Hilbert (game)/Quotes

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Quotes from his female counterpart: Hilda (game)/Quotes

These are Hilbert's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series

Pokémon Black and White

Battle Subway

  • At the Multi Train and Super Multi Train platforms
"Hi! I'm Hilbert! It's your first time challenging the Multi Train, right? Well, you need a partner!" / "Hi, <Player>! Good to see you again!"
  • Before boarding the Multi Train or Super Multi Train
"Are you looking for a partner? Then why don't you team up with me? Yeah! It'll be great! What sort of Pokémon should I use?" / "What kinds of Pokémon should I enter?"
Focused on Attack: "OK. I'll focus on Attack! Then, let's begin!"
Focused on Defense: "OK. I'll focus on Defense! Then, let's begin!"
Focused on Balance: "OK. I'll focus on a balance between Attack and Defense! Let's begin!"
  • After losing/retiring a challenge
"That was awesome! Let's battle together again!"
  • At stops
"There's still a lot more to go, but let's do our best!"
  • After completing a 21-win streak on the Multi Train
"We finally made it this far! Our opponents will get tougher, but let's do our best and not get discouraged!"

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Hilbert (Masters)

Prior to version 2.25.0, Hilbert's regular and seasonal variants shared their voice lines unless mentioned otherwise.

Menu interface (voice clips)
  • After being recruited for the first time
"Hi! I'm Hilbert! I'm really looking forward to team battles alongside you. Let's be friends!"
  • Subsequent recruitments
"When we team up, no one can stop us! Let's give it our best—together!"
  • After being recruited (Fall 2020)
"GRAAAWR! I'm Hilbert! Let's team up in battle and really get our blood pumping!"
  • After being recruited (Sygna Suit)
"Hey there! I'm Hilbert, and I'm looking forward to battling with you!"
  • Sync pair viewer
"OK, then! Let's begin!"
"Let's enjoy Pokémon battles together."
  • Sync pair viewer (Fall 2020)
"I won't lose. After all, my partner's here with me, and we really understand each other!"
"If I win, I get some candy, okay? Fight or fright!"
  • Sync pair viewer (Sygna Suit)
"I fight for my friends no matter what!"
"Maybe I should learn more about machines."
  • Selection screen (forming team)
"Team up with me!"
  • Selection screen (forming team, Fall 2020)
"Ready when you are!"
  • Selection screen (forming team, Sygna Suit)
"Let's work together!"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Hilda)*
"Hilda! This should be fun!"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Cheren)*
"The usual battle plan, Cheren!"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Bianca)*
"I hope Pokémon battles help your research, Bianca!"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Nate)*
"Nate, let's show 'em everything we've got!"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Rosa)*
"Rosa, we've gotta win to represent Unova!"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Alder)*
"Having you here makes me feel more confident, Alder!"
  • Selection screen (forming team with N)*
"Let's go, N!"
  • Selection screen (disbanding team)
"See ya!"
  • Selection screen (disbanding team, Fall 2020)
"See you later!"
  • Selection screen (disbanding team, Sygna Suit)
"See you again!"
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill
"Pokémon battles will be even more fun now!"
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill (Fall 2020)
"Now we've got more ways to battle!"
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill (Sygna Suit)
"Let's try this out soon!"
  • Upon leveling up
"Yes! Feels like I've gotten stronger."
  • Upon leveling up (Fall 2020)
"We'll just keep getting stronger!"
  • Upon leveling up (Sygna Suit)
"We're really improving!"
  • Upon reaching max level
"Guess I'm now little closer to being one of the strongest Trainers."
  • Upon reaching max level (Fall 2020)
"We're always aiming higher!"
  • Upon reaching max level (Sygna Suit)
"We're so much stronger than before!"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap
"I'll keep getting stronger and stronger. You'll see!"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap (Fall 2020)
"A new discovery!"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap (Sygna Suit)
"We've got the power!"
  • Upon evolving Pokémon
"Yeah! We've come such a long way!"
  • Receiving EX style
"Pokémon battles will be even more fun now!"
  • Receiving EX style (Fall 2020)
  • Receiving EX style (Sygna Suit)
"Lookin' good!"
  • During conversation
"I'm going all-out!"
"All right!"
"I won't forget this!"
"Hey, what gives?!"
"You got this."
"No, not happening."
  • During conversation (Fall 2020)
"Let's do this!"
"See you later!"
"I won't hold back!"
"I'll give it all I've got!"
  • During conversation (Sygna Suit)
"Hey, kudos!"
"I'm rooting for you!"
"Cut it out!"
"No way..."
"You're in good hands."
"No way."
"I see."
"Uh, hehe."
"See you again!"
"Are you ready?"
"Let's enjoy this battle!"
  • During special log-in conversation (morning)
"Morning! Did ya eat a good breakfast? You'll feel better if you eat."*
"Morning! Sleep well? I can't wait to have a ton of Pokémon battles today!"
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Good afternoon! Eating lunch made me sleepy..."*
"Afternoon! Wanna go for a walk or something? Oh, and while we're at it, I also want to do some Pokémon battles."
  • During special log-in conversation (evening)
"Good evening! It's a nice night, right? Quiet, calm, and pleasant."
