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(Japanese: ヤドン音頭 Yadon Ondo) is a song made for the Pokémon Daisuki Club's Slowpoke Day promotion. It was released on the official Japanese YouTube channel on July 27, 2018. A choreographed version was uploaded on August 9, 2018. The song was written and composed by ヤードンズ Yādonzu and was performed and sung by れんま -RENMA-.
ハア~ 年に一度はヤドンになってナ なんもかんも忘れて踊りまい(ア、踊りまい) チョイト イトさん 聞き捨てならぬ 踊りも忘れちゃ踊れはせんぞ そこはドンマイ、ヤドンマインド 楽しきゃ手足が勝手に踊る(勝手に踊る)ヤドンはしっぽが踊りだす (ア、八月十日はヤドンの日)
ハア~ 月に一度はヤドンになってナ しっぽくわえて輪になろう(ア、輪になろう) チョイト イトさん 聞き捨てならぬ ヤドンのしっぽは 苦くはないか いいえドンマイ、ヤドンマインド ヤドンのしっぽはあ~まいぞ(あ~まいぞ)まるでヤドンの和三盆 (しっぽにシェルダー、はいヤドラン)
ハア~ 週に一度はうどんを食ってナ いきいき長生き腰つよく(ア、腰つよく) チョイト イトさん 聞き捨てならぬ 週に一度じゃ ガマンできんぞ ならばドンマイ、ウドンマインド 讃岐のうどんを巡るはいかが(巡るはいかが)ヤドンのうどんもおごっつぉさん (ヤドンとウドンはマッツクツイ)
ハア~ 一日一度はヤドンになってナ なが~いあくびをしてみたい(ア、してみたい) チョイト イトさん 聞き捨てならぬ ヤドンのあくびは 雨雲呼ぶで そこはドンマイ、ヤドンマインド 雨降りゃ草木も青々と(青々と)ダムにもお水がたっぷりと (ア、ドンドラさ~ん、カミナリさん)
Hey, let's be a Yadon once a year Forget about everything and dance (Yeah, dance) Hey, lady, I can't let that stand I can't dance if I forget how to dance Don't mind that. Ya, don't mind. If you're happy, your limbs would dance on their own (dance on their own). Yadon's tail has even started dancing on its own. (Yeah, August 10th is Yadon Day)
Hey, let's be a Yadon once a month Bite your tail to form a ring (Yeah, form a ring) Hey, lady, I can't let that stand Yadon's tail must be bitter, right? Well, don't mind it. Ya, don't mind. Yadon's tail is real sweeeet (real sweeeet), it's like a Yadon wasanbon (Shellder on its tail - Yes, Yadoran)
Hah, let's have udon once a week Live long and lively with a strong back (Yeah, a strong back) Hey, lady, I can't let that stand I couldn't take only having it once a week If so, don't mind that. U-don't mind. How about a Sanuki udon restaurant tour? (How about a tour?) Yadon's udon is also a treat (Yadon sounds a lot like udon)
Hah, let's be a Yadon once a day I want to try doing a looong yawn (Yeah, I want to try) Hey, lady, I can't let that stand Yadon's yawn summons the rain clouds Don't mind that. Ya, don't mind. When it rains, the grass is lush (lush) and the dam is full of water (Aah, thunder~bolt and lightning)