User:BigDocFan/Pokémon Voice Actor List English Dub

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

Based on emails provided by voice directors, I will list who voices which Pokémon. I hope to update these often when I receive more information

National Dex Number Pokémon Name Picture Voice Actor(s)/Actress(es) Additional VA's
001 Bulbasaur Michele Knotz N/A
002 Ivysaur Justin Anselmi Billy Bob Thompson
003 Venusaur Justin Anselmi N/A
004 Charmander Billy Bob Thompson N/A
005 Charmeleon Billy Bob Thompson N/A
007 Squirtle Michele Knotz N/A
009 Blastoise Billy Bob Thompson N/A
011 Metapod Sam Black N/A
019 Rattata James Carter Cathcart N/A
020 Raticate James Carter Cathcart N/A
021 Spearow Justin Anselmi N/A
023 Ekans Rob Mungle N/A
027 Sandshrew Pete Zarustica Marc Thompson
028 Sandslash Abe Goldfarb N/A
035 Clefairy Kate Bristol N/A
036 Clefable Kate Bristol Sarah Natochenny
037 Vulpix Suzy Myers Emily Jenness
038 Ninetales Lisa Ortiz N/A
039 Jigglypuff Michele Knotz N/A
040 Wigglytuff Michele Knotz N/A
043 Oddish Michele Knotz N/A
044 Gloom Lisa Ortiz N/A
045 Vileplume Lisa Ortiz N/A
046 Paras Billy Bob Thompson N/A
048 Venonat Lisa Ortiz N/A
049 Venomoth Sam Black N/A
050 Diglett Sarah Natochenny N/A
051 Dugtrio Marc Thompson Erica Schroeder
052 Meowth Pete Zarustica N/A
053 Persian Kate Bristol Laurie Hymes
054 Psyduck Michele Knotz N/A
055 Golduck H.D. Quinn N/A
056 Mankey Marc Thompson N/A
057 Primeape Marc Thompson N/A
058 Growlithe Marc Thompson N/A
061 Poliwhirl Roger Callagy N/A
062 Poliwrath Roger Callagy N/A
065 Alakazam Bill Rogers N/A
066 Machop H.D. Quinn N/A
067 Machoke Marc Thompson Ryan Nicolls
068 Machamp Ben Phillips N/A
069 Bellsprout Kayzie Rogers Melissa Hope
073 Tentacruel Marc Thompson N/A
074 Geodude Marc Thompson N/A
079 Slowpoke James Carter Cathcart N/A
080 Slowbro James Carter Cathcart N/A
081 Magnemite Bill Rogers N/A
082 Magneton Bill Rogers N/A
083 Farfetch'd Marc Thompson N/A
086 Seel Brian Kim N/A
087 Dewgong James Carter Cathcart N/A
089 Muk James Carter Cathcart N/A
090 Shellder James Carter Cathcart N/A
091 Cloyster James Carter Cathcart N/A
092 Gastly Marc Thompson N/A
093 Haunter Marc Thompson N/A
094 Gengar Marc Thompson N/A
097 Hypno Jake Paque N/A
100 Voltorb Abe Goldfarb N/A
103 Exeggutor Marc Thompson N/A
104 Cubone Marc Thompson N/A
105 Marowak Sam Black N/A
108 Lickitung Pete Zarustica N/A
110 Weezing Mike Liscio N/A
113 Chansey Sarah Natochenny N/A
116 Horsea Zoe Martin N/A
119 Seaking James Carter Cathcart N/A
122 Mr. Mime Michele Knotz N/A
123 Scyther Sam Black N/A
126 Magmar H.D. Quinn N/A
129 Magikarp Mike Liscio N/A
132 Ditto Erica Schroeder N/A
133 Eevee Suzy Myers Erica Schroeder
134 Vaporeon Lisa Ortiz N/A
135 Jolteon Suzy Myers N/A
136 Flareon Kayzie Rogers
Suzy Myers
Erica Schroeder
142 Aerodactyl Justin Anselmi N/A
143 Snorlax James Carter Cathcart N/A
146 Moltres Marc Thompson N/A
158 Totodile Lisa Ortiz N/A
161 Sentret Erica Schroeder N/A
