Pokéthlon (Japanese: ポケスロン Pokéthlon) is a type of competition involving Pokémon racing and similar athletic competitions in the manner of Olympic track and field competitions. It will be introduced in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.
The Pokéthlon appears to be handled similar to Pokémon Super Contests from Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, as a sidequest to complete while the player challenges the gyms and the Pokémon League. Like the Contests, four competitors participate at once but they use teams of three Pokémon each.
Like the five statistics introduced for Pokémon Contests, each Pokémon has special attributes just for the Pokéthlon: Speed, Power, Technique, Stamina, and Jump. Each of the statistics is measured by stars, and can be increased by consuming a drink made out of Apricorns. Some have different maximum values than others.
By winning events in the Pokéthlon, the participating Pokémon will earn medals.
Dash Hurdle
(Japanese:ダッシュハードル Dash Hurdle) The Dash Hurdle are based on hurdle races. In Dash Hurdle, the selected Pokémon run around a track. By tapping the Nintendo DS's touch screen with the stylus, the player can make them jump over hurdles. The Speed and Jump statistics are valuable in this event.
Ring-Out Fight
(Japanese:リングアウトファイト Ring-Out Fight) In this competition based on Sumo wrestling, four Pokémon enter a ring and attempt to shove the others out with only tackles. Stamina and Power are valuable in this competition.
Shooting Snow
(Japanese:シューティングスノー Shooting Snow) Shooting Snow is a combination between dodgeball and a snowball fight. Two teams of Pokémon engage in a snowball fight. If a Pokémon is hit by a snowball, they leave the field. The team that knocks out the other player's Pokémon wins. Technique determines aim and Power determines strength.
Bounce Field
(Japanese:バウンドフィールド Bounce Field) A game similar to pachinko. In Bounce Field, Technique and Jump are the focus. Again, with the touch screen, the Trainer taps his or her Pokémon. The quicker he or she taps, the higher the Pokémon will jump and the more lamps they hit, and the higher the final score will be.
Change Relay
(Japanese:チェンジリレー Change Relay) A minigame similar to Dash Hurdle but only one Pokémon is controlled. The Speed and Stamina stats are valuable in this competition.
Break Block
(Japanese:ブレイクブロック Break Block) Break Block is a minigame where a selected Pokémon breaks blocks using its hand or appendage-like body part. It is controlled with the touchscreen. Power is valuable in this competition.
Push Circle
(Japanese:プッシュサークル Push Circle) A minigame similar to Ring-Out Fight but you control all 4 Pokémon at once. Stamina and Power are valuable in this competition.