Safra Sea

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Revision as of 19:16, 6 May 2008 by Fabu-Vinny (talk | contribs)

Safra Sea is the sea to the south of Fiore. Once Lapras is befirended, it will allow Rangers to ride across the sea, allowing for travel between Fall City and Summerland.

The Safra Sea Floor is known as a place of secrets as it is largely unexplored. One route along the sea floor emerges in Panula Lake, at the entrance to Panula Cave.

MC Fisher runs the Marine Capture Challenge on an area of the sea near Summerland. The aim of the capture challenge is to capture as many Pokémon as possible in under 3 minutes. Points are earned depending on the rarity of each captured Pokémon. Poké Assists can not be used. Cameron is a frequent challenger and holds the initial high score of 3500.


Certain Pokémon do not appear until requirements are met:

  • Kingdra: Capture two Horsea.
  • Seaking: Capture two Goldeen.
  • Wailmer: Capture two Seaking.
  • Starmie: Capture two Staryu.
  • Psyduck: Capture two Starmie.
  • Mantine: Capture three Remoraid and one Octillery.
  • Sharpedo: Capture two Carvanha.
  • Luvdisc: Being one minute into the Marine Challenge
  • Pelipper: Beat the high score in the Marine Challenge.

This is a listing of the Pokémon found in the Marine Challenge:

RingtownFall CitySummerlandWintown
East RoadNorth Road
Lyra ForestKrokka TunnelWaterworksSafra SeaOlive JungleJungle Relic
Kisara PlainDusk FactoryPanula CaveSekra RangeGo-Rock BaseFiore Temple