"Evening. A day goes by fast, huh. I'm not done having fun yet!"*
  • During special log-in conversation (morning) (Fall 2020)
"Good morning! I slept really well last night after a fun day full of battles!"
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon) (Fall 2020)
"Fight or fright! I like candy AND battling, so either one is fine with me!"
  • During special log-in conversation (evening) (Fall 2020)
"BOO! Did I scare you? I'm planning to enjoy this night to the fullest!"
  • During special log-in conversation (morning) (Sygna Suit)
"Morning! Let's have ourselves a battle so intense, it jolts us both awake!"
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon) (Sygna Suit)
"I'm going out for training after lunch. Wanna come with me?"
  • During special log-in conversation (evening) (Sygna Suit)
"Hey, great work today! Get some rest so we can have more awesome battles tomorrow!"
  • During special gift conversation
"Hey, take this."
  • During special gift conversation (Fall 2020)
"Here, this is for you."
  • During special gift conversation (Sygna Suit)
"Got a present for you!"
Battle interface (voice clips)
  • Co-op match screen
"All right!"
  • Co-op match screen (Fall 2020)
"Let's do this!"
  • Co-op match screen (Sygna Suit)
  • VS screen
"Here we go! I won't lose."
  • VS screen (Fall 2020)
"Let's get this started!"
  • VS screen (Sygna Suit)
"Let's do this!"
  • Sending out Pokémon
"Here goes!"
  • Sending out Pokémon (Fall 2020)
"Here we go!"
  • Sending out Pokémon (Sygna Suit)
"Here goes!"
  • Using Pokémon move
"There you go."
  • Using Pokémon move (Fall 2020)
"How's this?"
  • Using Pokémon move (Sygna Suit)
  • Using item
"I've got this!"
  • Using item (Fall 2020)
"This'll do it!"
  • Using item (Sygna Suit)
"On it!"
  • Using Trainer move
"This is it!"
  • Using Trainer move (Fall 2020)
"Here we go!"
  • Using Trainer move (Sygna Suit)
"Got it!"
  • Using sync move
"Ha! No way I'll lose!"
  • Using sync move (Fall 2020)
"OK, then! Let's begin!"*
"I'm not about to hold back!"*
  • Using sync move (Sygna Suit)
"Hit 'em hard!"
  • Unity attack / theme skill
"All out!"
  • Unity attack / theme skill (Fall 2020)
  • Unity attack / theme skill (Sygna Suit)
  • Uh-oh!
"Ha! No way I'll lose!"
  • Switching in
"Give it your all!"
  • Switching in (Fall 2020)
"Guess it's my turn!"
  • Switching in (Sygna Suit)
"Leave it to me!"
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon
"Too bad."
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon (Fall 2020)
"Not so easy, huh?"
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon (Sygna Suit)
"Let's rest up a bit."
  • "Nice" emote
  • "Nice" emote (Fall 2020)
  • "Nice" emote (Sygna Suit)
"Nice one!"
  • "Watch out" emote
  • "Watch out" emote (Fall 2020)
"Watch out!"
  • "Watch out" emote (Sygna Suit)
"Look out!"
  • "Let's do this" emote
"Yeah, that's the stuff!"
  • "Let's do this" emote (Fall 2020)
  • "Let's do this" emote (Sygna Suit)
"Are you having fun?"
  • "Thanks" emote
  • "Thanks" emote (Fall 2020)
  • "Thanks" emote (Sygna Suit)
  • Defeat
"Auugh, I lost. Not cool!"
  • Defeat (Fall 2020)
"Next time."
  • Defeat (Sygna Suit)
  • Victory
"All right!"
"Looks like I won! Thanks for making the battle so fun."
  • Victory (Fall 2020)
"That was a good fierce battle!"
  • Victory (Sygna Suit)
"Let's do this again sometime!"
  • Victory (with Hilda on the team, in response to Hilda)*
"Wait up, Hilda!"
  • Victory (with N on the team, speaks first)*
"Thanks, N!"
  • Victory (with Rosa on the team, in response to Rosa)*
"You did great!"
  • Victory (with Nate on the team, in response to Nate)*
"We make a great team!"
  • Victory (with Cheren on the team, speaks first)*
"We did it, Cheren!"
  • Victory (with Bianca on the team, speaks first)*
"Great support, Bianca."
Main Story PML Arc - Chapter 18 - Team Unova
  • Team Unova: Part 1
"Hey, Cheren. What's with the long face?"
"Yeah, I get it, buddy."
"We might have to go up against Champion-level Trainers from here on out. If we're lucky, we'll be evenly matched."
"In some respects, we're here as challengers. There are probably going to be some rough battles up ahead."
"Use our strength to help one another, huh?"
"Sorry, sorry. It's just that..."
"I just remembered how you were before we started exploring Unova. You really have changed a lot since then."
"You got that right. I want to use everything I learned during my journey to triumph in this tournament."
"Hey...I've got an idea!"
"I think I might know someone who's in the same boat as us!"
"Cheren! I'm talking about somebody who might wanna join our team for the PML! Come on, follow me!"
"You've seen firsthand what an awesome Trainer Hilda is, right, Cheren?"
"And all three of us have gone through similar journeys across Unova, right? I was thinking...that might help us really get in sync as a team!"
"We're all Trainers that explored the Unova region."
