Talk:Egg Move

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Latest comment: 11 March 2023 by Pikiwyn in topic Gen IX Egg Moves

Moves listed as "Start" on Pokemon that cannot be obtained through breeding

Pokemon at the top of the evolutionary chain, which cannot be obtained through breeding, have moves listed as "Start". For example, Togekiss learns aura sphere at the start, but there is no way to breed a Togekiss, as it is at the top of the evolutionary chain. Also, legendary Pokemon have moves listed at start, but they have no egg group. Can somebody explain this? - unsigned comment from Dreeb (talkcontribs)

No, egg moves are those gained in breeding, not at the "start". Start moves can only be learned through the move relearner. —darklordtrom 04:44, 16 November 2009 (UTC)Reply


Why is the title Egg moves, instead of Egg move? --SnorlaxMonster 08:37, 20 May 2010 (UTC)Reply

It's not any more. Titles should be in the singular. —darklordtrom 08:46, 20 May 2010 (UTC)Reply

Huston, I Have a Confusion

I bred the following two Pokémon:

Water Unknown
Held item:
Moby Lv.54
Water Spout
Water Unknown
Psychic Status
Water Physical
Flying Physical

Normal Unknown
Held item:
Aipom Lv.36
Baton Pass
Normal Status
Normal Physical
Fury Swipes
Normal Physical
Dark Physical

And the offspring was

Normal Unknown
Run Away
Held item:
Aipom Lv.1
Normal Physical
Tail Whip
Normal Status

With Aipom only knowing its two start moves. Shouldn't it have known Bounce, one of its egg moves? The only reason I can come up with is that Wailord learned Bounce in the Day-Care and wasn't taken out until after he bred with Aipom.

Please help! ----Zewis (29) 11:15, 26 July 2010 (UTC)Reply

Your only reason is right. Put them back in the daycare and try again, the eggs should hatch into Bounce Aipom this time. - unsigned comment from Missingno. Master (talkcontribs) 12:00, 26 July 2010 (UTC)Reply
Thank you a lot. I'll try it. ----Zewis (29) 14:09, 26 July 2010 (UTC)Reply

More confusion from someone else

I don't get it. My male tyranitar with dark pulse won't pass the move onto a newborn charmander. Why not?--Celibi25 16:50, 3 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

Charmander can't learn Dark Pulse by any method. So it will never have it as a newborn. Werdnae (talk) 18:37, 3 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

Possible Correction Regarding Gen III Mechanics

I was using a CodeBreaker GBA device to experiment with the mechanics behind breeding in FireRed, and found that if I inserted an artificially designed Pokemon that knew moves that it normally should not in to a box in my PC, withdrew it and placed in in the Daycare with a breeding-compatible Pokemon, the impossible move would be passed on two the offspring, even if said move was not possible for the offspring to normally learn either.

Here's a case scenario:

A Male Charmander that has been created with a normal moveset with the exception of one move: Perish Song. Normally a Charmander cannot learn this move. A Female Marowack with an ordinary moveset (unhacked).

When bred, I produced a Cubone which knew Perish Song, despite the fact Cubone too should not be able to learn the move.

I just think it's an interesting anecdote regarding breeding-mechanics that, at least in FireRed, it appears that during the breeding process, the game assumes that the father's moveset is valid and does not actually check it (which makes sense in normal circumstances) when passing moves on to offspring. This may be useful should future glitches that could result from this lack of checking, are discovered. - unsigned comment from GetOutOfBox (talkcontribs)

Actually, Perish Song is an egg move for Cubone. You can get it to learn it legally with a Lapras father. --SnorlaxMonster 12:28, 11 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

Egg Moves Through Ditto?

What would happen if you took a Pokémon that knows an egg move and you bred it with a Ditto? Would the offspring know the egg move, too? I'm working on breeding a Pawniard that knows Psycho Cut, and I have a Drowzee from the Dream World that knows Psycho Cut, (which is one of both Drozee's and Pawniard's egg moves) but it's a female. Is there any way around this? ----Zewis (29) 21:39, 24 January 2012 (UTC)Reply

Pawniard can't obtain psycho cut through drowzee, pawinard can only obtain it from kadabra and alakazam. - unsigned comment from VictoryStar (talkcontribs)

