Bronzor (TCG)

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#{{{prevnum}}}: Skuntank
#{{{nextnum}}}: Bronzong

Bronzor is a Pokémon in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Specifically, there are many individual Pokémon cards which feature this Pokémon.

All Bronzor cards are Basic Pokémon. Bronzor cards are always Metal-type or Psychic-type and are usually weak to Fire (if Metal) or Psychic (if Psychic) and resistant to Psychic (if Metal) or Fire (if Psychic).


The following is a list of cards named Bronzor.

Name Type Level Rarity Set Set no.
Bronzor Metal 8 Common Mysterious Treasures 74/123
Bronzor Psychic 11 Common Majestic Dawn 52/100
Bronzor Psychic 14 Common Stormfront 55/100