Taupe Hollow

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Revision as of 14:04, 2 August 2024 by Anzasquiddles (talk | contribs) (implementing new MSP template; adding Gen 9 Pokemon, etc)
Taupe Hollow
Team RP target: >= 4,000
Taupe Cave
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description: Shafts of sunlight pour through the open ceiling to light up the cavern walls. Rock- and Ground-type Pokémon love it here.
Location: N/A
Region: Pokémon Sleep
Generations: IX

Location of Taupe Hollow in Pokémon Sleep.
Pokémon world locations

Taupe Hollow (Japanese: トープ洞窟 Taupe Cave) is an island on which players can conduct sleep research in Pokémon Sleep.


A gray-tinted Snorlax in Taupe Hollow

Taupe Hollow is the third island available for players in Pokémon Sleep. It is unlocked after the player registers 70 sleep styles in their Sleep Style Dex, and it hosts a total of 54 different Pokémon.

Snorlax found here can either be colored normally or gray-tinted. In addition, their favorite Berries are always Leppa, Figy, and Sitrus, which are gathered by Fire-, Ground-, and Rock-type Pokémon, respectively.

As the third island, it has high Strength targets needed to achieve each Snorlax rating. Taupe Hollow's Strength targets, along with the associated rewards for achieving each rating, are as follows.

Snorlax rating Required strength Dream Shards received Sleep styles unlocked Sleep style total
Basic 1 0 0 0 32
2 6,885 77 Dream Shards 9 41
3 15,835 99 Dream Shards 4 45
4 25,817 111 Dream Shards 7 52
5 37,865 134 Dream Shards 5 57
Great 1 51,635 153 Dream Shards 23 80
2 69,534 199 Dream Shards 15 95
3 91,221 241 Dream Shards 11 106
4 117,038 287 Dream Shards 6 112
5 144,921 310 Dream Shards 11 123
Ultra 1 174,869 333 Dream Shards 14 137
2 206,538 352 Dream Shards 6 143
3 240,961 382 Dream Shards 4 147
4 278,826 421 Dream Shards 3 150
5 320,478 463 Dream Shards 8 158
Master 1 366,295 509 Dream Shards 11 169
2 416,694 560 Dream Shards 5 174
3 472,133 616 Dream Shards 4 178
4 533,116 678 Dream Shards 2 180
5 600,197 745 Dream Shards 8 188
6 673,986 820 Dream Shards 11 199
7 755,154 902 Dream Shards 3 202
8 844,439 992 Dream Shards 2 204
9 942,653 1,091 Dream Shards 2 206
10 1,050,688 1,200 Dream Shards 3 209
11 1,169,527 1,320 Dream Shards 6 215
12 1,300,250 1,452 Dream Shards 2 217
13 1,444,045 1,598 Dream Shards 1 218
14 1,602,220 1,758 Dream Shards 0 218
15 1,776,213 1,933 Dream Shards 1 219
16 1,967,605 2,127 Dream Shards 1 220
17 2,333,568 4,066 Dream Shards 0 220
18 2,815,203 5,352 Dream Shards 0 220
19 3,385,564 6,337 Dream Shards 0 220
20 4,219,534 9,266 Dream Shards 0 220

Pokémon additions

Date Additions Event
September 28, 2023 Cleffa, Clefairy, and Clefable Second Good Sleep Day
November 14th, 2023 Onix and Steelix No event
November 20, 2023 Flareon Eevee Week
April 30, 2024 Arcanine, Quilava, Typhlosion, and Houndoom No event
May 6, 2024 Vulpix and Ninetales Fire Type Week
May 20, 2024 Entei Entei Research event
July 15, 2024 Fuecoco, Crocalor, and Skeledirge First Anniversary Fest

Sleep styles

Taupe Hollow is home to primarily Fire-type Pokémon. All Pokémon found here can be found in all their possible sleep styles (with the exception of Ditto). There are a total of 57 different Pokémon with 220 different sleep styles.