"But not just that! We trained together on Pasio, strengthening our bonds!"
  • Team Unova: Part 2
"It stinks that we lost, but we did everything we could."
"Pause, Cheren. What are you acting out of character for?"
"It's written all over your face. You want to see <player>'s growth firsthand."
Main Story Villain Arc - Unova - Team Plasma & Two Heroes
  • Two Gone Missing
"You're always so confident, Hilda. So even you get nervous sometimes?"
"No, I haven't..."
"Maybe something happened..."
"That might have something to do with N's absence."
"OK! Could you take us to where you saw Hugh?"
  • For the Kind People
"Colress, is this where Hugh disappeared?"
"... ... ..."
"Let's go!"
"That's good to hear."
"Modifying Pokémon..."
"That could be it!"
"Trista, please wait!"
"That Genesect might be able to guide us to N!"
"N can communicate with Pokémon, and he might have told Genesect about us!"
"Yeah... That's what I'm getting from Genesect."
"Understood! Thank you so much!"
"OK! Let's go, Genesect! Take it slow if you need to!"
  • Sync Pairs' Hearts Align
"Hilda, Rosa! Be careful, you two!"
"N and Hugh must be ahead!"
"The Shadow Triad!"
"There's no end to this!"
"What can we do? At this rate..."
"Are you gonna help us? You've just recovered..."
"You want to fight together, by my side? I really appreciate that!"
"I didn't want to ask you since Team Plasma has put you through so much..."
"But I want to help my friends."
"Could you help me out?"
"Thank you, Genesect."
"We have to help N and Hugh! We can't get caught up here!"
"I know... If it gets really tough, I might need your help."
"Let's go!"
  • N and Hugh
"It was a really close one... We had to battle a lot."
"Are you OK, Genesect?"
"You're just getting started, aren't you, Hilda?"
"That's true... We came all this way."
"We don't have time to wait around!"
  • One Blow to Break Through
"These guys again!"
"Mightyena! Samurott!"
"Genesect, stand back! You'll be defeated if we stay like this!"
"Y'know, that's what I thought. You're here because N saved you..."
"And now you want to save him, right?"
"I understand how you feel."
"I'm also worried about N."
"We have to keep moving."
"Genesect, thank you for fighting for N."
"Everyone here feels the same as you!"
"I know... But their teamwork doesn't leave any openings."
"We'll run out of energy if we just randomly shoot."
"Oh... I see!"
"If that's the case, we can do it in one shot!"
"I'm not so sure about that."
"Everyone, this way!"
  • Keep Moving Forward!
"N! Hugh!"
"Genesect led us this way!"
  • Two Heroes
"I won't let you!"
"Go! Kyurem!"
"Knock down Ghetsis's Kyurem!"
"I didn't think it'd be possible either at first..."
"But there's no such thing as impossible. There's so many mysteries we don't yet know about Pokémon and this world."
"And there's nothing wrong with having two."
"There were two heroes in Unova, also!"
"N! I trust you with my Kyurem!"
"I know! N!"
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"Sorry for the wait!"
  • After appearing, as Hilbert, wearing his sygna suit
"Whaaat?! Now?"
Story Event - Fight or Fright
  • Intro
  • Wearing his fall outfit
"Wahh! Acerola, I told you not to sneak up on me like that!"
"We said we weren't gonna start any of that until we go out later tonight, remember?"
"Sorry about that, <player>. We're actually getting ready to do some trick-or-treating in town tonight."
"Yeah, why don't you join us? It'll be fun!"
  • Trick or Treat!
"We were a little worried at first since he bolted all of a sudden. Glad you found each other!"
"Y'know, I think I read somewhere that Mimikyu disguise themselves as Pikachu to get close to people and other Pokémon..."
"Have you noticed that your Pikachu hasn't stopped staring at Acerola's Mimikyu since you arrived?"
"Maybe Mimikyu's disguise is making him curious."
Are you with Mightyena, Hilbert?: "Yeah! He and I are partners tonight. Oshawott is over at the beach playing with Acerola's Palossand."
"We didn't want to disturb all the fun they were having, so we let them stay and play."
"In that case, you'd better get your special shout ready! We've got a bunch of battles to win!"
  • Frightful Festivities
"Fight or fright!"
"I don't know about you, but I prefer Pokémon battling to getting the pants scared off of me!"
"Nice! Looks like you've already got a pretty good stash. This is just the beginning, though!"
"Hang on a sec! Challenging me to a battle is totally fine, but...you do know what's going on tonight, right?!"
"Right... But we're not just battling tonight. There's candy and..."
"Wait, you DO know about the special rule then? Phew, that's good..."
"Huh? No, no! That's not the rule we're talking about, Hilda!"
"All right, the battle's over now, Hilda. *sigh* This is getting exhausting..."
"Yeah, of course I do. But battling isn't what's making me exhausted... Listen, Hilda. I think you're confused."
"Acerola tried, but you rushed us into a battle before she could finish explaining..."
  • Halt! Who Goes There?!
"I'm pretty sure this is the spot Hilda mentioned..."
"Now that you mention it...this place does kind of give me the heebie-jeebies."
"(If anything happens, it'll be up to me to protect everyone!)"
"It couldn't be a wild Pokémon, could it? There aren't supposed to be any on Pasio..."
