Dawn's Mamoswine

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Revision as of 12:42, 4 December 2008 by Bulbasaur001 (talk | contribs)
Dawn's Piloswine
ヒカリのイノムー Hikari's Inomoo
Dawn's Piloswine
Debuts in Hungry For the Good Life!
Caught at Mr. Backlot's Trophy Garden
Evolves in DP106
Gender Unknown
Ability Unknown
Current location With Dawn
This Pokémon spent 20 episodes as Swinub.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Swinub Tomoe Hanba N/A
As Piloswine ??? N/A

Dawn's Piloswine (Japanese: ヒカリイノムー Hikari's Inomoo) was the fifth Pokémon captured by Dawn in the anime, and her sixth Pokémon in all. It is voiced by Tomoe Hanba in Japanese.

Piloswine's debut was in Hungry For the Good Life! as a Swinub, in which it appeared at Mr. Backlot's mansion, and caused trouble by devouring all of Dawn's Poffins (much to the displeasure of Dawn's other Pokémon), revealing its gluttonous nature. However, after helping to take down Team Rocket, Dawn decided she wanted Swinub to go with her.

In DP095 Swinub watched its first contest when it saw Dawn, Buneary and Ambipom work together to win the Celestic Town Pokémon Contest.

Swinub evolved into Piloswine in DP104 in a battle against Team Rocket. However, after evolving its personality drastically changed. Knowing numerous powerful attacks, Piloswine felt much stronger and more confident than it did as a Swinub, and began to disobey Dawn's orders.

Moves used


Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Swinub and Piloswine.