゴーストVSエスパー! Haunter VS Psychic-type! おこらないでねオコリザル! Don't Get Angry, Primeape! エリカとクサイハナ Erika and Gloom スリーパーとポケモンがえり!? Hypno and Pokémon Hypnotism!?
May 1, 1998
ロコン!ブリーダーたいけつ! Vulpix! Breeder Showdown! かくとうポケモン!だいバトル! Fighting Pokémon! The Great Battle! コイルはでんきネズミのユメをみるか!? Do Magnemite Dream of Electric Mice!? ディグダがいっぱい! Lots of Diglett!
June 1, 1998
セキチクにんじゃたいけつ! Fuchsia Ninja Showdown! ほのおのポケモンだいレース! The Great Fire Pokémon Race! ガルーラのこもりうた Kangaskhan's Lullaby ミニリュウのでんせつ The Legend of Dratini
July 1, 1998
あらしのサイクリングロード Stormy Cycling Road メタモンとものまねむすめ Ditto and the Copycat Girl ピカチュウのもり Forest of Pikachu イーブイ4きょうだい The Four Eevee Brothers
November 1, 1998
おきろ!カビゴン! Wake Up! Snorlax! たいけつ!ポケモンジム! Showdown! Pokémon Gym! ナッシーぐんだんだいこうしん! The Great Exeggutor Squad March! パラスとパラセクト Paras and Parasect
January 1, 1999
うたって!プリン! Sing! Jigglypuff! ふっかつ!? かせきポケモン! Resurrection?! Fossil Pokémon! ラッキーのカルテ Chansey's Clinical Records ガーディとコジロウ Growlithe and James
December 1, 1998
げきとう! ポケモンひなまつり Fierce Fight! Pokémon Girls' Festival こどものひだよ ぜんいんしゅうごう It's Children's Day! Everyone Gather!) ルージュラのクリスマス Jynx's Christmas イワークでビバーク Onix as a Bivouac
April 1, 1999
カモネギのカモ Farfetch'd's Sitting Duck トゲピーはだれのもの!? Who Gets to Keep Togepi!? フシギダネのふしぎのはなぞの Bulbasaur's Mysterious Flower Garden けいさつけんガーディ Police Dog Growlithe
July 1, 1999
シャッターチャンスはピカチュウ Photo Op Pikachu ポケモンけんていしけん!? Pokémon Certification Test!? そだてやのひみつ! The Secret of the Breeding Center! もえろ!グレンジム! Burn! Cinnabar Gym!
August 1, 1999
けっせん!グレンジム! Decisive Battle! Cinnabar Gym! カメックスのしま Blastoise's Island ハナダジム!すいちゅうのたたかい! Cerulean Gym! Underwater Battle! ピッピVSプリン Clefairy VS Jigglypuff
December 1, 1999
トキワジム! さいごのバッジ! Viridian Gym! The Last Badge! ポケモンサーカスのバリヤード Mr. Mime from the Pokémon Circus ライバルたいけつ! オーキドけんきゅうじょ Rival Showdown! Oak Laboratory ヤドンがヤドランになるとき When Slowpoke Becomes Slowbro
January 1, 2000
なみのりピカチュウのでんせつ The Legend of the Surfing Pikachu しょくぶつえんのクサイハナ Gloom of the Botanical Garden ポケモン・ザ・ムービー! Pokémon the Movie! ニャースのあいうえお Meowth's ABCs
February 1, 2000
してんのう・シバとうじょう! Enter Elite Four Bruno! げきとつ! ちょうこだいポケモン Fierce Battle! Ancient Pokémon ガラガラのホネこんぼう Marowak's Bone Club ファイヤー! ポケモンリーグかいかいしき! Moltres! Pokémon League Opening Ceremony! ポケモンリーグかいまく! 水のフィールド Pokémon League Opens! Water Field!
March 1, 2000
氷のフィールド! ほのおのたたかい! Ice Field! Blazing Battle! 草のフィールド! いがいなきょうてき! Grass Field! Unexpected Rival! ライバルとうじょう! A Rival Enters! セキエイスタジアム! VSヒロシ! Indigo Stadium! VS Ritchie! ポケモンリーグ! さいごのたたかい! Pokémon League! Final Battle!
List of Pocket Monsters Film Comic Episode: Orange Islands volumes
The volumes featuring Ash's adventures in the Orange Islands are numbered separately from the original series of volumes. However, on the back covers, volumes 5-9 continue an overall numbering based on the original Pocket Monsters Film Comic. For example, Orange Islands volume 6 is overall the 26th volume of Pocket Monsters Film Comic.
List of Pocket Monsters Film Comic Episode: Gold & Silver volumes
This list is incomplete. Please feel free to edit this list to add missing information and complete it.
The volumes featuring Ash's adventures in Johto are numbered separately from the original series of volumes. However, on the back covers, they continue an overall numbering based on the previous Pocket Monsters Film Comics. For example, Gold & Silver volume 25 is overall the 54th volume of Pocket Monsters Film Comic.
- Although a chapter for EP038 was skipped, the missing episode is acknowledged by the numbering of the other chapters (the numbered chapters skip from 37 to 39). EP038 was given the same treatment in TV Anime Pocket Monsters Big Bite Book.