167 Spinarak Kate Bristol N/A
170 Chinchou Sarah Natochenny N/A
173 Cleffa Kate Bristol N/A
175 Togepi Michele Knotz N/A
178 Xatu Ryan Nicolls N/A
179 Mareep Lisa Ortiz N/A
180 Flaaffy Michele Knotz N/A
182 Bellossom Erica Schroeder N/A
183 Marill Kayzie Rogers Michele Knotz
185 Sudowoodo Bill Rogers N/A
186 Politoed Roger Callagy N/A
187 Hoppip Kayzie Rogers N/A
188 Skiploom Kayzie Rogers N/A
194 Wooper Billy Bob Thompson N/A
195 Quagsire James Carter Cathcart N/A
196 Espeon Erica Schroeder N/A
197 Umbreon Lori Phillips N/A
198 Murkrow Marc Thompson N/A
202 Wobbuffet Kayzie Rogers Erica Schroeder
209 Snubbull James Carter Cathcart N/A
211 Qwilfish Ryan Nicolls N/A
212 Scizor Justin Anselmi Marc Thompson
213 Shuckle Mike Pollock N/A
215 Sneasel Michele Knotz N/A
216 Teddiursa Erica Schroeder N/A
222 Corsola Michele Knotz N/A
227 Skarmory Jake Paque N/A
229 Houndoom H.D. Quinn N/A
231 Phanpy Haven Paschall N/A
234 Stantler Marc Thompson N/A
235 Smeargle Ryan William Downey Marc Thompson
236 Tyrogue Billy Bob Thompson N/A
238 Smoochum Kayzie Rogers N/A
242 Blissey Sarah Natochenny N/A
248 Tyranitar H.D. Quinn N/A
249 Lugia H.D. Quinn N/A
253 Grovyle Bill Rogers N/A
254 Sceptile Bill Rogers N/A
257 Blaziken James Carter Cathcart N/A
260 Swampert James Carter Cathcart N/A
263 Zigzagoon Bill Rogers N/A
264 Linoone Bill Rogers N/A
270 Lotad Bill Rogers N/A
272 Ludicolo Bill Rogers N/A
278 Wingull Sarah Natochenny N/A
279 Pelipper Laurie Hymes N/A
282 Gardevoir Michele Knotz N/A
283 Surskit Sarah Natochenny N/A
284 Masquerain Michele Knotz N/A
286 Breloom Alex Haynes N/A
289 Slaking Bill Rogers N/A
296 Makuhita Bill Rogers N/A
297 Hariyama Bill Rogers N/A
298 Azurill Kayzie Rogers N/A
300 Skitty Kate Bristol N/A
301 Delcatty Kayzie Rogers N/A
302 Sableye Bill Rogers N/A
304 Aron James Carter Cathcart N/A
305 Lairon James Carter Cathcart N/A
306 Aggron James Carter Cathcart N/A
310 Manectric Jake Paque N/A
318 Carvanha Bill Rogers N/A
319 Sharpedo Bill Rogers N/A
320 Wailmer H.D. Quinn N/A
323 Camerupt Daniel J. Edwards N/A
327 Spinda Suzy Myers N/A
334 Altaria Rebecca Soler N/A
341 Corphish Bill Rogers N/A
351 Castform Marisa Kennedy N/A
354 Banette File:Nurse Joy Banette.png James Carter Cathcart N/A
359 Absol Bill Rogers N/A
361 Snorunt Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld N/A
362 Glalie Sean Reyes N/A
367 Huntail Marc Thompson N/A
368 Gorebyss Michele Knotz N/A
370 Luvdisc Kate Bristol Lisa Ortiz
372 Shelgon Justin Anselmi N/A
380 Latias Michele Knotz N/A
381 Latios Michele Knotz N/A
393 Piplup Michele Knotz N/A
396 Starly Sarah Natochenny N/A
397 Staravia Sarah Natochenny N/A
399 Bidoof Michele Knotz N/A
405 Luxray Billy Bob Thompson N/A
406 Budew Sarah Natochenny N/A
407 Roserade Sarah Natochenny N/A
412 Burmy Sarah Natochenny N/A
413 Wormadam Kate Bristol N/A
415 Combee Michele Knotz N/A
427 Buneary Sarah Natochenny N/A
428 Lopunny Sarah Natochenny N/A
429 Mismagius Sarah Natochenny N/A