By Snorlax rating

Snorlax rating ★★ ★★★ ★★★★
Basic 1 CharmanderRattataEkansClefairyJigglypuffDiglettGrowlitheGeodudeGastlyCuboneEeveeCyndaquilCleffaIgglybuffTogepiWobbuffetHoundourLarvitarGulpinWynautRioluCroagunk RattataEkansDiglettGeodudeGastlyCuboneIgglybuffTogepiWynautCroagunk
2 VulpixShuppetFuecoco CharmanderGrowlitheCyndaquilCleffaHoundourGulpin
3 MarowakSwalotToxicroak Riolu
4 GravelerHoundoom ClefairyJigglypuffEeveeWobbuffetLarvitar
5 CharmeleonRaticateArbokHaunterQuilava
Great 1 DugtrioDittoPupitar VulpixShuppetFuecoco CharmanderRattataEkansJigglypuffGrowlitheGeodudeCuboneEeveeCyndaquilIgglybuffTogepiHoundourLarvitarGulpinWynautRioluCroagunk
2 OnixSableye MarowakSwalotToxicroak RattataEkansDiglettGeodudeGastlyCuboneIgglybuffTogepiWynautCroagunk
3 Crocalor GravelerHoundoom CharmanderGrowlitheCyndaquilCleffaHoundourGulpin MarowakToxicroak
4 CharmeleonRaticateArbokHaunterQuilava Riolu
5 DugtrioDittoPupitar ClefairyJigglypuffEeveeWobbuffetLarvitar CharmeleonRaticateQuilava
Ultra 1 Banette OnixSableye ArbokClefairyGravelerDittoCleffaWobbuffetHoundoomPupitarSwalotFuecoco[note 1]
2 Ninetales Crocalor VulpixShuppetFuecoco Sableye
3 Wigglytuff MarowakSwalotToxicroak
4 Clefable GravelerHoundoom
5 GolemGengar Banette CharmeleonRaticateArbokHaunterQuilava
Master 1 CharizardFlareonTyphlosionEspeonUmbreon Ninetales DugtrioPupitar VulpixBanetteCrocalor
2 ArcanineSteelix Wigglytuff OnixSableye
3 Skeledirge Clefable Crocalor Wigglytuff
4 GolemGengar
5 Entei CharizardFlareonTyphlosionEspeonUmbreon GolemGengar
6 Tyranitar ArcanineSteelix Banette CharizardClefableNinetalesFlareonTyphlosionEspeonUmbreon
7 Skeledirge Ninetales Arcanine
8 Wigglytuff Skeledirge
9 Entei Clefable
10 Tyranitar GolemGengar
11 CharizardFlareonTyphlosionEspeonUmbreon Tyranitar
12 ArcanineSteelix
13 Skeledirge
15 Entei
16 Tyranitar
  1. The available 4★ Ditto sleep styles are Atop-Belly Sleep and Charmander Sleep.

By species

Dozing types

There are 17 different Dozing-type Pokémon that can be found here, with a total of 65 different sleep styles.

Pokédex No. Pokémon Number of sleep styles Available sleep styles
#0023 Ekans Ekans 4 Coiled Sleep

Springy Sleep

Uncoiled Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0024 Arbok Arbok 4 Coiled Sleep

Leaning Sleep

Uncoiled Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0092 Gastly Gastly 3 Snickering Sleep

Floaty-Gas Sleep

Tongue-Out Sleep

#0093 Haunter Haunter 3 Slumping Sleep

Floaty-Gas Sleep

Tongue-Out Sleep

#0094 Gengar Gengar 4 Mischievous Sleep

Smirking Sleep

Tongue-Out Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0197 Umbreon Umbreon 4 Crescent Sleep

Sitting Sleep

Belly-Up Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0228 Houndour Houndour 4 Howling Sleep

Stretching Sleep

Belly-Up Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0229 Houndoom Houndoom 4 Tail-Waving Sleep

Sturdy Sleep

Flame-Blowing Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0248 Tyranitar Tyranitar 4 Stomach Sleep

Imposing Sleep

Spread-Out Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0302 Sableye Sableye 4 Spread-Out Sleep

Jerky Sleep

Jewel-Eating Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0316 Gulpin Gulpin 4 Balloon Sleep

Nodding Sleep

Gaping-Mouth Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0317 Swalot Swalot 4 Toppling-Over Sleep

Nodding Sleep

Gaping-Mouth Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0353 Shuppet Shuppet 3 Floaty Flopped Sleep

Floaty Nodding Sleep

Upside-Down Sleep

#0354 Banette Banette 4 Neck-Twisting Sleep

Arm-Swinging Sleep

Big-Laugh Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0453 Croagunk Croagunk 4 Loafing Sleep

Cheek-Inflating Sleep

Straightened Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0454 Toxicroak Toxicroak 4 Loafing Sleep

Throat-Inflating Sleep

Poison-Sac Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0911 Skeledirge Skeledirge 4 One-Eyed Sleep

Sturdy Sleep

Cozy-Duo Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep


Snoozing types

There are 26 different Snoozing-type Pokémon that can be found here, with a total of 101 different sleep styles.

