Legendary Power (TCG GB2)

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Revision as of 13:12, 8 April 2008 by Nuva-kal (talk | contribs) (New page: '''Legendary Power''' is one of the eight sets found in Pokémon Card GB 2 for the Game Boy Color. The cover of the booster pack features a {{p|Moltres}}. [[Club Member|Club Mas...)
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Legendary Power is one of the eight sets found in Pokémon Card GB 2 for the Game Boy Color.

The cover of the booster pack features a Moltres.

Club Masters and their Club Members usually give out the booster packs when you defeated any of them.

It includes cards from Base Set, Jungle, Fossil, the Vending Machine collection, Video Introduction Set, and also has two additions of Magnemite and Marowak, which are both exclusive to the game.

No. Card Name Type Level Rarity
B01 Venusaur Grass 67 File:Rare rare.gifH
B02 Caterpie Grass 13 File:Rare com.gif
B03 Metapod Grass 21 File:Rare com.gif
B04 Butterfree Grass 28 File:Rare uncom.gif
B05 Nidoran♀ Grass 13 File:Rare com.gif
B06 Nidorina Grass 24 File:Rare uncom.gif
B07 Nidoking Grass 48 File:Rare rare.gifH
B08 Paras Grass 15 File:Rare com.gif
B09 Parasect Grass 29 File:Rare uncom.gif
B10 Exeggcute Grass 14 File:Rare com.gif
B11 Exeggutor Grass 35 File:Rare uncom.gif
B12 Scyther Grass 23 File:Rare rare.gif
B13 Arcanine Fire 45 File:Rare rare.gif
B14 Magmar Fire 18 File:Rare uncom.gif
B15 Flareon Fire 28 File:Rare rare.gifH
B16 Moltres Fire 35 File:Rare rare.gifH
B17 Squirtle Water 14 File:Rare com.gif
B18 Wartortle Water 24 File:Rare uncom.gif
B19 Blastoise Water 52 File:Rare rare.gifH
B20 Tentacool Water 10 File:Rare com.gif
B21 Tentacruel Water 21 File:Rare uncom.gif
B22 Shellder Water 8 File:Rare com.gif
B23 Cloyster Water 25 File:Rare uncom.gif
B24 Goldeen Water 12 Common
B25 Seaking Water 28 Uncommon
B26 Lapras Water 24 File:Rare rare.gif
B27 Vaporeon Water 42 File:Rare rare.gifH
B28 Magnemite Lightning 14 File:Rare com.gif
B29 Magneton Lightning 30 File:Rare rare.gif
B30 Electabuzz Lightning 35 File:Rare rare.gif
B31 Jolteon Lightning 29 File:Rare rare.gifH
B32 Sandshrew Fighting 12 File:Rare com.gif
B33 Sandslash Fighting 33 File:Rare uncom.gif
B34 Geodude Fighting 15 File:Rare com.gif
B35 Graveler Fighting 29 File:Rare uncom.gif
B36 Cubone Fighting 14 File:Rare com.gif
B37 Marowak Fighting 32 File:Rare uncom.gif
B38 Hitmonlee Fighting 23 File:Rare rare.gif
B39 Rhyhorn Fighting 18 Common
B40 Rhydon Fighting 48 Uncommon
B41 Abra Psychic 10 File:Rare com.gif
B42 Kadabra Psychic 38 File:Rare uncom.gif
B43 Mewtwo Psychic 54 File:Rare rare.gif
B44 Spearow Colorless 9 File:Rare com.gif
B45 Clefairy Colorless 15 File:Rare uncom.gif
B46 Jigglypuff Colorless 14 Common
B47 Wigglytuff Colorless 40 RareH
B48 Farfetch'd Colorless 20 File:Rare uncom.gif
B49 Kangaskhan Colorless 40 RareH
B50 Dratini Colorless 10 File:Rare com.gif
B51 Dragonair Colorless 33 File:Rare uncom.gif
B52 Dragonite Colorless 45 File:Rare rare.gifH
B53 Energy Removal T - File:Rare com.gif
B54 Revive T - File:Rare uncom.gif
B55 Defender T - File:Rare uncom.gif
B56 Gust of Wind T - File:Rare com.gif
B57 PlusPower T - File:Rare uncom.gif
B58 Pokémon Trader T - File:Rare com.gif
B59 Pokémon Center T - File:Rare uncom.gif
B60 Pokémon Breeder T - File:Rare rare.gif
E07 Double Colorless Energy E - File:Rare uncom.gif

TCG GB1 sets: ColosseumEvolutionMysteryLaboratoryPromotional Card
TCG GB2 sets: Beginning PokémonLegendary PowerIsland of FossilPsychic Battle
Sky Flying PokémonWe Are Team RocketTeam Rocket's AmbitionPromotion Card