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For voice actress, see Michele Knotz.

Michelle with her Bagon

Michelle (Japanese: ミシェル Michelle) is a character of the day who appeared in Let Bagons Be Bagons. Her Japanese voice actress is 岡村明美 Akemi Okamura.

While on their way to Fallarbor Town, Ash and his friends noticed a Bagon trying to jump off of a cliff. As it turns out, the Bagon belonged to Michelle. She informed Ash and the others that it wanted to evolve into a Salamence so that it could fly.

When Meowth heard about this, he immediately decided to help Bagon accomplish its goal, in addition to get the Dragon Pokémon on Team Rocket's side. Using a jet pack, he took Bagon and flew away with it.

Thanks to Ash and his Pokémon, Bagon was saved from the evil trio. Immediately after its rescue, it evolved into Shelgon.

As Ash and the others left for Fallarbor, they felt happy that the Pokémon's dream of flying was getting closer to coming true.


This article is part of Project COD, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each one-time character of the Pokémon animated series.