"Wait, I think something else is hiding over there! Everyone, get behind me!"
"Something's not right here... That's the second Pokémon we've encountered without its Trainer tonight..."
I saw something in the bushes!/Maybe this forest IS haunted?!: "*gulp* Y-you don't think that was a...a..."
"All right! Let's do this, Mightyena!"
"Wait a sec... I feel like I've seen these three Pokémon together somewhere before..."
  • Off to Find Some Candy!
"I didn't think I could make someone so happy just by wearing a costume! I'm glad I dressed up."
  • The Midnight Parade
"Thanks! Mightyena and I are twins today!"
"Haha! I don't plan on losing, either! Come on, <player>! Let's do this!"
Fight or friiight!: "Nice one! Let's give these kids a run for their candy!"
No way! Your candy is ours!: "All right, then! It's time to fight or fright!"
Story Event - The Ideal Formula
  • The Hero Arrives on Pasio
"No way! Are you sure?!"
"Wow. So N is here on Pasio..."
"I haven't seen him in so long."
"Yeah, let's go! Thanks!"
"<player>, why don't you come with us, too?"
"I wanna introduce you to my friend!"
  • The King of Team Plasma
"If you both saw him, then he was definitely here for sure!"
"Hey, I get it. This is N we're talking about, after all."
"Wait, you don't know, Hilda? Even after everything that happened in Unova?"
Who is N?: "Yeah, we should bring you up to speed before we go meet him."
"This N we're searching for..."
"He used to be the king of Team Plasma."
"Yeah, we had a few run-ins with Team Plasma in the past."
"We also clashed with N a few times."
"But N's feelings toward Pokémon—his beliefs...they were genuine."
"He believed that Pokémon suffered because of misguided humans..."
"So to change this messed-up world, he thought we needed to separate Pokémon and humans."
"All to help Pokémon, our friends..."
"But through our battles and travels, N's beliefs began to waver."
"He saw with his own eyes how Pokémon and humans can understand and help each other."
"And he made a real effort to try to understand how we felt."
"That's why N is a really important friend to me!"
"No matter how hard it is, we'll definitely find N. There's a lot of stuff I need to say to him!"
"Nothing major, but...something important."
"OK, let's head out and find N!"
  • The Ones Who Bested Alder
"Yeah. What a bummer, though."
"Good idea."
"It came from over there!"
  • Off-screen
"Hey, cut it out!"
  • On-screen
"Well? You gonna take us on or what?"
"Fine, let's go."
  • N to the Rescue
"Yeah. I can't believe they're just keeping us locked up here."
What if they never let us go?: "No way! We'll find a way out of here—don't you worry!"
"Shhh, Hilda!"
"N?! What's he got to do with this?"
  • Off-screen
  • A Gray World
"N, do you know this guy?"
"Yeah! C'mon, N!"
  • No More Good-byes
"Now's your chance, N!"
"It's over. Just surrender already."
"Don't even sweat it!"
"That's what friends are for, you know?"
"Speaking of which, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about!"
"Before you left to go on your journey..."
"you told me I should make my dream come true—and that you believed I could do it..."
"Then you just up and left after saying good-bye! I mean, what gives?!"
"Give me a chance to respond, at least!"
"D-don't laugh! Maybe it's a little childish, but..."
Story Event - Shining Heart of Dragons
  • The Champions Assemble
"Yeah, I can introduce you. Let's go!"
"We were just talking, and you came up in our conversation, Iris!"
"Diantha was saying that as a fellow Champion, she wanted to meet you in person!"
"Hm? Iris, are you nervous or something?"
"Iris is still Iris, even when she's the Champion, huh?"
  • What Makes a Champion
"Settle down, Hydreigon!"
"Still, I wonder why Hydreigon acted out like that..."
  • Off-screen
  • On-screen
"Is she gonna be OK?"
  • Hydreigon's Heart
"Lance, yesterday may have been a big mess, but Iris is still an amazing Champion. You'll see!"
"Don't lose hope in her just yet, OK?"
"Iris! Send out your Haxorus to stop Hydreigon!"
  • The Rising Champion
"Look at that!"
"In terms of the matchup, Iris is at a disadvantage."
Story Event - Hearts United
  • N's Dream
"Hold up! I'm the one you wanna battle!"
"All right! Look out, <player>! And you, too, N! We won't go easy on you!"
Story Event - Midnight Battle Ball
  • The Long Night Begins
  • Wearing his fall outfit
"Hey, I think I see it, <player>! This is where the Midnight Battle Ball is gonna take place!"
"I wonder if any other sync pairs have arrived yet. Come on, let's head inside!"
"Huh... They really made this place feel like a haunted house."
"I feel like at any moment, something spooky could sneak up and—"
"AHHH! Wh-what was that?!"
"O-oh, I see... So this is all part of Lear's plan."
"Not gonna lie, I panicked a little when you crept up behind me, Wikstrom."
"Pssh, I'm not scared one bit! And actually, I was just joking when I said I panicked earlier!"
"Lear really went all out for this party, huh. It's like we're part of some high society get-together in a castle..."
"Wh-what? No way! Who'd be scared of something silly like that?"
"It's all of the glitz and glamor in this place... I can't relax in this environment."
"Phew... I'm glad it's not just me!"