438 Bonsly Bill Rogers N/A
446 Munchlax James Carter Cathcart N/A
448 Lucario Bill Rogers N/A
449 Hippopotas Billy Bob Thompson N/A
450 Hippowdon Billy Bob Thompson N/A
454 Toxicroak Bill Rogers N/A
457 Lumineon Zoe Martin N/A
460 Abomasnow Marc Thompson N/A
461 Weavile Bill Rogers N/A
462 Magnezone Bill Rogers N/A
464 Rhyperior Marc Thompson N/A
466 Electivire Bill Rogers N/A
467 Magmortar H.D. Quinn N/A
476 Probopass James Carter Cathcart N/A
493 Arceus Marc Thompson N/A
504 Patrat Justin Anselmi N/A
505 Watchog Daniel J. Edwards N/A
507 Herdier Marc Thompson N/A
508 Stoutland Marc Thompson N/A
510 Liepard Erica Schroeder N/A
512 Simisage Robby Duncan Sharpe N/A
513 Pansear Marc Thompson N/A
515 Panpour Marc Thompson N/A
516 Simipour Marc Thompson N/A
521 Unfezant Erica Schroeder N/A
524 Roggenrola Billy Bob Thompson N/A
525 Boldore Abe Goldfarb N/A
529 Drilbur Daniel J. Edwards N/A
531 Audino Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld N/A
545 Scolipede Marc Thompson N/A
547 Whimsicott Michele Knotz N/A
548 Petilil Michele Knotz N/A
549 Lilligant Michele Knotz N/A
553 Krookodile Marc Thompson N/A
555 Darmanitan James Carter Cathcart N/A
559 Scraggy Jason Griffith N/A
560 Scrafty Jason Griffith N/A
561 Sigilyph Marc Thompson N/A
568 Trubbish Jonathan Todd Ross N/A
569 Garbodor Erica Schroeder N/A
572 Minccino Michele Knotz N/A
574 Gothita Erica Schroeder N/A
592 Frillish Laurie Hymes N/A
594 Alomomola Lisa Ortiz N/A
607 Litwick Kate Bristol N/A
617 Accelgor Billy Bob Thompson N/A
620 Mienshao Kate Bristol N/A
621 Druddigon Billy Bob Thompson N/A
625 Bisharp Justin Anselmi N/A
627 Rufflet Mike Liscio N/A
628 Braviary Jake Paque Ryan Nicolls
629 Vullaby Erica Schroeder N/A
631 Heatmor Billy Bob Thompson N/A
650 Chespin Suzy Myers N/A
651 Quilladin Justin Anselmi N/A
652 Chesnaught Suzy Myers H.D. Quinn
653 Fennekin Eileen Stevens N/A
654 Braixen Eileen Stevens N/A
655 Delphox Eileen Stevens N/A
656 Froakie Billy Bob Thompson N/A
657 Frogadier Billy Bob Thompson N/A
658 Greninja Billy Bob Thompson N/A
659 Bunnelby Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld N/A
660 Diggersby Marc Thompson N/A
661 Fletchling Lisa Ortiz N/A
663 Talonflame Alex Haynes N/A
664 Scatterbug Erica Schroeder N/A
665 Spewpa Erica Schroeder N/A
666 Vivillon Eileen Stevens N/A
667 Litleo Mike Liscio N/A
668 Pyroar H.D. Quinn N/A
671 Florges Aurora Bea N/A
674 Pancham Erica Schroeder N/A
675 Pangoro Marc Thompson N/A
676 Furfrou Billy Bob Thompson N/A
677 Espurr Sarah Natochenny N/A
678 Meowstic Sarah Natochenny N/A
679 Honedge Justin Anselmi N/A
680 Doublade Justin Anselmi N/A
681 Aegislash Marc Swint N/A
682 Spritzee Lisa Ortiz N/A
683 Aromatisse Lisa Ortiz N/A
685 Slurpuff Haven Paschall N/A
686 Inkay Mike Liscio N/A
687 Malamar Marc Thompson N/A
688 Binacle Billy Bob Thompson N/A
689 Barbaracle Billy Bob Thompson N/A
693 Clawitzer Billy Bob Thompson N/A
694 Helioptile Eileen Stevens N/A
