Accumula Town (Japanese: カラクサタウンKarakusa Town) is a small town located in southeastern Unova. In Black and White, it is where the player first encounters Team Plasma, Ghetsis, and N.
The Fast-Growing Town! (Japanese: 生い茂る ツルは 繁栄の証Thick ivy is proof of prosperity.)
Places of interest
Town square
In the center of the town is an open, park-like area. It is here that Team Plasma made their first speech, and Ghetsis encourages the citizens of Accumula to release their Pokémon. After Ghetsis leaves, N appears out of the crowd and tries to listen and talk to the player's Pokémon. It is later revealed that the Pokémon told N that it was happy to be with the player. After he communicates with the player's Pokémon, he challenges the player to a battle.
Pokémon rock-paper-scissors
In a house in the north-west of town, there is a little girl who will challenge the player to a game of Pokémon rock-paper-scissors. Instead of using rock, paper, and scissors, this game uses Fire, Grass, and Water.
Pokémon Black and White
Accumula Town has a total population of 30.
Pokémon Black 2 and White 2
Accumula Town now has a total population of 36.
Variable scoring
Piano and percussion tracks can be added to Accumula Town's background theme by speaking to a pianist and drummer residing in a house in the northeast section of town. In Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, the piano track cannot be added until the player has shown the pianist both a Kricketot and a Whismur.
class="roundybottom" style="background: #Template:City color light; color: #000000" colspan="14" | A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Accumula Town appeared in a flashback in The Plan, where Ghetsis held a speech about Team Plasma's plans of Pokémon liberation there. The speech was watched by Hilda, Cheren, and N.
Black and White camped out in Accumula Town when they were attacked by a wildTimburr that was revealed to be helping Team Plasma build a stand. The stand was used by Ghetsis, who gave a speech trying to convince people to release their Pokémon so that they can be free.
When Black attempted to stop them from making any more speeches, he was attacked by N and was forced into battling him.
Related cards Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format. Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.
A typographical error occurs in this town, when showing a tiny Pokémon to the Youngster who makes daily requests to see one: "Wow! Amazing! a <Pokémon species name> is so tiny!"
The first battle with Lass Diana is the only Trainer battle in Black 2 and White 2 outside of a battle facility that has its levels unaffected by what difficulty level is used; rather, the levels are based solely on what the player trades. If an Excadrill that is lower than 65 is traded to the Lass, the Excadrill in battle will be raised to level 65; if the Excadrill traded is at least 65, the Excadrill in battle will instead be raised by 5 levels, to a maximum of 100.