Both Drowzee and Pawniard are in the Human-Like Egg Group, and both can be either gender, so it can. The reason we don't list it on the breeding tables is we only list the most direct parents. --SnorlaxMonster 06:00, 2 March 2012 (UTC)Reply
So, to extend on this topic for each of the types of moves,
1st scenario: If I breed a Gengar with Mean Look with a Ditto, will the Gastly end up having Mean Look?
2nd scenario: If I breed a male Gliscor knowing X-Scissor with a Ditto, will the Gligar have X-Scissor? How about if I breed a female Gliscor? Tk3141 03:25, 8 May 2012 (UTC)Reply
I did some experimenting a while back with this on Diamond, with a hacked Ditto to see how the game treats it in different breeding scenarios. The Ditto had Transform / Explosion / Hyper Beam / Ice Beam. I performed three breeding experiments on it to see if egg moves would be passed along.
  1. Lunatone - Egg hatched with normal lv1 moves
  2. Male Golem - Egg hatched with Defense Curl / Rock Smash / Earthquake / Rock Climb (last three were moves father Golem had)
  3. Female Lapras - Egg hatched with Growl / Water Gun / Hyper Beam / Ice Beam
So, it'd appear that Ditto does act as the father when paired with a female Pokémon, for the purposes of Egg moves. RacieB (talk) 00:58, 30 July 2012 (UTC)Reply

Bad Example

In this article, it talks about how certain Pokémon cannot learn egg moves, and it points out that they generally cannot learn TMs or HMs either. But the two examples it uses are Unown and Beldum, both of which are genderless as well as not learning TMs or HMs. Would it be better to use an gendered example, like Caterpie or Tynamo? --Zewis (29) 18:36, 21 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Caterpie can inherit Bug Bite (a move it normally learns at Lv.15) if both parents knew the move when breeding, so it's not a good example either. Also note that genderless Pokemon can never inherit any moves at all, due to lack of a "father" to inherit them from. For now I'm going to rephrase that entry to say "genderless" instead of "certain". (Tynamo is still a good example, though.)

Other pokémon with egg moves

In the list of Pokémon that learn a move by breeding, can other Pokémon learn the move through Smeargle, if the said move cannot be chain bred? For instance, assume in generation III games, the move Memento. the move can only be learned by pokémon in the Amorphous group, and can't be chain bred to any other egg group because castform which is the only pokémon in another egg group (in gen III games) cannot learn it. But, if smeargle learns the move via Sketch, it might be able to pass it down as an egg move to other Pokémon in the field group. Yet still, pokémon in the field egg group aren't listed in this group. is it because this isn't possible, or is it just a mistake? W00tious (talk) 12:00, 4 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

If the only legitimate way a pokémon can learn a move is through Smeargle, it will be listed and noted that this is the case. For example, the move Hex in BW only. Information on egg moves comes from the games coding; if, in Gen III a Field group pokémon were able to learn Memento, it would be noted as such on the page. So, yes, if the only way to get a move is through Smeargle, it will be made clear. (So no, no Field group pokémon is able to learn Memento in Gen III, with or without Smeargle, because none are programmed to learn it.) Also note Nosepass on Head Smash, for an example of a move we know it can have through breeding but there is no legit way of getting it. Luna Tiger * the Arc Toraph 16:32, 4 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Rage glitch

In Gen 4 can the rage glitch be used to pass on a move through ditto? Pug6666 (talk) 19:16, 23 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

==Yes. Not only is this possible, but it means that Nosepass actually is able to get Head Smash in Gen IV through a multistep process.Badgerpaw (talk) 06:53, 9 November 2020 (UTC)Reply

Generation II egg moves vs level-up moves

I fully understand the mechanics behind a set of moves a baby Pokémon gains upon hatching, but I've come across a situation where a Pokémon can learn a move both by breeding and by leveling up. For example, according to Pokémon Stadium 2 data, a Totodile can learn Hydro Pump as an egg move even though it can learn it by leveling up. That means a baby Totodile can learn it even if its father knows Hydro Pump and its mother doesn't. Otherwise, both parents would have been required to know Hydro Pump for that to occur were it by leveling up. Same can be applied for Cyndaquil's Quick Attack. Can such moves be listed under a Pokémon's breeding list, or should they still be omitted? Note that the game uses a sequencing mechanism (writing level-up moves first and egg moves last), which means that if it treats Hydro Pump as a breeding move, there's a greater chance that a baby Totodile can learn it (level-up moves can get overwritten easily due to 4-moves limit). Any clarification is greatly appreciated. Thanks! Mazion (talk) 14:16, 25 July 2013 (UTC)Reply