695 Heliolisk Ryan William Downey N/A
696 Tyrunt H.D. Quinn N/A
697 Tyrantrum H.D. Quinn N/A
698 Amaura Erica Schroeder N/A
700 Sylveon Erica Schroeder N/A
701 Hawlucha H.D. Quinn N/A
703 Carbink Kate Bristol
Daniel J. Edwards
Bill Rogers
706 Goodra Jason Griffith N/A
707 Klefki Suzy Myers N/A
708 Phantump Lisa Ortiz N/A
711 Gourgeist Haven Paschall N/A
712 Bergmite Robby Duncan Sharpe N/A
713 Avalugg Robby Duncan Sharpe N/A
714 Noibat Marc Thompson N/A
715 Noivern Marc Thompson N/A
718 Zygarde Billy Bob Thompson N/A
722 Rowlet Roger Callagy N/A
724 Decidueye Roger Callagy N/A
725 Litten Lisa Ortiz N/A
726 Torracat‎ Lisa Ortiz N/A
727 Incineroar H.D. Quinn N/A
728 Popplio Eileen Stevens Laurie Hymes
729 Brionne Eileen Stevens N/A
730 Primarina Laurie Hymes N/A
731 Pikipek Kate Bristol Michele Knotz
732 Trumbeak Mike Liscio N/A
733 Toucannon Marc Swint N/A
734 Yungoos Billy Bob Thompson N/A
735 Gumshoos Billy Bob Thompson N/A
736 Grubbin Abe Goldfarb N/A
737 Charjabug Simona Berman Abe Goldfarb
739 Crabrawler Jake Paque N/A
740 Crabominable Jake Paque N/A
741 Oricorio Erica Schroeder N/A
742 Cutiefly Emily Jenness N/A
743 Ribombee Suzy Myers
Eileen Stevens
Kate Bristol
Emily Jenness
744 Rockruff Haven Paschall N/A
745 Lycanroc Mike Liscio N/A
746 Wishiwashi Lisa Ortiz H.D. Quinn
747 Mareanie Melissa Hope James Carter Cathcart
748 Toxapex James Carter Cathcart N/A
749 Mudbray Michele Knotz N/A
750 Mudsdale H.D. Quinn N/A
751 Dewpider Martha Harms
Michele Knotz
Zoe Martin
Lisa Ortiz
752 Araquanid Martha Harms N/A
753 Fomantis Simona Berman N/A
754 Lurantis Samara Naeymi N/A
755 Morelull Michele Knotz N/A
756 Shiinotic Michele Knotz N/A
757 Salandit Haven Paschall N/A
758 Salazzle Haven Paschall N/A
759 Stufful Michele Knotz N/A
760 Bewear Michele Knotz N/A
761 Bounsweet Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld N/A
762 Steenee Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld N/A
763 Tsareena Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld N/A
764 Comfey Suzy Myers N/A
765 Oranguru Scottie Ray N/A
767 Wimpod Ryan William Downey N/A
769 Sandygast Laurie Hymes N/A
770 Palossand Ryan Nicolls N/A
771 Pyukumuku Kate Bristol N/A
772 Type: Null Abe Goldfarb N/A
773 Silvally Abe Goldfarb N/A
774 Minior Emily Cramer N/A
775 Komala Mike Liscio N/A
776 Turtonator Marc Thompson N/A
777 Togedemaru Kate Bristol Emily Cramer
778 Mimikyu Billy Bob Thompson Sarah Natochenny
779 Bruxish Jake Paque N/A
780 Drampa Jason Griffith N/A
781 Dhelmise Billy Bob Thompson N/A
782 Jangmo-o Erica Schroeder N/A
783 Hakamo-o Eddy Lee N/A
784 Kommo-o Ryan Andes N/A
785 Tapu Koko Erica Schroeder N/A
786 Tapu Lele Suzy Myers N/A
787 Tapu Bulu Sam Black N/A
788 Tapu Fini Lisa Ortiz N/A
789 Cosmog Haven Paschall N/A
793 Nihilego Haven Paschall N/A
794 Buzzwole Billy Bob Thompson N/A
802 Marshadow Simona Berman N/A
803 Poipole Lisa Ortiz N/A
804 Naganadel Lisa Ortiz N/A
805 Stakataka Daniel J. Edwards N/A
807 Zeraora Pete Zarustica N/A