
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
WARNING: This userpage and all asssociated talk pages are guaranteed to look like crap on Internet Explorer. Please try to view it with another browser such as Firefox.

"I have evidence that contradicts his existence!"

~ Apollo Justice on the Optimatum.


~ All his classmates on Optimatum.

"He's a foolhardy foolish fool who foolishly fools his foolish self into foolishly thinking that he can foolishly contirbute to this foolhardy foolish community foolishly known as "Bulbapedia", fool."

~ Franziska von Karma on Optimatum.

"He's like my seventeenth cup of coffee. Always the bitterest"

~ Godot* on Optimatum

"Who again?"

~ Optimatum on the Optimatum.
List of recommended users that could fit into this table:
To be yelled at - To spam someone's talkpage - To learn more about wikicoding and CSS - To be shouted at
To be scolded
Ivan Helric
Age 13
Gender Neither.
Hometown Singapore
Region South East Asia
Relatives Orphaned.
Class Trainer


Leafeon, Baton Dancer Absol, Baton Pass reliant Puncher Gallade, Physical Sweepah Shedinja, Toxic Staller Darkrai, because I abuse Ubers Lanturn, Rain Dancer*Houndoom, Sunny Day Ninetales, Special staller Breloom, Sub PuncherSharpedo, pathetic attempt at Physical Sweeping

This user is transgender.
This user is bisexual.
This user is frequently on patrol.
This user is not a membre of Bulbapedia.
This user is calm, despite the fact that he's not a membre of Bulbapedia.
This user holds grudges, despite being calm.
File:Pokeball.jpg This user owns every Generation IV game, whether in English or in Japanese.
File:000Unknown.png This user is objectionable.
This user is unforgiving.
This user deals massive damage.
This user can slam his table.
File:DP Guitarist.png This user can play the air guitar.
All your base are belong to us!
This user lieks Mudkipz.
File:Barack obama.jpg This user has been BarackRolled .


Optimatum, otherwise ThatKidWithNoOriginality, has been part of the Bulbapedia community for approximately 18 months. It can barely come online nowadays due to obvious reasons.

Base Stats

Stat Base At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
Min. Max. Min. Max.
HP: 100
160 207 310 404
Attack: 10
13 68 22 130
Defense: 15
18 73 31 141
Special Attack: 150
139 222 274 438
Special Defense: 65
63 128 121 251
Speed: 85
81 150 157 295
Total: 425 These stats are purely for humor only. =D
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs, IVs of 0, and a hindering nature.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and a helpful nature.

How Optimatum discovered Pokeyman

It's Pokémon, twit. Not Namyekop, the demon of yellow and pink.

Nah, I just turned on the TV and, lookie! Pokeyman! =D

Timeline of user events

June 2007: Signs up on Bulbapedia.

October 2007 (I think, memory's a blur): Forms "UEP" with Fraulein Tina, Herr Ryguy and Herr Shiny.

November 2007: UEP declared illegal. The other three disappear.

December 2007: Announces probable break.

July 2008: Takes break for 3 months

October 2008: Returns, disturbed by userspace ban.

Late October 2008: Gets pissed at some random guy.

November 2008: Gets banned.

December 2008: Tries to leave Bulbapedia for good.

Late December 2008/Early January 2009: Forced to come back by some idiots who are stalking him. Okay fine, they're not stalking me nor are they idiots. But they're close to stalking!

February 2009: Fraulein Tina returns. Bah, humbug. If Herr Wrongguy and Her Shiny return too, I'm outta here.

The 13 Rules of Bulbapedia:

  1. You MUST NOT have other Manuals before the Manual of Style. Even if it's your computer's "How-To-Avoid-Crashes" manual.
  2. You MUST NOT call TTE biased, because he is god. Rule number 5 applies to this as well.
  3. You like someone on Bulbapedia (quoting DCM). Hell, even I do.
  4. DON'T vandalize articles. And rules are meant to be broken.
  5. You MUST break this rule.
  6. You CAN stalk anyone on Bulbapedia, provided they are a girl. And yes, Kogs, that applies to you as well.
  7. You MUST NOT EVER admit that you watch/look at hentai. You WILL be ignored for the rest of your life.
  8. You CAN say you're leaving - and you can come back in minutes/hours.
  9. You MUST earn the Golden Slowpoke award. It's the ultimate privilege.
  10. You MUST use AIM to contact an admin.
  11. You MUST NOT be religious. Don't preach ANYWHERE. Or TTE will hunt you down. And kill you.
  12. You MUST NOT obey any of the above rules. Rule 5 applies to this rule.

And the last rule:
Rule 34: You CANNOT ask about this rule. Ever.

The End

Yes, yes, it was short. Don't blame me, that's all I could come up with on short notice.