I had no idea about this mechanism, and as a result I apologise about reverting your edits, I was only just made aware of it by some of the other staff as well that it does indeed exist. As a result of this I recommend that any moves that are included in the separate breeding list by the games if they are learnt by any other mechanism other then the breeding itself, such as the Hydro Pump for Totodile, include a note in hidden text by using <!-- and --> to make other users aware with an explanation of: This move is included in the games Egg move list, for further information see the Egg move talk page.
Hopefully this will prevent any further confusion on the matter. Again, I'm really sorry, i've never heard of this before. --Spriteit (talk) 16:05, 26 July 2013 (UTC)Reply

Updating for Gen VI mechanics

According to the Pokémon breeding article it seems that in Generation VI the mother can also pass down moves to its offspring. Can we confirm the details of how? And this page will probably need a general overhaul as a result, since such things as "impossible combinations of egg moves" are Gen V era info. --Stratelier 23:27, 21 December 2013 (UTC) That is true, and this article is infact due for an update Yamitora1 (talk) 17:52, 23 January 2014 (UTC)Reply

Ambiguous captions

I just noticed that some captions in egg moves charts are really confusing and ambiguous. Example: "Moves marked with an asterisk (*) must be chain bred onto Tentacruel in Generation V", this is taken from Tentacruel page. If you click the options "generation IV", it just says the same and also with generation III and II. If those moves can be chain-bred in every games, why keeping that caption? It generates confusion, in my opinion. (This example is for Haze and Rapid Spin on Tentacruel, but I'm pretty sure there are several other examples around)--Molekh (talk) 22:59, 28 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

Chain bred means that no potential father learns the egg move naturally, but can be bred with the move. Every generation has "in Generation so and so" in case the next generation introduces a potential father that does learn the move naturally (or if other potential fathers are changed to learn the move naturally). Glik (talk) 23:33, 28 February 2014 (UTC)Reply
Yeah I know what chain breeding means, I was just perplexed by the "in Generation so and so" and I still think it's redundant. Thanks for your answer!--Molekh (talk) 23:44, 28 February 2014 (UTC)Reply
It just specifies the generation it must be bred onto it during because that way we don't have to add a special note to all the Egg moves that cease to require chain breeding in later generations. It's far easier to handle that way. --SnorlaxMonster 03:23, 1 March 2014 (UTC)Reply
A good example is Larvitar, which had to get Outrage by having Charmander evo line as father, which itself had to have Dratini line as father to get Outrage. Now one can get Outrage Larvitar simply by breeding Larvitar line with Axew line or Druddigon. Eridanus (talk) 07:36, 1 March 2014 (UTC)Reply
Ok, it seems clearer now. Thanks everyone :D--Molekh (talk) 11:21, 1 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

Genderless Pokémon passing down moves

I'm not sure why the page says that genderless Pokémon can't pass down any moves, because they definitely can. They can pass down TM moves for sure; the page lists Porygon as an example for not being able to inherit any of the TM moves that its parent can, but I've definitely bred many a Porygon in my time and they've all inherited TMs. Did that stop being a thing past Gen IV or something? I just thought I would bring this up on the talk page because it's kind of a big change; either I'm just not familiar enough with post-IV mechanics or this is a really big error? platinatina (talk) 04:59, 3 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

Before G6, it would inherit the TMs (or TM and Move Tutors in G2), as well as one of the starting moves. The current shape is what would happen in G6. Also, Porygon's moveset changed a bit (most notably Sharpen earlier wasn't a starting move, and apparently the starting moves' order changed). Eridanus (talk) 18:14, 3 July 2014 (UTC)Reply

Power-Up Punch Snorlax

Snorlax got Power-Up Punch as an egg move in BDSP. But, unless I've missed something, there's no way to get a compatible parent that knows it yet (Munchlax doesn't have it as an egg move so isn't found with it in the grand underground). However it was a TM in gen 6 so a suitable parent will be able available when Home is updated (if it allows for previous gen transfers). Before Home is updated should Power-Up Punch Snorlax be added to the "Unobtainable Egg Moves" section? JMVB - very sporadic editor since 2008 (talk) 12:13, 26 November 2021 (UTC)Reply

