Appendix:Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky walkthrough/Chapter 10's optional content

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Revision as of 12:28, 9 July 2024 by Eridanus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{main|Appendix:Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky walkthrough/Chapter 10}} {{incomplete}} This page lists all the optional content unlocked to the player in the main game Explorers of Sky after returning from Wigglytuff's Guild's expedition and consequently reaching Chapter 10; that is, this does ''not'' cover the Special Episode unlocked at this point. To return to the main page of this chapter, click the link above. ==Exclusive Items== This is the list of exclusive it...")
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Main article: Appendix:Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky walkthrough/Chapter 10
This article is incomplete.
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This page lists all the optional content unlocked to the player in the main game Explorers of Sky after returning from Wigglytuff's Guild's expedition and consequently reaching Chapter 10; that is, this does not cover the Special Episode unlocked at this point. To return to the main page of this chapter, click the link above.

Exclusive Items

This is the list of exclusive items available to the player now for Pokémon from pre-expedition dungeons and their evolutionary lines. For final stages in a line, their 3-star item almost always is a type that converts a type weakness into healing (though in case of more drastic type changes, certain evolutionary members might not be weak to that particular type).

  • Lileep line: Chance to inflict attackers with Shadow Hold condition (this prevent them from moving and can help escape), as well as ability to convert Steel-type damage into healing.
  • Anorith line: Increase max HP by 10 (not that useful given other ways to do so), as well as Water-type damage absorption.
  • Shellos line: Increase Movement Speed by 1 in rain (this family learns Rain Dance by level-up so it can be useful), as well as Grass-type damage absorption (nullifying the one weakness Gastrodon has).
  • Chimecho line: More frequent Kecleon Shops and Dark-type damage absorption. Can be useful later down the line, when these shops start selling more rare items.
  • Machop line: Immunity to crits, bypassing Reflect and Light Screen, and Psychic-type damage absorption. The bypassing effect is far too niche to be useful, but crit immunity can make dungeon trips a bit less frustrating.
  • Geodude line: Doubled natural HP recovery, minimal damage from explosions, and Grass-type damage absorption. All of these are pretty useful, but the Graveler's is the most interesting, as this includes damage from your own Selfdestruct or Explosion.
  • Doduo line: More frequent Hidden Stairs and Rock-type damage absorption. Similarly to Chingling's item, this can be useful later down the line, when Hidden Stairs have more rare items available.
  • Spinarak line: Chance to reduce Movement Speed of attackers by 1 (which can help with defeating enemy, as at lowest speed they can act only every other turn), and Rock-type damage absorption.
  • Starly line: Chance to inflict attackers with confusion (which can help, but might also not do much), immunity to critical hits and Rock-type damage absorption.
  • Nidoran♀ line: Increase max PP by 2, earn 5 EXP when hit, and Psychic-type damage absorption. More PP never hurts, but the EXP one is kinda a joke, as you will gain much more experience than that by just defeating enemies.
  • Nidoran♂ line: Increase max HP by 10, chance to restore PP on damage, and Psychic-type damage absorption. In this case, the usefulness is swapped; with Nidorino's item being the winner here. While not quite at its full power, this item will eventually enable some interesting strategies.
  • Psyduck line: Increase evasion by 2 in Clear weather, and Electric-type damage absorption. Since Cloud Nine in this game specifically summons Clear weather than just disabling weather effects, this item will be active quite frequently and will help you avoid enemy attacks.
  • Poliwag line: Increase evasion by 2 in Rainy weather, chance to inflict confusion on attacker, and damage absorption of Flying and Electric-type damage. Since this is a branched evolution line, it effectively gets two absorption types. Like Shellos, Poliwag learns Rain Dance by level-up, so it can use its item.
  • Grimer line: Chance to inflict attackers with Blinker (which will make AI behave erraticaly) and Psychic-type damage absorption.
  • Tangela line: Chance to inflict attackers with Shadow Hold condition, as well as Fire-type damage absorption.
  • Wooper line: Immunity to weather damage and Grass-type damage absorption. The former isn't as useful as it could be, as Wooper would be damaged only by hail, due to its Ground-type granting it immunity to sandstorm, though the latter helps alleviate this line's only weakness.
  • Lotad line: Increase max HP by 10, Evasion by 2 in Rainy weather, and Bug-type damage absorption. This family already benefits a lot from rain, and Lombre's item increases this further, but please remember that only Lotad has access to Rain Dance.
  • Surskit line: Increase Movement Speed by 1 in Rainy weather and Rock-type damage absorption. Unlike Pokémon above, these do not learn Rain Dance and as such have harder time benefiting from the weather boost, as the TMs for weather moves do not exist in this game and are basically replaced by the one-time use Orbs.
  • Barboach line: Increase Evasion by 2 in Rainy weather and Grass-type damage absorption. Similarly, these don't have easy access to Rainy weather.
  • Caterpie line: Apples and Berries recover extra 10HP, increase maximum HP by 10, and Rock-type damage absorption. The consumable healing effect is somewhat niche, as it does not affect Seeds, but it can help in a pinch.
  • Hoppip line: Increases Evasion by 2 in the Sunny weather, doubled natural HP recovery and Ice-type damage absorption. Increased HP regen is always nice, but unfortunately not that many Grass-types have access to Sunny Day on level-up, and Hoppip line isn't one of them.
  • Roselia line: Chance to recover PP on damage, counter adjacent physical attacks for 25% damage, and Fire-type damage absorption. All pretty useful things, though the counter is the most situational.
  • Burmy line: Increase maximum HP by 10, chance to inflict attackers with sleep, paralysis or poison (effectively Effect Spore) and Rock-type damage absorption. Unlike most branched evolutions, it only gets one damage absorption.
  • Oddish line: Chance to inflict confusion on attacker, HP draining moves heal for all damage than just half, Fire-type damage absorption and immunity to status in the Sunny weather. The HP draining one can be useful in certain situations, as you will be healed for excess damage inflicted on enemy. Bellossom is the only in the line that learns Sunny Day and most likely will need to remember the move via Electivire's services.
  • Paras line: Immunity to paralysis and Fire-type damage absorption. Not having to worry about being paralyzed is good, given how deadly it can be in this game, and Fire-type damage absorption removes a large weakness this line possesses.
  • Exeggcute line: Prevents sealing move and Bug-type damage absorption. Move sealing is a rare situation, so this item is pretty niche.
  • Combee line: Increases Treasure Box spawn and Rock-type damage absorption. Combee's item synergizes well with its ability to have Nectar in Boxes instead of their usual content, making it easier to grind out IQ skills.
  • Weedle line: Apples and Berries recover extra 10HP, thrown and hurled items bounce off user, and Rock-type damage absorption. Compared to Caterpie, the rather useless HP increase is here instead immunity to items thrown at you. This can be useful if an enemy for example finds a dangerous Seed that it then throws at you.

Expedition Dungeon Recruits

Project P Dungeons