Pokémon SP (TCG)

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

Pokémon SP are a variant of Pokémon found in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. They debuted in the Platinum expansion, the first of the Platinum Series. They are the successor to Owner's Pokémon.

Pokémon SP (an abbreviated form of Special Pokémon) vary depending on the theme of the expansion in which they appear. All Pokémon SP are Basic Pokémon and have a stylized "SP" logo in the bottom-left corner of the illustration box. Pokémon SP also include a suffix in the name in order to differentiate them from other Pokémon.

Pokémon G

The first variant of SP Pokémon were Pokémon Pokémon G, released in Platinum. Pokémon Pokémon G cards are classified as "Galactic's Pokémon" (this text replaces the Pokédex data in the illustration bar) and have an icon of their respective Team Galactic owner in the bottom-right corner of the illustration box. All Pokémon G also have "Pokémon G" at the end of their name in order to differentiate them from other Pokémon. Several examples include:

  • Probopass Pokémon G cannot evolve from Nosepass because it is a Basic Pokémon and because its name is not Probopass.
  • Darkrai Pokémon G cannot be leveled-up into Darkrai LV.X, as its name is not Darkrai.
  • Dialga Pokémon G cannot be leveled-up into Dialga LV.X, but it can be leveled-up into Dialga Pokémon G LV.X.
  • Dialga cannot be leveled-up into Dialga Pokémon G LV.X.
  • One may have 4 Dialga or Dialga LV.X in a deck as well as 4 Dialga Pokémon G or Dialga Pokémon G LV.X.

List of Pokémon G

Pokémon Type Card Expansion Owner
Forretress Metal Forretress G Rising Rivals Male Grunt
Carnivine Grass Carnivine G DP Black Star Promos Male Grunt
Beedrill Grass Beedrill G Arceus Female Grunt
Toxicroak Psychic Toxicroak G Platinum Saturn
Ambipom Colorless Ambipom G Rising Rivals Saturn
Toxicroak Fighting Toxicroak G DP Black Star Promos Saturn
Skuntank Psychic Skuntank G Platinum Jupiter
Bronzong Metal Bronzong G Platinum Jupiter
Probopass Fighting Probopass G DP Black Star Promos Jupiter
Purugly Colorless Purugly G Platinum Mars
Porygon-Z Colorless Porygon-Z G DPt-P Promotional cards Mars
Gyarados Water Gyarados G Platinum Cyrus
Crobat Psychic Crobat G Platinum Cyrus
Houndoom Fire Houndoom G Platinum Cyrus
Honchkrow Darkness Honchkrow G Platinum Cyrus
Weavile Darkness Weavile G Platinum Cyrus
Dialga Metal Dialga G Platinum Cyrus
Dialga Metal Dialga G LV.X Platinum Cyrus
Palkia Water Palkia G Platinum Cyrus
Palkia Water Palkia G LV.X Platinum Cyrus
Darkrai Darkness Darkrai G Rising Rivals Cyrus
Electrode Lightning Electrode G Rising Rivals Cyrus
Charizard Fire Charizard G Supreme Victors Cyrus
Charizard Fire Charizard G LV.X Supreme Victors Cyrus
Arcanine Fire Arcanine G Supreme Victors Cyrus
Camerupt Fire Camerupt G Supreme Victors Cyrus
Manectric Lightning Manectric G Supreme Victors Cyrus
Sableye Darkness Sableye G Supreme Victors Cyrus
Crawdaunt Darkness Crawdaunt G Supreme Victors Cyrus
Raticate Colorless Raticate G Supreme Victors Cyrus
Chatot Colorless Chatot G Supreme Victors Cyrus
Absol Darkness Absol G Supreme Victors Cyrus
Absol Darkness Absol G LV.X Supreme Victors Cyrus
Zapdos Lightning Zapdos G Arceus Cyrus

Pokémon GL

The second variant of SP Pokémon were Pokémon Pokémon GL, released in Rising Rivals. Pokémon Pokémon GL cards are classified as "Gym Leader's Pokémon" (this text replaces the Pokédex data in the illustration bar in the same manner of Galactic's Pokémon) and have an icon of the Gym Leader who uses them in the bottom-right corner of the illustration box. All Pokémon GL have "Pokémon GL" at the end of their name in order to differentiate them from other Pokémon. The level shown on all Pokémon Pokémon GL cards (excluding Pokémon Pokémon GL LV.X) are the same as their Pokémon Platinum counterparts.

