Unleashed (TCG)

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← HeartGold & SoulSilver
TCG expansions
Undaunted →
Unleashed SetSymbolUnleashed.png
HS2 Logo EN.png
Cards in set 96
Set number 44
Release date May 12, 2010
Theme Decks

Chaos Control (PsychicFightingDarkness)
Steel Sentinel (GrassFightingMetal)

Pokémon TCG: HS—Unleashed is the name given to the second main expansion of cards from the HeartGold & SoulSilver Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It does not have a main expansion as a Japanese equivalent. The set continues to feature Pokémon Prime and Pokémon LEGEND in the card game.



Raikou... Entei... Suicune... Alone, each of these Legendary Pokémon is a force to be reckoned with, but let loose in pairs, they become amazing LEGEND cards! In the HS—Unleashed expansion, you'll find Pokémon Prime bursting at the seams, powerful Pokémon like Jirachi and Shaymin raring to join the battle, and Pokémon LEGENDs joining forces for twice the excitement! Are you a powerful enough Trainer to command what's been Unleashed?


Unleashed is the name given to the second main expansion of the HeartGold & SoulSilver Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It does not have a main expansion as a Japanese equivalent. It is based on Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, featuring Generation II Pokémon and the Legendary beasts Raikou, Entei, and Suicune. It was released on May 12, 2010.

All cards from the HeartGold Collection and the SoulSilver Collection that weren't released in HeartGold & SoulSilver are included, as well as all new cards from the Battle Starter Decks, and most new cards from the Leafeon vs Metagross Expert Deck.

kawayoo provided the promotional artwork for the booster packs and the Theme Decks.

Additional cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
2/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Magmortar Fire Cracked Ice Holo Player's Collection exclusive
4/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Metagross Psychic Cracked Ice Holo Player's Pack exclusive
5/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Mismagius Psychic Non Holo Chaos Control Theme Deck exclusive
7/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Politoed Water Crosshatch Holo National Championships 2010-2011 promo
7/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Politoed Water Staff Crosshatch Holo National Championships 2010-2011 promo
10/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Torterra Grass Cracked Ice Holo Pokémon Evolutions Box and Pokémon Evolutions Pack exclusive
11/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Xatu Psychic Cracked Ice Holo Stage 1 Blisters exclusive
13/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Blastoise Water "Unleashed" stamp Prerelease promo
13/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Blastoise Water Staff "Unleashed" stamp Prerelease promo
13/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Blastoise Water Cracked Ice Holo Pokémon Evolutions Box and Pokémon Evolutions Pack exclusive
14/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Crobat Psychic Crosshatch Holo Pokémon League Hurdle Dash Season (November 2010)
21/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Poliwrath Water Crosshatch Holo Regional Championships 2010-2011 promo
21/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Poliwrath Water Staff Crosshatch Holo Regional Championships 2010-2011 promo
24/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Steelix Metal Crosshatch Holo Pokémon League Block Smash Season (February 2011)
24/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Steelix Metal Cosmos Holo Steel Sentinel Theme Deck exclusive
26/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Tyranitar Darkness Cosmos Holo Chaos Control Theme Deck exclusive
37/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Poliwhirl Water Crosshatch Holo State/Province/Territory Championships 2010-2011 promo
37/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Poliwhirl Water Staff Crosshatch Holo State/Province/Territory Championships 2010-2011 promo
43/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Aipom Colorless Comic-Con International: San Diego 2010 stamped promo
58/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Poliwag Water Crosshatch Holo City Championships 2010-2011 promo
58/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Poliwag Water Staff Crosshatch Holo City Championships 2010-2011 promo
78/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Judge Su Crosshatch Holo Professor Program stamp promo (January 2013)
82/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Rare Candy T Crosshatch Holo Winter 2010-2011 Player Rewards (Tier 2)
83/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Super Scoop Up T Crosshatch Holo Spring 2011 Player Rewards (Tier 3)