I think a "temporarily unobtainable Egg Moves" section might be interesting. Boomburst Chatot is another case, where it is currently unobtainable in BDSP, but will be available once HOME connectivity is released. There are likely also some cases from SwSh, although I don't know any off the top of my head. --SnorlaxMonster 06:27, 27 November 2021 (UTC)Reply
I'd be surprised if there was anything in swsh given that almost everything is available as a brilliant Pokémon.
What you proposed will basically be a list of transfer exclusive moves, would it be worth having that?
The only other scenario that could cause a temporarily unavailable egg move would be events. I don't think there's any examples of this other than self destruct munchlax in hgss that was made available via an event poke walker course, which doesn't fully count because self destruct snorlax was available in XD prior to this (which makes it both transfer exclusive and event exclusive). JMVB - very sporadic editor since 2008 (talk) 14:58, 28 November 2021 (UTC)Reply
Munchlax didn't get Self-Destruct as an Egg Move until Gen 5 anyway, so by that stage both the Pokéwalker course and XD Snorlax were available options already.
I think the distinction between this and transfer-exclusive Egg Moves is that it wouldn't include cases like Gen 2 Egg Moves that require the parent to learn the move in Gen 1, since Gen 1 to 2 transfer was available from Gen 2's launch.
Here is a list for Sun and Moon, listing all of the Egg Moves (and Sketch moves) that were inaccessible prior to Bank compatibility. Which now that I see the length of it, makes me think that this kind of list is too long for this page (but perhaps could be a separate page?). There are likely cases in X and Y too (for Egg Moves that can only be inherited from transfer-only Pokémon). --SnorlaxMonster 15:23, 28 November 2021 (UTC)Reply

Egg moves question

I have a question. I teach Iron Head with move tutor to a Pokémon in pokémon ultra sun, then I put this Pokemon in the Pokemon Bank. If next, I transfer this Pokémon in another game of the same generation, like pokémon sun or moon, can Iron Head can be transmitted in egg move ? --SnorlaxUser talk:Vivivivi 16:02, 24 February 2022 (UTC)Reply

Yes. --C.Ezra.M! Or is he actually Keyacom? 15:46, 24 February 2022 (UTC)Reply

The Pokémon Nursery transference works in BDSP?

If possible to do that in Sinnoh I want a Totodile with moves Dragon Dance and Ice Punch at the same time. --ScientistRafa (talk) 15:02, 12 October 2022 (UTC)Reply

Unobtainable Egg Moves in Scarlet/Violet

It may come as surprise given the mirror herb exists, but there does seem to unobtainable egg moves in SV. Psyduck and Spoink both have Simple Beam in their egg moveset and Happiny has Heal Bell, but these moves don't appear in any other moveset by level up/TM and they don't appear to be in the moveset data for wild tera battles/raids. So these are locked unless they add events or more species.

Further, there's a handful that are locked behind Home. Kanto Growlithe gets Raging Fury, Johto Qwilfish gets Barb Barrage, Stantler gets Psyshield Bash and Rellor gets Cosmic Power - but potential parents/transfer partners won't be in the game until Home updates. (unlike the BDSP unobtainable moves, the moves are in the learnset data we're just missing the species). Of course we don't know for sure about how Home will handle move transfers, so it's possible that it will unlock Simple Beam/Heal Bell too, but I'm assuming that Home will continue to reset movesets on transfer.

Is there another method other than wild tera battles/raids that gives Pokémon with egg moves? If not, then all these seem to be unobtainable for now. JMVB - very sporadic editor since 2008 (talk) 16:05, 25 November 2022 (UTC)Reply

Gen IX Egg Moves

I'm not sure where to bring up this topic, so I will bring it up here. From the Egg Move page: "In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, Pokémon holding a Mirror Herb may learn moves that they can normally learn only by breeding from another member of the trainer's party while in a picnic and they possess at least one open move slot. This bypasses the need for breeding for a specific move entirely". In Pokémon breeding moves' table (on most Gen IX learnsets) it shows parents of the same egg group, shouldn't we be changing all of these to show just a Mirror Herb (as seen with Gravity on Chansey's breeding moves here), instead of the way it would be passed down prior to Gen IX as seen here? Pikiwyn talk 04:15, 11 March 2023 (UTC)Reply