"All this excitement is making me kinda thirsty..."
"Oh! Thanks, Darach!"
"Really? She doesn't look any different to me..."
"Yeah! The more the merrier!"
"We're looking for a strong Trainer to fill out our team."
"We're totally fine! Wikstrom wasn't even that scary at all."
"That prize is as good as ours!"
  • Grim Grinning Ghosts
"Well, we already know there's gonna be traps and stuff. When we run into them, it probably won't even be..."
"Uhh...what's that all over the walls?!"
"Th-these are some weird party favors..."
Ahhhh!: "What was that?!"
Did you hear that?!: "Y-yeah, I heard it! What do you think it was?"
"Th-there are eyes in the masks?!"
"Ahh! Did you hear THAT?!"
"How are both of you so c-calm right now?!"
"If by "welcome" you mean bare their teeth in open hostility toward us..."
"Morty...are you actually enjoying this?!"
"I still don't understand how both of you are so unfazed by all of this..."
"But we'll do our best, too! Go, Mightyena!"
Look! There are more of them!: "You OK, <player>?! Come on, we'll get through this together!"
More ghost Pokémon!: "Careful, <player>! Just stay calm—we'll face this together!"
"I never knew ghost Pokémon were so aggressive..."
"If this is all just an act for the event, it sure is a convincing one!"
"Let's tread carefully. It might rush up and attack like the last ones!"
"Then...what is it doing here?"
"Hmm... What do you think we should do, <player>?"
Let's follow it.: "*gulp* If you think that's what we should do, then I guess I'm with you..."
It could be a trap.: "*gulp* It sure could be..."
"I wonder where it'll lead us..."
"Huh?! What is this place?"
"Wha—?! Now's not the time for calm analysis, you two!"
  • The Warden in the Dark
"Phew! We made it...back safely..."
"You could have at least mentioned that Pumpkaboo like to carry spirits to their resting place, you know..."
"I'm sure it depends on the person..."
"*sigh* I guess this event turned out to be a lot more grim than we thought, huh..."
"I hope we find the sync pair waiting in the final room soo—"
"Ahh! I think something just touched my leg!"
"Do you think someone might have dropped it? Or is this just another decoration like that other room..."
"Finally! That felt like it took forever..."
"Huh? What do you—"
"A Gengar?!"
"All right! Let's do this!"
"Are they...talking to each other?"
"Can you understand what they're saying, Caitlin?"
"Wha—?! How'd we get outside again?"
"That's not a g-g-ghost...is it?"
"Wait, Caitlin! It could be dangerous!"
  • A Mask and a Friend
"What? So you're here as part of Lear's big plan?"
"Why couldn't you leave?"
"So THAT'S why all the ghost Pokémon have been acting so aggressive toward us..."
"Come on, Allister! I want to introduce you to everyone!"
Solo Event - Pasio Gold Rush
  • The Mysterious Hikers
"Yeah, I totally met a guy like that! Two, in fact! They were brothers, if I remember right!"
"But they did give you something, right? And it was two of the same thing?"
Story Event - Summer Nights & Wishing Stars
  • The Festival Begins
"W-wait for us, Hilda!"
"No problem! I'll catch up!"
"Heh. Hilda sure is gung ho about this festival thing..."
"But it looks like N's having fun with her around. "
"I'm glad I invited them."
  • Festival Fun for Everyone
"C'mon, Hilda. Enough Pokémon lottery already."
"Was that Bea's voice I heard just now?"
"Ack! Hilda, wait up! What about the lottery?"
"Wow, Hilda's already battling! She sure has a lot of energy."
  • Summertime Memento
"I wonder where Hilda went, anyway."
"Yeah, that's definitely a possibility..."
"Yup, sounds like something you'd do."
"Oh, is this a pendant? There's a little rock attached to it."
"I hope you're not disappointed."
"Hm? Isn't that—?"
  • A Special Game
"Wait, Hilda! Maybe we shouldn't be so quick to pick a fight with them."
"They're giving out Pokémon as prizes?"
"That's weird... If the probability of finding both Pokémon is 50 percent, why isn't anyone winning?"
"That's some dirty, rotten cheating right there!"
"Do we really have to just stand here and watch this?"
  • Summer Night Sky
"Nice, N!"
"If it's three we're up against, then I'm joining you two!"
"And about that Mythical Pokémon you claimed to have as a prize..."
"*sigh* I thought that was probably the case."
"I think we already enjoyed it quite a bit."
"What was that, N?"
Special Event - Blazing Battle with Ash
  • The Final Showdown!
"The tournament is for people who have just arrived on Pasio, so we can't really do much."
"But I'm sure we'll get another chance sooner or later."
Story Event - Otherworldly Encounter
  • Poipole's Chosen Path
  • Wearing his fall outfit
"Wow! So cool!"
Story Event – We Should Battle!
  • A Fellow Battle Enthusiast
"Ah! They just started battling!"
"They had such a flashy battle, they're starting to draw a crowd..."
"Nice teamwork, all three of you!"
"Haha... You'll manage."
  • The Best Stage Ever!
"No idea..."
"A tournament, huh..."
"Why don't we join, too, Cheren?"
"Oh no!"
"I can't let it end this way, either!"
