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The Day Miniryu Grew Up
Collected in Vol. 1
Chapter number 1
Manga series How I Became a Pokémon Card
Previous Chapter None
Next Chapter Team Rocket and Dark Charmeleon

The Day Dratini Grew Up (Japanese: ミニリュウがひとつおとなになつた日 The Day Miniryu Grew Up) is the first chapter of the How I Became a Pokémon Card manga created by Kagemaru Himeno. The card featured in this chapter is Dratini.

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Dratini wants to be with humans, but when it does, it is captured by humans. The humans are hostile and suspicious with Dratini and lock it in a cage, but Bill convinces them to let him take care of Dratini. When Dratini's parents come to take it back, Bill gives it a seed as a parting gift. The Pokémon Card shows Dratini patiently waiting for the seed to grow.

Major events




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