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Trading confirmation screen In Diamond and Pearl

A trade is a process in which Pokémon Trainer sends one of his or her Pokémon to another trainer in exchange for one of the other trainer's Pokémon.

A trainer can trade with any person, him or herself or with trainers in the games. All a trainer needs to trade is two compatible game cartridges, two of the system it is on (Game Boys/Game Boy Colors for Generations I and II, Game Boy Advances for Generation III and DSes for Generation IV), a link cable for connecting the two systems (or a GBA Wireless Adapter for trades between FireRed, LeafGreen, and Emerald) and at least one Pokémon. In Generation IV, Pokémon can also be traded via the Global Trade Station in Jubilife City, though this requires at least two Pokémon, just in case the player is to offer their only one and thus be left with none in their party.

Generations I and II are the only generations capable of trading with each other, requiring use of the Time Capsule in generation II, and placing certain restrictions on the conditions of the trade. Generations I and II are incompatible with III and IV, while Pokémon are permanently transferred rather than traded between III and IV.

All trading occurs with a special animation, where the player says goodbye to their Pokémon before putting it in their ball and sending it to the other player, and then receiving the Pokémon from the other player and greeting it. In Generations I and II, this is done one at a time, but in generations III and IV, both players send and receive Pokémon at the same time, which is accompanied by a closeup of the two Pokémon as the pass by each other.

Trading is important to getting all the Pokémon in the Pokédex, since there are some Pokémon that are not available in each version and some Pokémon that only evolve after being traded.

Trading also gives Pokémon an advantage in growth. A traded Pokémon gains 1.5x the experience after a Pokémon battle, which allows a traded Pokémon to level up faster. Pokémon traded from outside of one's own country will gain 1.7x the experience.

Attaching items to Pokémon to be traded is allowed, so others can receive items that they need. Mail in particular is designed specifically to be attached to Pokémon in order to send messages when trading. Certain items, when held by the correct Pokémon, will trigger an evolution when traded to another player.

Pokémon which evolve when traded

Many of these Pokémon also require an item to be held by them at the time of trading for their evolution to take place.

From Generation I

From Generation II

From Generation III

From Generation IV

See also

List of in-game trades

Trades in the Anime

Butterfree and Raticate on the trading machine's screen.

Despite it being one of the key aspects of the games, trading is unusually rare in the anime. Only a few trades have taken place, and only two of them thus far have been truly significant. Fans have often speculated about the reason for this. Rather than simply exchanging Pokémon, most trades are carried out by placing Poké Balls into a specialized trading machine, with a monitor that displays silhouettes of the two Pokémon as they pass each other.