Neo Champions - A Pure and Touching Heart
  • The Unova Region's Favorite
"Well, N felt strongly that it should be you."
"When we infiltrated Team Plasma's hideout, we were able to get through it because of your quick thinking!"
"You know how to calmly and thoroughly assess what's going on around you."
  • Reaching Out Beyond Glory
"Is this some sort of strategy, maybe?"
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Hilbert
What's going on?/That's a lot of Pokémon!: "Whoa! <player>! I didn't see you there!"
"Ha ha, yeah. I was wondering what I was going to do with all these."
"Before I realized it, these Pokémon were following me."
"There aren't any wild Pokémon on Pasio, right?"
"If that's true, there must be a lot of Trainers out there looking for their Pokémon right now."
"Do you think you could help me find all of their Trainers, <player>?"
Sure!: "Great! Thank you so much!"
No way! That's way too much trouble!: "Whoa, Oshawott! Calm down! Sorry, I guess he wants you to help us out."
"You'll help me? Really? Thanks so much! I really appreciate it!"
"Let's first ask around to every Trainer we come across."
"Maybe we can find some clues that way!"
"I can't thank you enough! We were able to get all those Pokémon back to their Trainers, thanks to you!"
"But I wonder why they got separated to begin with? They all mentioned seeing some suspicious Trainers going around."
It might be those knuckleheads with the masks./Maybe there are bad Trainers about?: "Oh, you may be right. I didn't think of that possibility."
"If that's the case, maybe it was for the best that those Pokémon gathered around me."
"I've been to all sorts of regions, training my Pokémon and testing my abilities."
"Oshawott looks like he wants to get stronger, as well."
"I've had Oshawott since he was an Egg."
"I found that Egg a while back, after I had left a Samurott I had at a Pokémon Day Care."
"I think he wants to be like my Samurott. I can't blame him. Samurott is really strong."
"I want to help Oshawott and make his dream to become a strong Samurott come true."
"Seeing those Pokémon and Trainers separated from each other got me thinking."
"Trainers and Pokémon don't really do well on their own, do they?"
"Ah, sorry. Guess I'm just starting to ramble now."
"You're such a good listener that I got carried away."
"That reminds me. You want to be stronger, right?"
Yup!/No no, not stronger. Strongest!: "Then it might be a good thing that we teamed up!"
"I think we're on the same wavelength!"
"I'm sure we'll be tagging along at least until Oshawott reaches his full potential."
"I'm with you not only as your teammate but also as a friend and rival!"
"So here's to us!"
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Sygna Suit Hilbert
"Hm... I'm not finding any..."
"Have you ever seen a Genesect fossil, Roark?"
"The sand and soil that make up Pasio were brought in from all over."
"I thought maybe we could find some Genesect fossils here, but..."
"I'll do my best for Genesect's sake!"
For Genesect's sake?: "Huh? Didn't I tell you?"
Why are you hunting for fossils?: "I want to make Genesect happy."
"I want to reunite Genesect with its friends from the past."
"Ever since Genesect was restored from a fossil by Team Plasma, it has endured so much hardship."
"I wanted to do something for poor Genesect, and this is what I came up with."
"But, if someone like Roark has never seen one before, this may be quite the challenge."
"It may be a long time before we can reunite Genesect with its friends..."
"Oh, but that's all right!"
"Until we find the fossils, I'll think of other fun things to do!"
"Like, for instance, Pokémon battles!"
"Genesect was the strongest hunter of its time. I'm sure it'll be amazing in the world of battling!"
"That is, of course, if it wants to."
"Haha, sounds like it's interested!"
You two are going to make an extraordinary sync pair!: "You bet! We'll do our best to live up to your expectations!"
I'm sure you'll both be great!: "That's so kind, thank you!"
"Genesect has endured so much until now..."
"As its partner, I want to make it happy."
"I'll do whatever I can to make Genesect happy!"
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Sygna Suit Hilda
"You're amazing, Hilda! I think you really will get to a hundred at this rate!"
"Good job to you, too, Victini!"
  • Off-screen
"I guess what people say about Victini is true—that it has the power to bring victory!"
  • On-screen
"Team Plasma once caused a commotion at Unova's Liberty Garden because they were after that power."
"Hm... I'm curious, too. Maybe N would be able to figure out more from Victini."
"But you know what? Even if Victini does have the power to bring victory, Hilda's strength is the real deal."
"Coming together to create something bigger... I guess that's something you can experience with other partner Pokémon, too."
"Hilda sure loves to battle."
"Victini must think Hilda's an ideal Trainer."
"Victini has the power to bring victory, and Hilda herself is like a magnet for winning."
"They're perfect for each other as a sync pair, aren't they."
Sync Pair Story - Oshawott's Evolution
  • Before battle
"Well, we've been all over, and the highlight has been getting to battle all kinds of sync pairs."
"All right then, Brendan! Let's battle!"
"I thought I was in trouble there. If it hadn't been for Oshawott's quick thinking, you'd have had us."
"O-Oshawott?! Is this what they call Evolution?"
"I was pretty surprised in that last battle, too! I didn't realize how strong we had gotten!"
Sync Pair Story - Dewott's Evolution
  • Before battle
"Thanks! My Dewott's at peak performance right now! Something tells me it might be about time for Evolution..."
"You got it! I'm always ready for an intense Pokémon battle!"