List of Pokémon GL

Pokémon Type Card Expansion Owner
Aerodactyl Fighting Aerodactyl GL Rising Rivals Roark
Rampardos Fighting Rampardos GL Rising Rivals Roark
Turtwig Grass Turtwig GL Rising Rivals Gardenia
Roserade Grass Roserade GL Rising Rivals Gardenia
Machamp Fighting Machamp GL Rising Rivals Maylene
Lucario Fighting Lucario GL Rising Rivals Maylene
Quagsire Water Quagsire GL Rising Rivals Crasher Wake
Floatzel Water Floatzel GL Rising Rivals Crasher Wake
Floatzel Water Floatzel GL LV.X Rising Rivals Crasher Wake
Mismagius Psychic Mismagius GL Rising Rivals Fantina
Mismagius Psychic Mismagius GL LV.X Rising Rivals Fantina
Gengar Psychic Gengar GL Rising Rivals Fantina
Steelix Metal Steelix GL Rising Rivals Byron
Bastiodon Metal Bastiodon GL Rising Rivals Byron
Mamoswine Water Mamoswine GL Rising Rivals Candice
Froslass Water Froslass GL Rising Rivals Candice
Raichu Lightning Raichu GL Rising Rivals Volkner
Luxray Lightning Luxray GL Rising Rivals Volkner
Luxray Lightning Luxray GL LV.X Rising Rivals Volkner

Pokémon 4

Released alongside Pokémon GL in Rising Rivals was another variant of SP Pokémon: Pokémon Pokémon 4. Pokémon Pokémon 4 cards are classified as "Elite Four's Pokémon" and have an icon of the member of the Elite Four who uses them in the bottom-right corner of the illustration box. All Pokémon 4 have "Pokémon 4" at the end of their name in order to differentiate them from other Pokémon (curiously, the English cards still use to depict the 4). The level shown on all Pokémon Pokémon 4 cards (excluding Pokémon Pokémon 4 LV.X) are the same as their Pokémon Platinum counterparts.

List of Pokémon 4

Pokémon Type Card Expansion Owner
Yanmega Grass Yanmega 4 Rising Rivals Template:E4
Heracross Grass Heracross 4 Rising Rivals Template:E4
Vespiquen Grass Vespiquen 4 Rising Rivals Template:E4
Scizor Grass Scizor 4 Rising Rivals Template:E4
Drapion Darkness Drapion 4 Rising Rivals Template:E4
Gliscor Fighting Gliscor 4 Rising Rivals Bertha
Hippowdon Fighting Hippowdon 4 Rising Rivals Bertha
Rhyperior Fighting Rhyperior 4 Rising Rivals Bertha
Whiscash Fighting Whiscash 4 Rising Rivals Bertha
Golem Fighting Golem 4 Rising Rivals Bertha
Rapidash Fire Rapidash 4 Rising Rivals Template:E4
Infernape Fire Infernape 4 Rising Rivals Template:E4
Infernape Fire Infernape 4 LV.X Rising Rivals Template:E4
Houndoom Darkness Houndoom 4 Rising Rivals Template:E4
Flareon Fire Flareon 4 Rising Rivals Template:E4
Mr. Mime Psychic Mr. Mime 4 Rising Rivals Lucian
Espeon Psychic Espeon 4 Rising Rivals Lucian
Alakazam Psychic Alakazam 4 Rising Rivals Lucian
Alakazam Psychic Alakazam 4 LV.X Rising Rivals Lucian
Gallade Psychic Gallade 4 Rising Rivals Lucian
Gallade Psychic Gallade 4 LV.X Rising Rivals Lucian
Bronzong Psychic Bronzong 4 Rising Rivals Lucian

Pokémon C

Debuting in Supreme Victors were Pokémon Pokémon C. Pokémon Pokémon C cards are classified as "Champion's Pokémon" and have an icon depicting Cynthia in the bottom-right corner of the illustration box. All Pokémon C have "Pokémon C" at the end of their name in order to differentiate them from other Pokémon. The level shown on the majority of Pokémon Pokémon C cards are the same as their Pokémon Platinum counterparts.

