User:Storm Aurora

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 12:07, 2 June 2023 by Tiddlywinks (talk | contribs) (mainspaced)
Storm Aurora
Tumblr: @mala-sadas
Twitter: @rstorm_aurora
Discord: Stórm#2249
Ao3: storm_aurora

this tcg art sparks joy
Favorite Pokémon Magnemite, Victini, Joltik
Favorite Trainers Hop, Hugh, Hau, Leon, Iris
Favorite Dexholders Moon, Sun, Diamond
Favorite regions Unova, Galar, Alola
Favorite types Ghost, Electric
Favorite sections
to edit
Pokémon Masters EX articles
Quotes pages

Hi! I'm Storm. Long-time Bulbapedia user, relatively new editor. I have plenty of programming experience, so I'm pretty comfortable using Wikicode. However, I'm still learning how the editors and staff operate, so bear with me.

Testing wikicode stuff

A hidden table?
Yesss It worked!
I think I can
make use of this

Testing more stuff

Wow look at all this testing

How small do these headers go
Very small, apparently
=I don't think any article would ever need this deep of a subsection=

And it can't have one. Good to know!

Testing stuff for the mainspace

For the Fans
Japanese name Japanese name translation

Artwork by yamanashi taiki
Type Solo event
Start date December 9, 2021
End date December 23, 2021
Rewards Exchange shop
Featured sync pairs Elesa (Classic) and Emolga
Lisia and Altaria
Sync pairs with bonus
x1.6 Elesa (Classic) and Emolga
Lisia and Altaria
x1.4 Elesa and Zebstrika
Sygna Suit Elesa and Rotom
x1.2 Scottie/Bettie and Pikachu
Scottie/Bettie and Torchic
Theme skills with bonus None

[Event Name] / [Japanese Event Name]


Type: Story event/solo event/etc

Start date: ######
###### (rerun)
End date: ######
###### (rerun)

Rewards: Shop exchange/Prize Box/Event map

Featured sync pair(s): [sync pair name]/None

Sync pairs with bonus:

[sync pair] x1.6

[sync pair] x1.4

[sync pair] x1.2

Theme skills with bonus:

[theme skill] x1.2


Brock is teamed up with at the beginning of the game.

Sygna Suit Brock is teamed up with during Interlude 1 of the PML Arc.

Brock and Onix can be battled against in:

Sygna Suit Brock and Tyranitar can be battled against in:


Hau is teamed up with by completing Chapter 11 of the PML Arc.

Sygna Suit Hau was exclusive to the following Poké Fair scout banners:

  • (Debut) Sygna Suit Hau Poké Fair Scout (April 28 to June 2, 2023)

Hau and Raichu can be battled against in:

Hau has also been shown to pair alongside the following Pokémon and can be battled against in:

Sync Pair Stories

Hau and Raichu

  • A Day with Hau

Sygna Suit Hau and Tapu Koko

  • A Day with Sygna Suit Hau

Red-Striped Form


Red-Striped Form

Red-Striped Form

alternate forms