"Thanks, Cheren! You came along just to help us with our Evolution, huh?"
"Dewott! You really are evolving!"
"Ooh, I can't wait to see what you look like once you've evolved!"
Pokémon Center
  • During sync background preview
"I can't let you get strong all by yourself!"
  • During sync background preview (Fall 2020)
"Hey! Did you prepare some candy for tonight?"
  • During sync background preview (Sygna Suit)
"I want to help my friends. Could you help me out?"
  • Random conversation
"I've been traveling all over the place, and then I was called here to Pasio."
"Traveling is good for you. You get to see new sights and meet new people and Pokémon."
"You're one of the new people I've met during my travels, you know? And I'm very happy for that!"
  • If spoken to again
"Don't you think it's kind of miraculous when we meet new people or Pokémon?"
"The world is so big, there are so many people and Pokémon that'll never meet each other..."
"And yet we've met here, and now we're talking and becoming friends!"
"I hope we can make this meeting something really special."
  • Random conversation
"I like Pokémon battles because I really want to experience the joy of victory, I guess."
"So much goes into winning a battle. You have to plan your strategy, raise your Pokémon, read your opponent's moves..."
"It just feels wonderful when you can bring all those factors together and seize victory!"
  • If spoken to again
"When we win, my Pokémon get really happy, too!"
"That goes for that frustrating feeling when we lose, too, of course."
"I think Pokémon battles are a form of communication."
  • Random conversation*
"I know my Oshawott is pretty tiny, but he's really good at Pokémon battles."
"He's defeated much larger Pokémon by using his smaller size as an advantage."
"He's the best partner I could have for my travels!"
  • If spoken to again
"My Oshawott is, what do you call it... Stoic, I guess."
"He wakes up earlier than even I do and goes out on his own to train."
"I guess he's strong because he takes battles so seriously...?"
  • Random conversation
"Even if it's a place you've been to many times before, you can discover new things if you just pay a little closer attention."
"I really enjoy looking for little secrets like that, you know?"
"You might discover a path you never saw before or meet new Pokémon. It's hard to quit exploring once you get into it!"
"I'd love it if we could go exploring together, too!"
  • If spoken to again
"Forests and mountains are fun to explore, sure, but cities can also be really exciting."
"My favorite thing to do is look for great restaurants that are off the beaten path!"
"Besides, if the Pokémon I meet seem like they're having fun, it makes me smile, too!"
  • Random conversation
"I feel comfortable when I'm with you. You're reassuring, somehow."
"So, y'know, even if you become an amazing Trainer..."
"I hope our relationship won't change. I hope we'll stay friends."
"So, uh, this is a little embarrassing, but... Let's stick together, <player>!"
  • If spoken to again
"When I watch your Pokémon battles, it makes me feel..."
"It's hard to explain. Like my heart's on fire? It makes me want to battle, too."
  • Random conversation
"I'm really looking forward to the Pokémon battles on Pasio."
"Each place has its own powerful Trainers."
"So whenever I'm going to face strong Trainers, I always wonder how far I'll be able to go."
  • If spoken to again
"Seeing you get stronger and stronger... It really makes me feel like I can't lag behind, either!"
"In other words, you are a great inspiration for me!"
  • Random conversation
"I'm a bit of a sore loser. I try not to let it show, since I don't want people thinking I'm childish."
"But that does mean I battle to win, even if it's against you!"
"You're my friend, and that's why I want to go all out in our battles! No holding grudges, even if you lose!"
  • If spoken to again
"It's like, we're together a lot...but that's exactly why I don't want to lose. Do you have that kind of competitiveness, too?"
"I guess having this kind of feeling about each other is what you'd call a rivalry."
"Well, I hope we can stay good friends—and good rivals!"
  • Random conversation (Fall 2020)
"I don't want people thinking I'm childish, but I've always been afraid of ghosts."
"So whenever I'm walking alone in the dark at night, I get so nervous thinking that I'll see one..."
"But I can't be a scaredy-cat forever, right?"
"I decided to join the Midnight Parade so I can get used to scary things."
  • Random conversation (Fall 2020)
"I saw sync pairs around town all dressed up, and everyone's costumes were great!"
"Swishing tails, glowing eyes... It was like seeing real ghosts! "
"I guess if you're going to dress up, you'll want to go all out."
  • Random conversation (Fall 2020)
"Last night, I saw a strange Pokémon walking around town."
"It had pointy ears and a large grin... Just looking at it sent a chill down my spine!"
"I think it might have been a Gengar..."
"It looked so strong, I couldn't help but shiver!"
  • Random conversation (Fall 2020)
"Haha, did I scare you? I was trying to imitate one of Mightyena's howls."
"Did I get it right?"
"I'm dressed up as Mightyena, so I figured I should play the part."
  • Random conversation (Fall 2020)
"I'm so glad I made the trip from Unova to Pasio."
"I've been able to go on a lot of adventures and have awesome battles with friends like you, <player>..."
"I even get to hang out and enjoy the Midnight Parade!"
"What more could I ask for?"
  • Random conversation (Fall 2020)
"In Unova, I met a lot of different people."
"Kind people, amazing people, strong people..."
"My countless encounters there helped me grow into the Trainer I am today."
"That's why I think the Midnight Parade will make me stronger, too."
