Fallarbor Town

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Revision as of 20:46, 28 July 2006 by PAK Man (talk | contribs)

Fallarbor Town (Japanese: ハジツゲタウン Hajitsuge Town) is a small community in north-east Hoenn. The town's motto is "A Farm Community with Small Gardens."

It is extremely close to Mt. Chimney, so much of the ash from the volcano constantly falls near the town. In the fields of Fallarbor, the locals plant seedlings of hardy trees that thrive even in volcanic ash.

In the Games

The Pokémon Contest Super Rank Contest House is located in Fallarbor.

There is also a Move Tutor who will teach Pokémon moves it has or could learn in exchange for Heart Scales.

Professor Cozmo lives in a small house in Fallarbor Town.

Route 113 is on the east side of Fallarbor Town, and Route 114 is to the west.

Also near the town is Lanette's House, as well as the Fossil Maniac's house.

In the Anime

The Fallarbor Town Pokémon Contest was the second in which May competed. She arrived in Fallarbor in Pros and Con Artists, where she met Grace, another Pokémon Coordinator and her Medicham. After seeing how powerful it was, and witnessing Drew defeat Ash in battle, May feared she would not win the contest.

In Come What May, May competed in the contest. She eventually made it to the finals, and had to battle Grace. May subsequently defeated her, and won her very first contest ribbon.

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