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Potter (Japanese: イワカゼ Iwakaze) is a character of the day who appeared in Make Room for Gloom. He is the resident gardener of the Xanadu Nursery.

In the anime

Ash and his friends met Potter in Pallet Town's Xanadu Nursery, where he was tending the plants growing there. His personality was not well very well-defined in the episode since he appeared mostly as a background character. He appeared to be very helpful and kind, though, as he would hum whenever he gardens. He is a very good worker, as Florinda Showers, the Xanadu Nursery's owner, noticed, and even served Florinda, Ash, Brock, and Misty tea after getting a short break from work.

Towards the end of the episode, his familiarity with Florinda was established when it was revealed that he fell in love with her ever since he started working for her. He kept this silent for a long time, and only revealed his emotions when Florinda revealed hers first.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 宮崎一成 Issei Miyazaki
English Ted Lewis
Czech Daniel Tůma
Finnish Peter Pihlström
Norwegian Trond Teigen
Polish Mikołaj Klimek
European Spanish Jesús Maniega

In the manga

Potter in The Electric Tale of Pikachu

The Electric Tale of Pikachu

Potter appeared in Days of Gloom and Glory.

Potter's personality in the manga is vastly different from his anime counterpart. He was the butler for the Showers family. He was brave and brawny and didn't care what dangers lay in front of him, as long as he could make Florinda happy. He even fought two Gyarados by himself and ran across water to rescue Team Rocket. He worked to retrieve Florinda's ruined things from her sunken home.

His only fear was that of snakes. When confronted by Jessie's Arbok, he was paralyzed with fear.

Potter was very hostile and sometimes violent to anyone who he deemed a threat to Florinda. Despite this, he was kind and caring towards Florinda and also developed feelings for her.

Main characters
Ash KetchumPikachuGary OakRitchieMay OakProfessor OakDelia KetchumJessieJamesMeowth
Gym Leaders
A.J.AyaBillDamianDarioDuplicaEevee brothersGiselleJeanette FisherOfficer JennyJoeNurse Joy
Lara LaramieMahriMelanieMikeyMimiProfessor OrvillePotterFlorinda ShowersRubySamuraiTommy

This article is part of Project COD, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each one-time character of the Pokémon animated series.