  • If spoken to again
"Meeting people here on Pasio will definitely make you stronger."
"I hope meeting me helped you in some way! "
  • Random conversation (Fall 2020)
"You keep getting stronger and stronger, and I will, too. I don't want to lose!"
"I don't want people thinking I'm childish, but I'm a bit of a sore loser."
"I won't stop challenging you, so let's have some great battles!"
"I won't lose, so let's keep on battling each other!"
  • If spoken to again
"I think wanting to win is an important feeling."
"Because when we want to win, that's when we can have an all-out battle!"
"Let's keep getting stronger so we can have the greatest battle ever!"
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"I think friends are really important."
"Battles and training are more fun when you're with friends!"
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"Isn't this sygna suit nice? It makes me look like some sort of mechanic!"
"I'm still a beginner when it comes to machines, but it's important to look the part!"
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"I try to think back on each of my battles after they're over."
"It's always good to reflect when you lose a battle, but just because you won doesn't mean your performance was perfect."
"What do you think?"
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"Did you know that Genesect is from the same distant past as fossil Pokémon?"
"Just imagining the sorts of Pokémon that existed back then makes me excited!"
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"Do you have anything weighing on your mind, <player>?"
"If you do, don't hesitate to reach out!"
"In exchange, could I reach out to you when I need a helping hand?"
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"The cannon on Genesect is a modification made by Team Plasma."
"It isn't something Genesect originally had, and it needs regular maintenance. "
"I've been studying how machines work so someday I can take better care of Genesect!"
  • If spoken to again
"There are a few sync pairs on Pasio who are knowledgeable about machines. Are you?"
"If so, I'd be grateful if you could teach me!"
"Studying by myself is very difficult."
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"Sometimes I come across complex formulas while I'm studying machines."
"When that happens, I reach out to N for help!"
"He's really good at math!"
  • If spoken to again
"N seems to like numbers a lot. He starts talking really fast when explaining math to me."
"I can tell he's having lots of fun!"
"It makes me happy watching people get lost in their interests!"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic)
"Hey, <player>! I figured you'd be coming soon."
"Battles seem more fun when you're around. Let's do our best today, too!"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic) (Fall 2020)
"Hey, <player>! Did you get some candy for tonight?"
"You never know when someone might want to trick-or-treat!"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic) (Sygna Suit)
"I've been waiting for you, <player>! Ready to battle?"
"I'm ready when you are! Let's enjoy another day full of battles!"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)*
"Morning! Did ya eat a good breakfast? You'll feel better if you eat."
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"Morning! Sleep well? I can't wait to have a ton of Pokémon battles today!"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)*
"Good afternoon! Eating lunch made me sleepy..."
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Afternoon! Wanna go for a walk or something? Oh, and while we're at it, I also want to do some Pokémon battles."
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"Good evening! It's a nice night, right? Quiet, calm, and pleasant."
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"Evening. A day goes by fast, huh. I'm not done having fun yet!"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning) (Fall 2020)*
"Good morning! I slept really well last night after a fun day full of battles!"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon) (Fall 2020)*
"Fight or fright! I like candy AND battling, so either one is fine with me!"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening) (Fall 2020)*
"Evening. A day goes by fast, huh? I'm not done having fun yet!"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening) (Fall 2020)*
"BOO! Did I scare you? I'm planning to enjoy this night to the fullest!"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning) (Sygna Suit)
"Morning! Let's have ourselves a battle so intense, it jolts us both awake!"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon) (Sygna Suit)
"I'm going out for training after lunch. Wanna come with me?"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening) (Sygna Suit)
"Hey, great work today! Get some rest so we can have more awesome battles tomorrow!"
  • Special gift conversation
"Hey, I found something good, so I figured I'd share it with you!"
"It's best to share happiness with another person, after all!"
  • After giving out item
"I'm pretty good at finding items, since I've traveled so much."
"I'll let you know if I find anything else good!"
  • Special gift conversation (Fall 2020)
"Finally—there you are! Got a moment?"
"I have something to give you! Here, take this!"
  • After giving out item
"I got it from someone I battled, so I thought I'd share it with you."
"I'm sure you'll put it to good use!"
  • Special gift conversation (Sygna Suit)
"There you are! I've been looking for you!"
"I want you to have this. Here you go!"
  • After giving out item
"I hope it comes in handy!"
  • Challenge Unova special event intro
"We were just thinking of having a get-together with all the Trainers from Unova who are here on Pasio!"
  • Special Happy New Year 2021 log-in conversation with Bianca and Hilda
"Yeah! We'll have to do our best to stay on top of things!"
  • Challenge Unova special event conversation with Hilda and Rosa
"Well, that's nice of you to say."
"I guess no matter how much things change, Trainers will always have that passion for battle!"
  • Special Fight or Fright story event conversation with Acerola (Fall 2020) (wearing his fall outfit)
"I'm all set, too! I can't wait to get out there and see what sort of battles await us tonight!"
  • Special The Ideal Formula story event blurb
"After all this time, I can finally see him again, here on Pasio..."
  • Special The Ideal Formula story event conversation
"There's a lot of stuff I need to say to N!"
"Let's go look for him, <player>!"
"Do you really have to focus and prepare that much just to have fun at a festival?"