List of Pokémon C

Pokémon Type Card Expansion Owner
Spiritomb Psychic Spiritomb C Supreme Victors Cynthia
Roserade Psychic Roserade C Supreme Victors Cynthia
Togekiss Colorless Togekiss C Supreme Victors Cynthia
Lucario Fighting Lucario C Supreme Victors Cynthia
Milotic Water Milotic C Supreme Victors Cynthia
Garchomp Colorless Garchomp C Supreme Victors Cynthia
Garchomp Colorless Garchomp C LV.X Supreme Victors Cynthia
Altaria Colorless Altaria C Supreme Victors Cynthia
Lickilicky Colorless Lickilicky C Supreme Victors Cynthia
Rayquaza Colorless Rayquaza C Supreme Victors Cynthia
Rayquaza Colorless Rayquaza C LV.X Supreme Victors Cynthia

Pokémon FB

Also debuting in Supreme Victors were Pokémon Pokémon FB. Pokémon Pokémon FB cards are classified as "Frontier Brain's Pokémon" and have an icon of the Frontier Brain who uses them in the bottom-right corner of the illustration box. All Pokémon FB have "Pokémon FB" at the end of their name in order to differentiate them from other Pokémon. The level shown on all Pokémon Pokémon FB cards (excluding Pokémon Pokémon FB LV.X) are the same as their Pokémon Platinum counterparts.

List of Pokémon FB

Pokémon Type Card Expansion Owner
Dragonite Colorless Dragonite FB Supreme Victors Palmer
Regigigas Colorless Regigigas FB Supreme Victors Palmer
Skarmory Metal Skarmory FB Supreme Victors Thorton
Electivire Lightning Electivire FB Supreme Victors Thorton
Electivire Lightning Electivire FB LV.X Supreme Victors Thorton
Butterfree Grass Butterfree FB Supreme Victors Argenta
Drifblim Psychic Drifblim FB Supreme Victors Argenta
Dusknoir Psychic Dusknoir FB Supreme Victors Dahlia
Blaziken Fire Blaziken FB Supreme Victors Dahlia
Blaziken Fire Blaziken FB LV.X Supreme Victors Dahlia
Staraptor Colorless Staraptor FB Supreme Victors Darach
Staraptor Colorless Staraptor FB LV.X Supreme Victors Darach
Empoleon Water Empoleon FB Supreme Victors Darach

Pokémon M

Debuting in the Movie Commemoration Random Pack were Pokémon Pokémon M, which showcase key characters's Pokémon from Arceus: To a Conquering Spacetime. Pokémon Pokémon M cards are classified as "Movie's Pokémon" and have an icon of the anime character who uses them in the bottom-right corner of the illustration box. All Pokémon M have "Pokémon M" at the end of their name in order to differentiate them from other Pokémon.

List of Pokémon M

Pokémon Type Card Expansion Owner
Chikorita Grass Chikorita M Movie Commemoration Random Pack Michīna
Cyndaquil Fire Cyndaquil M Movie Commemoration Random Pack Michīna
Totodile Water Totodile M Movie Commemoration Random Pack Michīna
Spiky-Eared Pichu Lightning Spiky-Eared Pichu M Movie Commemoration Random Pack Michīna
Dialga Metal Dialga M Movie Commemoration Random Pack Sheena
Palkia Water Palkia M Movie Commemoration Random Pack Sheena
Giratina Psychic Giratina M Movie Commemoration Random Pack Sheena
Bronzong Metal Bronzong M Movie Commemoration Random Pack Marcus
Heatran Fire Heatran M Movie Commemoration Random Pack Marcus
Heracross Grass Heracross M Movie Commemoration Random Pack Kanta
Beautifly Grass Beautifly M Movie Commemoration Random Pack Kako
Pikachu Lightning Pikachu M Movie Commemoration Random Pack Ash
Pikachu Lightning Pikachu M LV.X DPt-P Promotional cards Ash
Staraptor Colorless Staraptor M Movie Commemoration Random Pack Ash
Piplup Water Piplup M Movie Commemoration Random Pack Dawn
Buneary Colorless Buneary M Movie Commemoration Random Pack Dawn
Croagunk Psychic Croagunk M Movie Commemoration Random Pack Brock
Meowth Colorless Meowth M Movie Commemoration Random Pack Team Rocket Trio