Machamp is a bipedal Pokémon and is notable for being extremely muscled and having four arms. Its skin color is bluish-gray and it has red colored eyes. On its head, there are three ridges right above it eyes, which are also right above its frog-like mouth. It has two arms on each side of its body, a pair located where its arms were in its pre-evolved form, and another pair directly above that attached and the top of the shoulder. It wears a leg-less black girdle along with the power-save belt that it wore as a Machoke. Its legs are also quite muscled and its feet only have two toes.
Gender differences
Special abilities
It punches extremely fast, capable of throwing hundreds of punches within a single second. Its attacks send foes flying over mountains. Because it has four arms, it can hit from a multitude of angles.
Morrison battled against a Machamp and Marowak belonging to a very muscular Trainer named Gavin during the Hoenn League in From Brags to Riches. Morrison's Gligar managed to defeat Gavin's Machamp.
Several Machamp and Machoke appear as construction workers in Bibarel Gnaws Best!.
In the manga
In Pokémon Special, Green has a Machamp that evolved when it was under Red's ownership, reflecting Machoke's evolution being triggered by trade. It was later seen in Template:PSV, fighting Red's Snorlax at Indigo Plateau, blocking its attacks and even managing to lift its huge bulk. Ultimately, Machamp was knocked out after Snorlax came back with an aerial Double-Edge.
Green later brings Machamp to the Sevii Islands, in which Machamp makes extremely short work of Red's Snorlax during the training session on Two Island.
Machamp has the power to hurl anything aside. However, trying to do any work requiring care and dexterity causes its arms to get tangled. This Pokémon tends to leap into action before it thinks.
Machamp is known as the Pokémon that has mastered every kind of martial arts. If it grabs hold of the foe with its four arms, the battle is all but over. The hapless foe is thrown far over the horizon.
|- style="background:#9DC1B7"
| colspan="13" | Bold indicates a move that gets STAB Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only from an Evolution of this Pokémon A colored initial indicates that the move is not available to be tutored in this game, while a colored background indicates that the move is available.
As of Generation IV, Machamp's belt has the letter P on it.
As depicted in Machamp's Generation I sprite, it originally had one 'ridge' on its head and two horns. This seems to have been dropped for three ridges instead. This can be easily seen in Machamp's back sprite. Strangely, Machamp's back sprite for this generation seems not to have four arms.
In Pokémon Yellow, a NPC will trade a Cubone for Machoke, which will then evolve to Machamp.
Machamp has had its color changed a lot. In Generation I, it was brown. In Generation II, it remained brown with its Template:Shiny2 form being dark green. In Generation III, its regular form became a blueish-green with its shiny form being a slightly darker green than its regular form. And most recently in Generation IV, it has become a gray color with its shiny form remaining the same.
Machamp is the first fully evolved Pokémon in the National Pokédex who can learn Superpower and also receive a STAB bonus.
Despite being the Superpower Pokémon, Machamp could not learn Superpower until Pokémon Platinum.
In the 3D games, Machamp's legs are much smaller than its artwork and sprites depict.
Machamp appears to be based on a bodybuilder or wrestler. Also, due to having four arms, it could have been inspired by Kintaro, a boss character from Mortal Kombat II. Seeing as it has more than two arms, and blue skin, Machamp might also be based on a Hindu god, perhaps Shiva or Vishnu. Also, due to having four arms, it could have been inspired by Tenshinhan, a character from the Dragonball Series, in the series, Tenshinhan has the ability to grow an additional set of arms.
Name origin
Machamp's name may be a combination of champion and macho, which is Spanish for overly masculine or chauvinist. Macho has come to mean tough or masculine in English. Like Mr. Mime, this is not reflected in the gender distribution. Kairiky is a corruption of 怪力 kairiki, superhuman strength. It is worth noting that kairiki is the Japanese name of Strength.
French: Mackogneur - Macho has a similar meaning as in English. Cogneur means slugger. The ch was likely replaced by the ck to keep the sound of cogneur intact.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.