Pokédex No. Pokémon Number of sleep styles Available sleep styles
#0004 Charmander Charmander 4 Crackling Sleep

Tummy-Rub Sleep

Tummy-Up Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0005 Charmeleon Charmeleon 4 Arm-Pillow Sleep

Seated Sleep

Loafing Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0006 Charizard Charizard 4 Stomach Sleep

Tummy-Rub Sleep

Tummy-Up Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0019 Rattata Rattata 4 Face-Scratching Sleep

Slumping Sleep

Gnawing Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0020 Raticate Raticate 4 Teeth-Grinding Sleep

Upright Sleep

Gnawing Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0035 Clefairy Clefairy 4 Peaceful Sleep

Nodding-Off Sleep

Metronome Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0036 Clefable Clefable 4 Peaceful Sleep

Nodding-Off Sleep

Metronome Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0037 Vulpix Vulpix 4 Curled-Up Sleep

Nodding-Off Sleep

Ember Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0038 Ninetales Ninetales 4 Stretching Sleep

Floaty-Tail Sleep

Tail Blanket Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0039 Jigglypuff Jigglypuff 4 Seated Sleep

Spacey Sleep

Singing Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0040 Wigglytuff Wigglytuff 4 Smiley Sleep

Startled Sleep

Puffed-Up Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0050 Diglett Diglett 3 Underground Sleep

Aboveground Sleep

Mid-Dig Sleep

#0051 Dugtrio Dugtrio 3 Underground Sleep

Aboveground Sleep

Cozy-Trio Sleep

#0058 Growlithe Growlithe 4 Stretching Sleep

Sitting Sleep

Belly-Up Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0059 Arcanine Arcanine 4 Lying-Down Sleep

Sitting Sleep

Belly-Up Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0132 Ditto Ditto 4 Rock-Formed Sleep

As-Is Sleep

Charmander Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0133 Eevee Eevee 4 Curled-Up Sleep

Droopy-Eared Sleep

Energetic Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0136 Flareon Flareon 4 Tail-Swinging Sleep

Tucked Sleep

Tail-Wrapped Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0155 Cyndaquil Cyndaquil 4 Sprawled Sleep

Hunched Sleep

Flame-Spouting Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0156 Quilava Quilava 4 Arm-Pillow Sleep

Flattened Sleep

Flame-Spouting Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0157 Typhlosion Typhlosion 4 Arm-Pillow Sleep

Self-Grooming Sleep

Flame-Spouting Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0196 Espeon Espeon 4 Foreseeing Sleep

Sitting Sleep

Belly-Up Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0202 Wobbuffet Wobbuffet 4 Tail-Hiding Sleep

Biding Sleep

Signature-Pose Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0244 Entei Entei 3 Energy-Storing Sleep

Meditative Sleep

Volcano Sleep

#0909 Fuecoco Fuecoco 4 One-Eyed Sleep

Munching Sleep

Belly-Up Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0910 Crocalor Crocalor 4 One-Eyed Sleep

Happy-Go-Lucky Sleep

Fireball-Hugging Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep


Slumbering types

There are 14 different Slumbering-type Pokémon that can be found here, with a total of 54 different sleep styles.

Pokédex No. Pokémon Number of sleep styles Available sleep styles
#0074 Geodude Geodude 4 Arms-Crossed Sleep

Biding Sleep

Buried Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0075 Graveler Graveler 4 Lounging Sleep

Hearty Sleep

Rolling Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0076 Golem Golem 4 Robust Sleep

Imposing Sleep

Rolling Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0095 Onix Onix 3 Spiral Sleep

Lurching Sleep

Tunneling Sleep

#0104 Cubone Cubone 4 Weepy Sleep

Scratchy-Bone Sleep

Pillow-Bone Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0105 Marowak Marowak 4 Huggy-Bone Sleep

Scratchy-Bone Sleep

Pillow-Bone Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0173 Cleffa Cleffa 4 Rocking Sleep

Nodding-Off Sleep

Overturned Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0174 Igglybuff Igglybuff 4 Bouncy Sleep

Spacey Sleep

Singing Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0175 Togepi Togepi 4 Rocking Sleep

Overturned Sleep

Shell-Tucked Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0208 Steelix Steelix 3 Spiral Sleep

Lurching Sleep

Tunneling Sleep

#0246 Larvitar Larvitar 4 Stretching Sleep

Face-Rubbing Sleep

Earth-Eating Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0247 Pupitar Pupitar 4 Falling-Over Sleep

Shivering Sleep

Gas-Venting Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0360 Wynaut Wynaut 4 Tail-Shifting Sleep

Biding Sleep

Signature-Pose Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep

#0447 Riolu Riolu 4 Knee-Hugging Sleep

Mid-Training Sleep

Knee-Up Sleep

Atop-Belly Sleep



Language Name Origin
Japanese トープ洞窟 Taupe Dōkutsu From taupe
English Taupe Hollow From taupe
German Taupe-Höhle From Taupe
Spanish Cueva Pardagrís From pardo (brown) and gris (gray)
French Grotte Sépia From sépia (sepia)
Italian Grotta Beige From beige
Korean 토프 동굴 Taupe Donggul From taupe
Chinese (Mandarin) 灰褐洞窟 Huīhé Dòngkū From 灰褐 huīhé / fūihot (taupe)
Chinese (Cantonese) 灰褐洞窟 Fūihot Duhngfāt

This article is part of both Project Sidegames and Project Locations, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on locations in the sidegames.