Set list

No. Image Card name Type Rarity
1/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Jirachi Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
2/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Magmortar Fire Rare Holo Promotion
3/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Manaphy Water Rare Holo Promotion
4/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Metagross Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
5/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Mismagius Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
6/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Octillery Water Rare Holo Promotion
7/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Politoed Water Rare Holo Promotion
8/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Shaymin Grass Rare Holo Promotion
9/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Sudowoodo Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
10/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Torterra Grass Rare Holo Promotion
11/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Xatu Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
12/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Beedrill Grass Rare Promotion
13/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Blastoise Water Rare Promotion
14/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Crobat Psychic Rare Promotion
15/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Fearow Colorless Rare Promotion
16/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Floatzel Water Rare Promotion
17/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Kingdra Water Rare Promotion
18/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Lanturn Lightning Rare Promotion
19/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Lucario Fighting Rare Promotion
20/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Ninetales Fire Rare Promotion
21/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Poliwrath Water Rare Promotion
22/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Primeape Fighting Rare Promotion
23/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Roserade Grass Rare Promotion
24/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Steelix Metal Rare Promotion
25/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Torkoal Fire Rare Promotion
26/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Tyranitar Darkness Rare Promotion
27/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Ursaring Colorless Rare Promotion
28/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Cherrim Grass Uncommon Promotion
29/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Dunsparce Colorless Uncommon Promotion
30/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Golbat Psychic Uncommon Promotion
31/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Grotle Grass Uncommon Promotion
32/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Kakuna Grass Uncommon Promotion
33/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Metang Psychic Uncommon Promotion
34/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Minun Lightning Uncommon Promotion
35/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Numel Fire Uncommon Promotion
36/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Plusle Lightning Uncommon Promotion
37/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Poliwhirl Water Uncommon Promotion
38/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Pupitar Fighting Uncommon Promotion
39/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Pupitar Fighting Uncommon Promotion
40/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Seadra Water Uncommon Promotion
41/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Tauros Colorless Uncommon Promotion
42/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Wartortle Water Uncommon Promotion
43/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Aipom Colorless Common Promotion
44/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Beldum Psychic Common Promotion
45/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Buizel Water Common Promotion
46/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Carnivine Grass Common Promotion
47/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Cherubi Grass Common Promotion
48/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Chinchou Lightning Common Promotion
49/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Horsea Water Common Promotion
50/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Larvitar Fighting Common Promotion
51/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Larvitar Fighting Common Promotion
52/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Magmar Fire Common Promotion
53/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Mankey Fighting Common Promotion
54/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Misdreavus Psychic Common Promotion
55/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Natu Psychic Common Promotion
56/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Onix Fighting Common Promotion
57/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Onix Fighting Common Promotion
58/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Poliwag Water Common Promotion
59/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Remoraid Water Common Promotion
60/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Riolu Fighting Common Promotion
61/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Roselia Grass Common Promotion
62/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Spearow Colorless Common Promotion
63/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Squirtle Water Common Promotion
64/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Stantler Colorless Common Promotion
65/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Teddiursa Colorless Common Promotion
66/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Tropius Grass Common Promotion
67/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Turtwig Grass Common Promotion
68/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Vulpix Fire Common Promotion
69/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Weedle Grass Common Promotion
70/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Zubat Psychic Common Promotion
71/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Cheerleader's Cheer Su Uncommon Promotion
72/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Dual Ball T Uncommon Promotion
73/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Emcee's Chatter Su Uncommon Promotion
74/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Energy Returner T Uncommon Promotion
75/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Engineer's Adjustments Su Uncommon Promotion
76/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Good Rod T Uncommon Promotion
77/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Interviewer's Questions Su Uncommon Promotion
78/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Judge Su Uncommon Promotion
79/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Life Herb T Uncommon Promotion
80/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png PlusPower T Uncommon Promotion
81/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Pokémon Circulator T Uncommon Promotion
82/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Rare Candy T Uncommon Promotion
83/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Super Scoop Up T Uncommon Promotion
84/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Crobat Psychic SuperRare Holo Promotion
85/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Kingdra Water SuperRare Holo Promotion
86/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Lanturn Lightning SuperRare Holo Promotion
87/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Steelix Metal SuperRare Holo Promotion
88/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Tyranitar Darkness SuperRare Holo Promotion
89/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Ursaring Colorless SuperRare Holo Promotion
90/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Entei & Raikou LEGEND FireLightning Rare Holo LEGEND Promotion
91/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Entei & Raikou LEGEND FireLightning Rare Holo LEGEND Promotion
92/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Raikou & Suicune LEGEND LightningWater Rare Holo LEGEND Promotion
93/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Raikou & Suicune LEGEND LightningWater Rare Holo LEGEND Promotion
94/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Suicune & Entei LEGEND WaterFire Rare Holo LEGEND Promotion
95/95 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Suicune & Entei LEGEND WaterFire Rare Holo LEGEND Promotion
TWO TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Alph Lithograph T Rare Secret Promotion


HS2 Booster Crobat.jpg
English Crobat pack
HS2 Booster Raikou.jpg
English Raikou pack
HS2 Booster Entei.jpg
English Entei pack
HS2 Booster Suicune.jpg
English Suicune pack
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Languages this set is released in

The Unleashed set is released in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. Cards in the English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish sets were also available as Reverse Holos. The Portuguese version of this set lacked any Reverse Holos.

In other languages

Language Title
France Flag.png French Déchaînement
Germany Flag.png German Entfesselt
Italy Flag.png Italian Forze Scatenate
Brazil Flag.png Brazilian Portuguese Revelado
Russia Flag.png Russian Освобождённые Силы Osvobozhdyonnyye Sily
Spain Flag.png Spanish Liberados

External links

Project TCG logo.png This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
HeartGold & SoulSilver Series
HGSS Black Star Promos
HeartGold & SoulSilver: Growth ClashEmber SparkMind Flood
HS Trainer Kit
Unleashed: Chaos ControlSteel Sentinel
Undaunted: NightfallDaybreak
Pokémon Surprise Calendar
Triumphant: Royal GuardVerdant Frost
Pikachu World Collection 2010
Call of Legends Series
Call of Legends: ReconRetort
L-P Promotional cards
HeartGold CollectionSoulSilver Collection: Random Basic Pack
Battle Starter DecksLeafeon vs Metagross Expert Deck
Reviving Legends: Steelix Constructed Standard DeckTyranitar Constructed Standard Deck
Lost LinkPikachu World Collection 2010
Clash at the Summit